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Downtown Neighborhood Board No. 13 Meeting Minutes Posted Thursday, March 3, 2016
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THURSDAY, March 3, 2016
CALL TO ORDER -- Chair Alvin Au called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m., with a quorum of eight (8) members present. Note: This nine (9) member Board requires five (5) members to establish a quorum and to take official Board action.
Board Members Present -- Alvin Au, Anthony Chang, Jasmine Mancos, Dolores Mollring, Jonathan Saupe, Thomas Smyth, Robert Tom, and Stanford Yuen.
Board Members Absent -- Chu Lan Shubert-Kwock.
Guests -- Laurel Johnston (Governor Ige's representative); George Atta (Mayor Caldwell's representative); Councilmember Carol Fukinaga; Lieutenant Baron Lee and Sergeant Lyle Fleck (Honolulu Police Department); Firefighter Captain Corey Silva and Firefighter I Jonathan Waltz (Honolulu Fire Department); Pat Lee (Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transit); Sam Moku (Hawaii Pacific University); April Bautista (Representative Karl Rhoads representative); Paul Mallory (Michels Corporation); Allen Stack Jr. (Chinatown Improvement District); Bill Hanrahan (Mental Health Kokua), Rick Taniguchi (Honolulu Marathon); Don Murphy and Joe Felix (St Patrick's Day Block Party); Wanda Akers, Chuck Bussler, Robynne Maii, Sandy Ma, Gwen Abella, Ronald Higa, Julian Ng, Fred White, Gavin Masaki, Iris Oda; and Sharon Baillie (Neighborhood Commission Office).
INTRODUCTION OF BOARD MEMBERS -- Chair Au and the Board members introduced themselves at this time.
Honolulu Fire Departments (HFD) -- Firefighter I Jonathan Waltz reported the following:
• February 2016 Statistics -- There was 1 structure, 0 wildland/brush, 2 nuisance, and 1 cooking fire, with 7 activated alarms. There were 161 medical emergencies, 2 motor vehicle collisions with pedestrians, 1 motor vehicle crash/collision, 0 mountain rescues, 2 ocean rescues, and 3 hazardous materials incidents.
• Fire Safety Tip -- Escape Planning:
o Plan ahead and be prepared- Make a home escape plan.
o Know at least two (2) ways out of every room.
o Have an outside meeting place.
o Practice your home fire drill twice a year during the day and night with everyone in your home and use two (2) ways out.
o Teach children how to escape on their own in case you cannot assist them.
o Close doors behind you as you leave.
o If the alarm sounds- Get out and stay out. Never go back inside for people or pets.
o If you have to escape through smoke, get low and crawl under the smoke.
o Call the fire department from outside of your home.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) -- Lieutenant Baron Lee reported the following:
• January 2016 Crime Statistics -- There were 12 motor vehicle thefts, 6 burglaries, 79 thefts, 16 unauthorized entries into a motor vehicle (UEMV), 26 assaults, 2 sex assaults, 2 graffiti and 6 drug offenses. A total of 2,577 calls were placed for service.
• Safety Tips -- Automated Teller Machines
o Whenever possible utilize Automated Teller Machines inside of businesses.
o Avoid using street ATMs when it is dark.
o Be aware of suspicious persons or vehicles in the area, trust your gut feelings.
o Have your card out of your wallet or purse before approaching an ATM.
o Do not write your personal identification number (PIN) on your card and do not keep it in wallet.
o When entering your PIN, keep the numbers away from view of others
o Do not withdraw huge amounts of cash, secure money as soon as it comes out of machine, and take your receipt
o If someone demands your money, do not fight, just give up the money to the suspect and get away.
o Report all incidents to the police as soon as possible.
• Community Policing -- If anyone is interested in starting a neighborhood business security watch or a community citizen's patrol please contact Sergeant Deric Valoroso at 529-3695.
Questions, comments and concerns that followed:
1. Status -- Au asked what the status was from the meeting last week on policing around the area and Lee answered that there is a lot more added foot patrol in the area, and effort to keep the homeless in compliance with the sit-lie protocol.
2. Assaults -- Tom mentions that the statistics from last month are going down, except for assaults and wants to know what classifies an assault. Lee states that assault is when someone knowingly and intentionally injures another person, such as hitting that person.
3. Foot Patrols -- Saupe understands that these extra foot patrols are temporary and would like to know if there is an end date. Lee states that it is hard to say, that these extra foot patrols will continue in the Downtown business district/Chinatown area and the only reason why they may get pulled away is if there is something else going on in the district where they are needed, such as in the Keeaumoku area.
4. Smith Street Park -- A resident wants to know if the homeless are following the park closure rules, since he notices their belongs are still in the park. Lee says usually the homeless will take their belonging with them when they leave, however sometimes they will stash them in the bushes.
5. Stealing -- Resident Akers says that she needs help going to the store and other places, and that the same man always steals from her. She does not believe she has any rights and she is afraid to say anything since he might attacks her. Lee advises that if this happens to please call 911 and to provide as many details as possible, such as what the person looks like, what they are wearing, if they know their name. They both go to the back in order to get more information on helping Akers situation.
Neighborhood Citizen's Patrol (NCP) -- Mollring states that the group has been walking regularly, and it has been quiet lately. The NCP group is doing sign waving this Saturday, March 5, 2016 at Kekaulike Mall on King Street and everyone invited to join. Sign waving will start at 8:30 a.m. and there will be a pot luck afterwards provided by Weed and Seed.
Hawaii Pacific University (HPU) -- No report was provided.
Safe Haven -- Program Director Bill Hanrahan reported the following:
• What it is -- Safe Haven is a 25 bed residence for the severely mentally ill homeless, and they also serve 40 people through a day program, for as many as 65 clients.
• Last month -- Safe Haven was able to place one (1) person from their residence into permanent housing, along with two (2) people from their day program. One (1) resident had their parole revoked and was sent back to prison. They also facilitated one (1) persons return back to their family on the mainland.
• Hygiene center -- There are public restrooms and showers at Pauahi Hale that serve around 60 people a day. The men's showers were down for a time last month, therefore they were only able to serve around 40 people a day during this time.
Honolulu Authority on Rapid Transit (HART) -- Pat Lee reported the following:
• Completion --The Honolulu Rail Transit Project is moving forward with about seven miles of guideway construction completed.
• East Kapolei and Waipahu -- Foundation and column work has been completed from Kualakai Parkway to Farrington Highway near Waipahu High School. Crews are continuing with guideway structure, track installation and raised median work.
• Kiewit -- HART's contractor, Kiewit, has started installing new curbs and gutters along Farrington Highway for its roadway restoration work and this should be completed by end of summer.
• Operation center -- The Rail Operations Center is almost completed and should be finished in April. The first four rail cars are arriving this month. Work on the stations in Waipahu and East Kapolei is starting.
• Pearl City/Aiea -- Utility relocations, drilled shafts and foundation and column work are underway along Kamehameha Highway. The second "balanced cantilever" which will cross over H-1 is underway near the Waiau Power Plant and Sears Distribution Center. The H2R2 ramp preconstruction work is underway. The KHG station group construction contract (Pearl Highlands, Pearl Ridge and Aloha Stadium) is pending. Guideway work on the KHG segment should be completed by end of next year.
• Airport -- Utility relocations are continuing on the Airport section. The guideway and stations contract is out for bid.
• Kalihi --Crews are preparing for the temporary relocation of utilities on Dillingham to widen the roadway on the makai side of the boulevard in preparation for guideway work down the center of the boulevard.
• Contact -- For general project information, traffic updates, meeting notices and more information, please visit the website, call the project hotline at 566-2299 or email a question at
Chinatown Business and Community Association (CBCA) -- Mollring reported the following:
• Chinese New Year -- Monday, February 8, 2016 was the year of the Monkey. On Friday, January 29, 2016 there was a Chinatown block party, with a Chinatown Parade where over 85 groups participated.
• Continued Celebrations -- For the following two (2) weekends there was lots of celebrating taking place at the Chinese Cultural Plaza.
• Meetings -- On Tuesday, February 9, 2016 the monthly CBCA meeting was held. Next month's meeting will be at Empress Restaurant and is scheduled for Wednesday, March 09, 2016 from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and is open to all who would like to attend.
Chinatown Improvement District (CID) -- Allen Stack Jr. reported the following:
• Park clean-up -- There was a park clean-up at Smith Street Park which was very successful. The park is maintained more now, making the clean-up easier. There was one (1) needle found on top of a building. The people that came out for the clean-up helped paint, clean up graffiti, rack, and pick up trash. Please come to a park clean-up if you ever have time.
Arts Culture Merchants Etcetera (ACME) -- Jonathan Saupe reported the following:
• Reorganization -- ACME is still in the midst of reorganizing the group formally known as ADMA.
• Meet and greet -- There will be a mixer held on Friday, April 15, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. at the Rock Center on Hotel Street and Nuuanu Street. If you would like to attend or need more information please email
• Advertisement -- There should be new flyers, maps, and brochures coming out into the community very soon highlighting the new and old merchants in the community.
Chinatown Community Center Association (CCCA) -- No representative was present; no report was provided.
City Sewer Rehabilitation Project, Michels Pipe Services -- Paul Mallory reported the following:
• Phase 1 -- Chinatown area one (1) project is 100% installed. Three (3) lines need to be television inspected. This will take place during the day on Hotel Street between Fort Street and Smith Street and take one (1) to two (2) hours.
• Phase 2 -- Chinatown area two (2) phase is mainly on North Beretania Street to the H1 freeway between Queen Street and River Street. This phase is scheduled to be complete by Sunday, March 27, 2016.
• Setbacks -- There have been a few minor setbacks with night work and utilities. Some of the ownership of the utilities were in question so, they had to wait to figure out who was going to fix what. Bars were calling to ask if they could move around their work time because it was at night during their peak business.
Questions, comments, and concerns that followed: Thanks -- Au thanks Mallory for being such great partners in working on this project. Mallory thanks him and says that the company tries not to let complaints escalate, and that they like to mitigate any situations before it gets worse.
Public Concerns
• Nashville Waikiki -- Resident Ma states that she and her family have recently moved to the downtown area into Harbour Court across from Aloha Tower. Every Thursday, Nashville Waikiki, which is in Aloha Towers has a motorcycle promotion, where different motorcycle clubs come and they will ride their motorcycles revving the engines loudly down the road sometimes until 1:00 a.m. in the morning. This noise keeps people up and would like something to be done about it. She has contacted the police, liquor commission, and the offices at aloha towers. It was suggested she come to the neighborhood board to present her situation. Ma supports local businesses but wishes that this event would not be so late and loud. Ma will get in touch with Moku from HPU to exchange information on this situation.
• Fete -- Married couple, Chuck Bussler and Robin Maii introduced themselves to the board and let everyone know that they will be opening a restaurant on Nuuanu Street and Hotel Street called Fete slated to open either Friday March 18, 2016 or Saturday, March 19, 2016. They will be applying for a liquor license, however it is strictly for the food menu, there will be no loud music or entertainment to go along with that.
Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative -- Director George Atta of the Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) reported the following:
• Halewai'Olu -- The administration held meetings on Monday, February 29, 2016, Tuesday, March 1, 2016, and Wednesday, March 2, 2016 with representatives from different community organizations. Representative Karl Rhoads and Representative Suzanne Chun Oakland sent representatives to the meetings, as well as Councilmember Carol Fukunaga attended. There was great discussion about different idea that could be done/changed with project.
• Meetings -- There will be two (2) public meetings at the Mayor's Conference room if anyone would like to hear more about the project and put their ideas in. The first one will be Tuesday, March 8, 2016 at 4:30 p.m. and the second one will be Monday, March 10, 2016 at 4:30 p.m.
• Title VI -- The 2016 Title VI program report public hearing will be held on Friday, April 8, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. at the Mission Memorial meeting room. The Department of Transportation Services Public Transit Division (DTS-PTD) receives federal grant money every year for public transit services, and therefore is required to give a report every three (3) years on how they are improving their transit services to all citizens on Oahu.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
1. Senior housing -- Yuen would like to know if anyone from the City will be at the meeting to present and give updates on the Senior Rental Housing project. He believes that there should be a timeline on what is happening to show progress, because if there is nothing then no progress has been made. Au suggests that a representative from the board be present as the Senior Housing project meetings. Atta will take concerns back to the Mayor and Managing Director.
2. Traffic signals -- Mollring said at Hotel and Maunakea and at Hotel and Smith that the buttons on the traffic signals have been removed, the round circular thing that holds the button is no longer there so people cannot press the buttons to cross the street.
3. Sufficient -- Yuen expressed his satisfaction with the Feng Shui report prepared by Michaels Development Company, which had flyers and updates for the board members. He states that back in November 2015 the board had voted to support this project.
Councilmember Carol Fukunaga -- Councilmember Carol Fukunaga reported the following:
• Downtown TOD plan -- Resolution 15-252 which includes the Final Downtown Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) plan will be heard by the Council's Zoning and Planning Committee at the end of March 2016.
• Aggressiveness -- There is a need to have a much more aggressive plan in updating the water, sewer, and road infrastructure. We should take advantage of the transit development to build more permanent supportive housing as well as affordable housing on city and state lands which are in the TOD areas.
• Iwilei -- The area between ORNL and the Senior Development project is a potential area where there can be urban rest stops and permanent supportive housing. The goal would be to have these types of facilities in areas where people would be able to thrive and take advantage of the transit systems.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
1. Hilo Hattie -- Tom asked if there was consideration in using Hilo Hattie as a potential place for these services, in which Fukunaga replied that land was owned by the Weinberg Trust and that they were not interested at that time in using that area as a city or state program site. They need to use their revenue producing areas in order to help sustain all the good work and programs they have elsewhere.
2. Sidewalks -- A resident mentioned that he was walking in Iwailei by Kmart next to the Salvation Army and said that there were tents set up all along the sidewalk, Fukunaga states that the Department of Facilities and Maintenance (DFM) had previously come through and cleaned up the area. She will report the latest finding.
3. Methadone clinic -- Tom asked if there was any variance in the methadone clinic next to his building at Capital Place, being so close to schools. Fukunaga is unaware but will work close with Representative Rhoades and Representative Aseki to find a safe place for such services to be provided.
Governor David Ige's Representative -- Laurel Johnston reported the following:
• Taxes -- The state is behind about one (1) week right now in processing tax forms, trying to mitigate any tax fraud. Please do taxes sooner than later so process time is not delayed.
• Homelessness -- The Governor is aware of the homeless problem and will probably issue another Emergency Proclamation, this is the only way to streamline processes and get through procurement with moving money around.
Senator Suzanne Chun Oakland -- No representative was present; a report was provided.
Representative Karl Rhoads -- April Bautista reported the following:
• Leaking pipe -- Rhodes noticed there was a leaking pipe at Smith-Beretania Park and forwarded the issue to the City. The latest update is that a work order has been places to repair the leaking pipe.
• Signage -- Rhodes requested that there be signs placed throughout Chinatown directing people to the public restrooms at Pauahi Hale.
• Parking meter -- There is a broken parking ticket machine at Propark Inc. parking lot at the corner of Beretania Street and Nuuanu Avenue. The machine has run out of paper, and customers were unable to get ahold of office to report this issue. Rhoads office has forwarded the complaints they have received about this to the company.
• Art of the Capital -- Art of the Capital will be on Friday, April 1, 2016 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Representative Karl Rhoads office will be providing light refreshments.
• Bills of interest -- HB 1516 would clarify that the internet against children fee which is used to investigate child pornography is to be assessed against every defendant who is convicted of a misdemeanor or felony regardless of the nature of the offense. HB 2121 would appropriate moneys from the general fund for civil legal services for low- and moderate-income persons to be purchased by the judiciary.
Community Update on the Proposed City Affordable Senior Rental Housing -- No report was provided.
Questions, comments and concerns followed: Sufficient -- Yuen finds the building rendering attractive that was provided to Au in an email and he moves for the board to support the plan.
Yuen moved and Saupe seconded that the Downtown Neighborhood Board No. 13 support the Michaels Development Fung Shui rendering concept. The motion was adopted by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 8-0-0. (AYE: Au, Mancos, Mollring, Saupe, Smyth, Tom, Chang, and Yuen; NAY: none; Abstain: none.)
Board of Water Supply Honolulu Water System Improvements in the Downtown Neighborhood Board Area -- Iris Oda reported the following:
• Main replacements -- Main upsize replacements of 24 inches would be from River Street all the way down to Kalakaua Avenue along Ala Moana Boulevard.
• Other mains -- There are a few 16 inch and 20 inch main upgrades planned for along Cooke Street, Pensacola Street, and Piikoi Street.
• Downtown -- The downtown neighborhood boundaries are between River Street and Cooke Street. They are looking to upgrade to a 24 inch main which would connect from King Street and run through Nuuanu Stream. If there are difficulties, the alternative alignments could be down River Street that connects to another main that crosses Nuuanu Stream. As well as if this does not work another alternative would be along Nuuanu Avenue. Aloha Tower Drive would be the next alternative, then along Nimitz Highway would be an alternative as well for the main replacement routes.
• Potential start -- Potentially the project would start in the year 2020 to replace the aging water mains. The draftee is outside of the six (6) year CIP, the design and construction would come later.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
1. Night work -- Au stated that night construction could potentially disrupt the over 10,000 resident's livelihood, as well as the businesses during the day and would like to see a number provided so that these people can call about their concerns. Oda stated that with every project they do, they inform the residents and provided a number to call. Resident now can call the Board of Water Supply (BWS) and someone would pick up day or night.
2. Shutdown -- Saupe wants to know how much of a traffic shutdown effort would take place, Oda says there are no plans right now, but they will have traffic plans in the future and usually when there are projects like this there is one lane traffic, allowing ingress and egress to places.
3. Rail -- Tom mentions that the rail is coming in 2020 as well and this would be a perfect storm with the two different projects going on Oda says that they try to facilitate and coordinate with different projects that are going on.
4. Necessary -- Yuen notes that replacing aging pipelines is a necessary evil and that he appreciates being informed, and would like the BWS to come back and give updates. Oda states that she would be happy to come back to give updates as plans progress on the project and gets further along.
St. Patrick's Day Block Party -- Don Murphy (Owner of Murphy's) and Joe Felix (General Manager, O'Toole's Irish Pub) reported the following:
• Celebration -- There will be a St. Patrick's Day Block Party, Thursday, March 17, 2016, starting at 11:00 a.m. outside/near Murphy's Bar and Grill.
• Street closures -- King Street to Nimitz Highway will be closed, as well as Marin Lane, and Merchant Street between Nuuanu Avenue and Bethel Street. Closures will start around 5:30 p.m. lasting until 10:00 p.m.
• Music and food -- Live music will stop playing at 10:00 p.m. The parking lot at Murphy's will have a lot of different food to eat, there will also be a Keiki tent from noon to 6:00 p.m. with crafts for the children.
Questions, comments and concerns followed: Conscientious -- Yuen thanks Murphy's and O'Toole's for making a great effort to mitigate any foreseeable issues when they put on these events. Yuen has been to some of these block parties and there is always a great time to be had.
Yuen moved and Mancos seconded that the Downtown Neighborhood Board No. 13 support the St. Patrick Day Block Party. The motion was adopted by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 8-0-0. (AYE: Au, Mancos, Mollring, Saupe, Smyth, Tom, Chang, and Yuen; NAY: none; Abstain: none.)
Annual 2016 Honolulu Marathon Half Marathon (Hapalua) -- Rick Tanaguchi reported the following:
• Half marathon -- On Sunday, April 10, 2016
• Participants -- There are 6,300 people signed up for the event thus far, and of that 5,000 are local participants.
• Street closures -- Nimitz Highway will be closed from 4:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m., a special traffic lane will be made from Smith Street to Aloha Tower to accommodate Aloha Tower requirements as well as HPU housing requirements allowing ingress during those times. Marin Towers has access throughout the event on King Street, and during the event they are only able to exit through Maunakea Street. Some residents at Harbour Court and Harbour Square will be locked in from 5:30 a.m. to 7:15 a.m.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
1. Notifications -- Au wants to know if the resident manager of Harbour Court knows about these closures and if he is communicating this to the residents, in which Tanaguchi states that the resident manager knows and has sent notices to the residents in the past about these closures.
2. Fireworks -- Saupe asks if this year there will be a firework start, and Tanaguchi says there will be no firework start, that is only for the Honolulu Marathon which takes place the second Sunday in December.
Discussion to Schedule the Downtown Neighborhood Board meeting at the Hawaii Pacific Aloha Tower -- Sam Moku reported the following:
• Right space -- People from the board should come down to Aloha Towers to check out the spaces to see if it is the right place to be in. There will be a one (1) year test run with no fees, and would be on the first Thursday of each month.
• Space -- The space where the board meetings would take place would be in multi-purpose room #2, which is right next to two (2) 24/7 security office located in the tower itself. The restroom is right next door as well for easy access.
• Parking -- Parking would not be free. There would be a $5 dollar fee after 4:0 p.m., however they can set aside some spots for Olelo and some stalls for handicap as well.
• Boat days -- There is a boat day on Thursday, October 6, 2016, where all of the parking is closed off and homeland security takes over, therefore parking may be an issue for that meeting day.
Questions, comments and concerns followed: Subcommittee -- Au wants to form a subcommittee to check out the space at Aloha Tower. Mancos, Saupe, and Smyth volunteer to go check out the space. Au would like to be at the new meeting space by June, so long as the Neighborhood Commission Office approves the facilities contract once the neighborhood board approves the move.
Mancos moved and Mollring seconded that the Downtown Neighborhood Board No. 13 support the forming of a subcommittee to check out the Aloha Towers meeting space. The motion was adopted by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 8-0-0. (AYE: Au, Mancos, Mollring, Saupe, Smyth, Tom, Chang, and Yuen; NAY: none; Abstain: none.)
Discussion to amend the name of the Downtown Neighborhood Board as the Downtown Chinatown Neighborhood Board
• Signatures -- Au notes receiving rules and regulations from the Neighborhood Commission Office in order to change the board's name. One (1) stipulation needed, is a petition with 100 signature on it. Mancos states we should table the discussion until the next month's meeting when board member Shubert-Kwock is back, since she is the one who really spearheaded the effort.
APPROVAL OF January 7, 2016 and February 4, 2016 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES -- The Board approved the January 7, 2016 and February 4, 2016 meeting minutes by UNANIMOUS CONSENT as amended, 8-0-0. (AYE: Au, Mancos, Mollring, Saupe, Smyth, Tom, Chang, and Yuen; NAY: none; Abstain: none.)
February, Page 2: "Mollring noted that cashiers have come up to her and noted that people at Sun Yat Sen Park have put a refrigerator there and have been seeing people pull electrical wires to operate the refrigerator." Should read, "Mollring noted that cashier has come up to her and noted that people at the park by the YMCA and across from Royal School have put a refrigerator there and saw people pull electrical wires to operate the refrigerator."
February, Page 4: "Safe Haven currently has two (2) grants and aids. One (1) with the Institute for Human Services (IHS) and Councilmember Carol Fukunaga. With the help of the grants and aids…" Should read, "Safe Haven currently has two (2) grants-in-aids. One (1) is with the Institute for Human Services (IHS) through funding from Councilmember Carol Fukunaga. With the help of the grants-in-aid…"
February, Page 9: "Yuen asked to please keep Mayor Caldwell informed and asked if Executive Secretary of NCO Shawn Hamamoto to be in favor of the project and the neighbors meeting." Should read, "Yuen asked to please keep Mayor Caldwell informed and asked if Executive Secretary of NCO Shawn Hamamoto could take this message back to mayor and managing director."
February, Page 9: Should read, "… Councilmember Fukunaga asked to respond to NB Member Yuen's comments as they pertained to City Council action. She noted that she had no control over the introduction of the resolution (authorizing the Mayor or his designee to enter into a development agreement between the City and Halewai'olu Senior Development LLC), as specified in Department Communication 758 (City Council Docushare listing); however, she was aware that the City Council Chair wanted community concerns addressed by the developer.
Chair's Report -- Au stated he received an email from the Downbeat Diner and Lounge owner about making a presentation at April's meeting on an even titled, "Sailor Jerry Festival" on Saturday, June 11, 2016. HART will have a presentation at April's meeting about the segment work that will be going on in the neighborhood.
Neighborhood Commission Updates --Tom shares that there are discussions pertaining to City's neighborhood boards. There may be some major structure changes to neighborhood boards, who votes, who is on the board, and how big the boards are. These are ongoing between City Council and Administration, nothing has been confirmed, but there may be some major changes in the neighborhood board structure within the next six (6) months.
Treasurer's Report -- Treasurer Mollring reported a remaining balance of $154.95. The report was filed.
Next Meeting -- The next Downtown Neighborhood Board No. 13 meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 7, 2016, at the Pauahi Community Center at 7:00 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT -- The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Submitted by: Sharon Baillie, Neighborhood Assistant I
Reviewed by: Neil Baarde, Neighborhood Assistant II
Final Review by: Chair Alvin Au
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