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  • 'For the Love of Art': Art Exhibit at Pauahi Tower Gallery

For the Love of Art
Pauahi Tower Gallery
1001 Bishop Street, 2nd Floor Lobby
Honolulu, HI

This exhibit features talented artists in oil, acrylic, photography, watercolor, mixed media, charcoal. On display from December 10, 2011 to January 6, 2012.

Featured Artists

Lauren Achitoff ** - ** Steven Lum
Winette Arang ** - ** Albert Mata
Osvaldo 'Nitya' Brighenti ** - ** Tom McCluskey
Rafal Cholodzinski ** - ** Adam Medeiros
L. De Chambs ** - ** Laura Mellow
Joan Dubanoski ** - ** Anthony Mendivil
Stephen G. Dyer ** - ** John Nichols
Barbara Eberhart ** - ** Anderson O'Mealy
Edwar Eshak ** - ** Philip Riley
Osvaldo Flores ** - ** Marti Wiese Rounds
Marci Franklin ** - ** Fred Salmon, Jr.
David Friedman ** - ** Ingrid Salmon
Corinne Gallardo Mata ** - ** Sandy Sawin
Edd Tokarz Harnas ** - ** Barbara Sumida
Joey Hashimoto ** - ** Tsutomu Tomita
Sarah Hodges ** - ** Burton Uhr
Laura Isola ** - ** Linda Umstead

We had a wonderful time at the opening reception on December 13, 2011. A huge Mahalo to the talented artists who shared their works in the show: Lauren Achitoff, Winette Arang, Osvaldo 'Nitya' Brighenti, Rafal Cholodzinski, L. De Chambs, Joan Dubanoski, Stephen G. Dyer, Barbara Eberhart, Edwar Eshak, Osvaldo Flores, Marci Franklin, David Friedman, Corinne Gallardo Mata, Edd Tokarz Harnas, Joey Hashimoto, Sarah Hodges, Laura Isola, Steven Lum, Albert Mata, Tom McCluskey, Adam Medeiros, Laura Mellow, Anthony Mendivil, John Nichols, Anderson O'Mealy, Philip Riley, Marti Wiese Rounds, Fred Salmon, Ingrid Salmon, Sandy Sawin, Barbara Sumida, Tsutomu Tomita, Burton Uhr, Linda Umstead.

Congratulations to all the winners!

Artist/Art Educator Mark N. Brown selected the winners for this show and they are as follows:

Honorable Mention:'Is You A Viper?'; by John Henry Nichols;'Peak Experience' by David Friedman

3RD PLACE - 'Hukilau' by Burton Uhr

2ND PLACE - 'Manana Waters' by Barbara Sumida

1ST PLACE - 'Tropical' by Tsutomu Tomita

BEST IN SHOW - 'Looking Towards Whitmore Village' by Fred Salmon, Jr.

Exhibit Coordinator: Corinne Gallardo Mata, #271-1344

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