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Little Expenses Can Add Up To Significant Costs with Honolulu Real Estate

In this video, you learn how managing small expenses can add up to $1000's of dollars in savings in Honolulu Real Estate transactions. More...

Emotion Sells Your House - Honolulu Real Estate

The roles positive and negative emotions play in getting you the most money in you Honolulu real estate home sale. More...

What Is A 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange? Honolulu Real Estate

A brief explanation of the IRC Section 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange related Honolulu real estate. More...

A 1031 Exchange Qualified Intermediary: What is it? Honolulu Real Estate

A brief explanation of the Qualified Intermediary, QI, Accommodator, Starker and its role in an IRC Section 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange. Honolulu Real Estate More...

How Many Replacement Properties Can Be Purchased Through A 1031 Exchange? Honolulu Real Estate

This video includes a brief explanation of a Honolulu real estate "Replacement Property" in a 1031 Exchange and how many properties can replace your relinquished property. More...

How do I "Identify" My Replacement Property In a 1031 Exchange? Honolulu Real Estate

This video discusses the process of "identifying" Honolulu real estate properties to complete you IRC Section 1031 Exchange. More...

Timing Your 1031 Identification So You Are In The Strongest Position! Honolulu Real Estate

This video discusses the best timing to put you in a strong negotiating position for your replacement Honolulu real estate property. More...

What Is A Contingency? Honolulu Real Estate

What is a contingency and how can a buyer or seller use it to cancel a purchase contract in Honolulu real estate transaction. More...

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