First Friday Hawaii
Event Calendar ItemFirst Friday @ Ong King - Art & Music Fest - Fantasmagora
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Date: Friday - 8/5/2016
Time: 7:30pm - 2am
Ong King Arts Center
184 N. King St.
(near River Street)
Honolulu, HI 96817
or 808-428-3233
View Map
Cost: Cost: 10$ (art opening free)

Ong King's Art and Music Festival
First Friday Fantasmoagora
184 N. King St. (corner of king and river, 2nd floor)
An amazing cornacopia of experience that must be lived to be believed.
Music By
Broken Eagle Talon
Dhevhan Keith
Los Pobres
Quadraphonix - Just back from European Tour
Perfmormance pieces by
John Just
Jason Tom: The Human Beatbox
Capoeira Cordao de Ouro
Emma Szad on Lyra (Arial Hoop)
Art By
SANTI - "My art is influenced by many different sources, it has always been hard to stick with one particular style. Instead I see my work as a fluid transition, from one genre to the next and I am always looking for new ways of expressing my creative impulse."
Along with Dance, Live Poetry, Live art, and Much More....
Doors open
7pm for the art discussion, and artist reception
Music/Performances start at 8:15
Free Before 8pm
$5 before 9pm
$10 after 9pm
$5 all you can drink Kava, adult beverages by donation
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Each person who enters has the opportunity to exit having gained learning, freedom and truth within themselves.
This for those on quest toward creative freedom, and artistic mastery.
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onG-kinG artS centeR
Ong King is a safe space to open up and create featuring artwork, classes, workshops,entertainment and more. Has coupon!!
184 N. King St. , Honolulu, HI (View Map)
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