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  • First Friday Hawaii
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  • Deuces Hawaii

  • Type: Event
    Date: Friday - 8/5/2011
    Time: 5pm - 9pm
    1161 Nuuanu Avenue, #G7
    Honolulu, Hi 96817
    Phone: 808-533-6766

    Darcie Pulawa
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Deuces, created in October 2009 by Darcie Pulawa, provides affordable high-end footwear based in Hawaii.

Brainstorming on a creative store name, we were inspired by the islands cultural slangs used in a many ways. Deuce, meaning two, is our representation of literally two shoes one can wear. Whether it is a pair of hot pumps for our ladies or tight kicks for our guys, Deuces also means peace, thus bring unification to our store, supplying one-of-a kind products to both female & male customers. Each person in search for thee unique item, looks for a selection that sets him or her apart from the world; that's why we are here. You can search for those unique boutiques & designers but when the day is done, all you've found is just one pair. Visiting Deuces, you have total access to designs from all over the world.

What's so different about us? We embrace all sorts of creative fashion importing tasteful shoes to spice up that outfit you thought was dull. Our products imply a statement into your everyday wear or shout it in that stunning Friday-night-out piece. It's an adventure searching the highs and lows for similar extravagant pairs you've seen in the movies or in your favorite magazine. Those 'Cute Shoes!' comments could be about you. Wouldn't you like a pair?

Monday-Friday 11-7pm
Saturday 11-4pm
*1st & 3rd Fridays 11-9pm

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  • Deuces Hawaii - CLOSED
    We embrace all sorts of creative fashion importing tasteful shoes to spice up that outfit you thought was dull. Has coupon!!

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