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SDG Festival - Forum - Bringing International Initiatives To Our Islands 11/6/2015
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There will be an inter island initiative from 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. allowing for Oahu, Maui, Kauai and Hawai'i to discuss human rights and sustainable developments in our islands.
There will be community hearings featuring keynote speaker from the UN Foundation between 2 p.m. - 5 p.m.
There will also be WiTNESS Human Rights Fundamental Freedoms Forum featuring films on Human Rights in America. Also premiere of high school short documentary films featuring 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
For Immediate Release:
Bringing International Initiatives To Our Islands
UPR Recommendations & Global Goals in Human Rights & Sustainable Development
At the United Nations, there have been two major initiatives that will impact our islands in a significant, but positive way to realize human rights and establish a sustainable plan for development in Hawai'i.
Civil society and community associations have come together to host a forum that brings together all of the islands with a Human Rights / Sustainability Campus Community Dialogue at the University of Hawaii on campuses across the state beginning at 12:00 p.m. Students and citizens can hear speakers that have participated in the negotiations at the United Nations in Geneva and New York.
The second half of the program will be featured at the Hawai'i State Capitol at 2 p.m. There will be numerous panels focusing on the Universal Periodic Review of the United States of America and the specific recommendations important to islands. This will lead to a review of the new UN Sustainable Development Goals adopted on the 70th anniversary of the United Nations. The 17 Global Goals will determine the future direction of dynamic sustainable development. A viewing of creative videos produced by Hawai'i youth will represent these goals through their own viewpoint, on how it affects us and what can be done to improve our state. To conclude this portion there will be ongoing discussions about two initiatives such as; a Hawai'i Commission for Human Rights statewide instrument to promote human rights, and a Sustainable Development Strategy such as the Aloha Aina Awards for best models of sustainability in Hawai'i's leading industries.
The final part of the Capitol Event will continue on as a film festival for the 9th Annual WITNESS Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Festival featuring films highlighting Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the United States of America.
The event will conclude with active participation in the First Friday festivities providing art and cultural events that provide popular education about human rights and sustainable development in Hawai'i. Catching the interests of artists involved in the First Friday experience there is heightened awareness for both Human Rights and Sustainable Development as a whole. Mrs. Knoll features several pieces which involve the community as well as her subject pieces. In particular, her piece Sinking Ship is a comprised set of tales strung together to take a critical view on homelessness in our Islands. The mindset of this piece is that not all stories are the same, and becoming impoverished is no different. The genius of the piece is that it is interactive, where your story can be told through the art work done by Mrs. Knoll. Business Owners, Gallery Curators, Artists, Students, and Politicians alike can all see the massive changes at our doorstep as an island. And these goals are the first steps forward.
Joshua Cooper - 808 542 7204 Ranson Rivera - 808 291 4702
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