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  • Pacific Peace Forum - Seconds from disaster of Nagasaki – Film

  • Type: Special Event
    Date: Friday - 8/7/2015
    Time: 6:00 pm
    The Cathedral of St. Andrew
    229 Queen Emma Square
    Honolulu, Hawaii 96813-2304

    Phone: see below
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    Cost: Free

The Cathedral of St. Andrew & Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center

Seconds from disaster of Nagasaki -- Film

The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are a reminder of what horrors nuclear weapons can inflict. The use of the atomic bombs still excites controversy, and in particular the necessity for the second bomb on Nagasaki. The argument that it was the only way to bring a swift end to the war, and save thousands of American lives, wins the day - in public. But did President Truman have another secret agenda?

Free and open to the public

When: August 7, 2015 6:00 pm

Where: Cathedral of St. Andrew- Von Holt Room

Discussion to follow: Critics inside and outside of the United States questioned the morality and necessity of the bombings -- Share your opinions and beliefs!

In Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki "Seconds from Disaster of Nagasaki"

A film about the bombing of Nagasaki

Features in-depth reconstructions and astonishing insights into The truly momentous moments of the bombing of Nagasaki

Followed by discussion Memories of Survivors

Friday, August 7, 2015 ~ 6pm--8pm Von Holt Room, St. Andrew's Cathedral

229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI (Corner of Beretania and Alakea Streets)
*potluck supper at 6pm -- bring a dish to share

For more information, please contact: Dr. Ha'aheo Guanson (808) 330-3771 Richard Salvador (808) 220-9686


Parking: free

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