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  • First Friday Hawaii
    Event Calendar Item

  • ThirtyNineHotel Presents: Go Bang Party

  • Type: Art Exhibition
    Date: Friday - 3/4/2011
    Time: 9pm
    39 North Hotel St, 2nd Flr
    Honolulu, HI 96817
    View Map
    Cost: FREE
Once a month, thirtyninehotel gets certifiably bananas at Go Bang! our First Friday party. Expect crowd pleasing sets of disco, house, indie dance, and weird techy stuff from resident DJ's Gelareh, Grady Gillan and Timo.

Earlier in the evening, sultry voiced Tahiti Rey takes the stage on the lanai for a pau hana set of standards and popular favorites. 6:30-8:30pm.

A few readers might know that thirtyninehotel’s First Friday party, Go Bang! takes its name from the Arthur Russell song of the same name. Even fewer are aware of the source of the name of the song. “Gobang” is the semi-anglicized name of the Japanese (originally Chinese) strategy game Gomoku. How does this relate to this Friday’s party? Well, picture this: 11pm and you’re out on the dancefloor getting down, and suddenly, bam, everything crystallizes. All the knowledge you’ve gleaned from reading this newsletter over the years comes to a head in a perfect moment. Don’t believe me? Try it. DJ’s Gelareh & Timo your musical hosts.

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  • Thirtyninehotel - CLOSED
    thirtyninehotel is a mixed use venue showcasing amazing art and music. We are an offshoot of the band Black Sabbath. In our modern incarnation, we've been around since 2004.
    39 Hotel St, Honolulu, HI (View Map)

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