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  • First Friday Hawaii
    Event Calendar Item

  • First Friday Street Art Featuring Photographer Ikaika Anderson

  • Type: Photography
    Date: Friday - 10/3/2014
    Time: 5pm - 9pm
    Honolulu, Hawaii 96817

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Photographer Ikaika Anderson Displays Works Of Art In Prints. Hawaiian Landscapes.
Prints For Sale

I have been studying art of all varieties for the better part of 20 years. Starting first inside humanistic arts such as Martial Arts and sports though may not seem artistic; it can exemplify elegance once a heightened level of ability is achieved, then continuing on into fine art. I have studied drawing, painting and even ceramics. More recently I've dived into digital media and photography with the latter being able to both capture and portray the ideals and inspirations I have to show the world. With artists like Ansel Adams, Georgia O'Keefe, Van Goh, Da Vinci etc., all the masters of the past have been an influence in one way or another into the type of work that I do now. My primary focus is to portray culture and cultural places that may be forgotten and remind the people of the world of the vast well of history that may be overlooked.

To be able to capture the heartbeat of a landscape or the sweat of a building is my overall goal within the photos I take. When venturing to a location for a photograph I take in the site first, to see what may "speak" and also to feel the atmosphere around me to be surrounded by the history that a place has. As I see these old and historic monuments I look around to see what is there that this place has to say, is it a place of sadness and sorrow? Or is it a place of joy and remembrance? When that feeling comes I utilize that emotion and try to showcase it in the image.

Overall my goal is to be able to captivate the viewer into feeling the "soul" of a landscape, to hear the waves crash along beaches, to feel the wind within the trees and also to feel a sense of nostalgia when viewing my work and then walk away with a different respect for the world around them.

-Ikaika Anderson

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