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  • bambuTwo & The Venue- June 2011 Events

Contact: Sabrina Sanchez
Tel: 808.521.2903
June 2011 Events @ bambuTwo + theVenue

Wednesday, June 1 | Shopatini
at bambuTwo and theVenue
Part of the weekly Martini Night the promotion, but this time we bring in a number of chic
boutiques, featuring clothing and accessories for men and women. Three-olive martini and Red
Bull cocktail specials. Live entertainment. The fun begins at 6:00 pm.

Mondays | Monday Movie Cafe
June 6, 13, 20 & 27
at theVenue
A weekly showcase of current and often hard-to-find Indie, art house and documentary films
from around the world. All films start at 7:00 pm. Brown bag dinner and snacks welcome.
Beverages and deli items also available for sale. $10 at the door. For more information and
schedule contact Don Brown at 223.0130.

Wednesdays | Martini Nights
June 8, 15, 22, 29
at bambuTwo
Begin the week’s wind down and enjoy a chill pau hana at bambuTwo. What’s on special?
Terrific martinis, of course!! $4 Three Olive and Red Bull cocktails. Great live chill music too.
Presented in partnership with Tantrique Entertainment. Starts at 6:00 pm. Free. 21+

Friday, June 17 | 2nd Annual Aliens & Sci-Fi- and Fashion Show
at theVenue
Presented by Camera Obscura. What could be more fun? Music all night long by DJs Nightfox.
Christ and Nocturna and a alien fashion!?!? Doors open at 9:00 pm. Cover. 21+

Saturday, June 25 | Black Square
At theVenue
Black Square’s sound is a blend of ska and reggae delivered with the urgency and intensity of
punk rock. Presented by BlackCat Tattoo Studio and Down Beat Diner. Doors open at 9:00 pm.
Music starts at 10:00. Cover. 21+

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