First Friday Hawaii
Event Calendar ItemHawaii State Art Museum First Friday: Art + Flea's Pop-Up & Dayton Watanabe
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Date: Friday - 10/2/2015
Time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm
250 South Hotel Street, 2nd Floor
Honolulu, HI 96813
Phone: (808) 586-0307 or
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Cost: Free

FIND ART at Hawai‘i State Art Museum
An Art+Flea pop-up market
Friday, October 2, 2015, 5--9 p.m.
Hawai‘i State Art Museum, 250 S. Hotel St.
On Friday, October 2, from 5--9 p.m., the Hawai‘i State Art Museum will play host to FIND ART at HiSAM, an Art+Flea arts and music festival on the lawn and museum grounds. Presented by the Friends of HiSAM and FLUX Hawaii, FIND ART will feature more than 20 craft and food vendors, live performances, and arts workshops by HiSAM-supported artists. The event will be a celebration of the Hawai‘i-based community of visual and performance artists that the Hawai‘i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (HSFCA) has long supported.
Art and food vendors will intermingle alongside workshops throughout the first and second floors of the museum by the Honolulu Printmakers and performances by KTUH, The Hollow Spheres, Chase Freedom, Alive & Swell, Foreseeable Futures, Tim Rose, and Dayton Watanabe. The event is hosted by funny-man Ray Lamay.
Featured vendors include Auds and Ends, Avantpop, Flotsam & Co., Retrospect Designs, Pulau Swimwear, Simply Kai Swimwear, Hidose, Ana Banana, Hokunani Swim, Recycled Surf Hawaii, Mind Over Matter, The Pineapple Hut Co., and much more! Ginger & Smoke will be barbecuing, and more food vendors to be announced.
This July marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the HSFCA and programming around this momentous occasion will continue through July 2016. On display at HiSAM's Ewa Gallery is the exhibition, "Hawai‘i: Change and Continuity," curated by Tom Klobe and more than a year in the making. The exhibition, the wing's first change since the museum opened in 2002, explores how artistic expressions define the character of Hawaii's changing society and environment and how artists reveal their aspirations and make a profound contribution toward explaining who we are. Take part in an Instagram scavenger hunt through the new exhibition for a chance to win an interisland trip to Maui on Island Air.
NEW EXHIBITION - Hawaii: Change & Continuity

Hawai‘i State Art Museum
Ewa Gallery
September 4, 2015 -- TBD
The State Foundation on Culture and the Arts will open a new exhibition "Hawaii: Change & Continuity" on September 4, 2015, at the Hawai‘i State Art Museum as part of our 50th anniversary celebrations. The exhibition will feature selected artworks from the SFCA's Art in Public Places Collection.
The 50th anniversary exhibition explores how artistic expressions define the character of our changing civilization and how artists define our aspirations and make a profound contribution toward explaining who we are.
As civilizations change, it is artistic expressions that define their character. In Hawai‘i, the creative efforts of our artists make a profound contribution toward explaining who we are and defining our aspirations. Through the works of artists we come to better know ourselves.
Hawaii State Art Museum Current Exhibitions and Collections

Current listing of exhibitions and collections at HSAM. The Hawai'i State Art Museum is dedicated to presenting the largest and finest collection of works by Hawai'i artists that celebrate the diverse artistic and cultural legacy of Hawai'i.

For more information, contact:
Phone: (808) 586-0307,Website:
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Hawaii State Art Museum
The Hawai'i State Art Museum is dedicated to presenting the largest and finest collection of works by Hawai'i artists that celebrate the diverse artistic and cultural legacy of Hawaii.
250 South Hotel Street, 2nd Floor, Honolulu, HI (View Map)
Hawaii State Art Museum Current Exhibitions and Collections
Current listing of exhibitions and collections at HSAM. The Hawai'i State Art Museum is dedicated to presenting the largest and finest collection of works by Hawai'i artists that celebrate the diverse artistic and cultural legacy of Hawai'i.
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