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Downtown Neighborhood Board No. 13 Meeting Minutes Posted Thursday, June 2, 2016
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CALL TO ORDER -- Chair Alvin Au called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. A quorum was established with eight (8) members present. Note: This nine (9) member Board requires five (5) members to establish a quorum and to take official Board action.
Board Members Present -- Alvin Au, Dolores Mollring, Jonathan Saupe, Thomas Smyth, Robert Tom, Anthony Chang, Jasmine Mancos, Chu Lan Shubert-Kwock and Stanford Yuen (arrived at 7:10 p.m.)
Board Members Absent -- None
Guests -- Lauren Johnston (Governor Ige's representative); Director George Atta (Mayor Caldwell's representative); Councilmember Carol Fukunaga; Lieutenant James Ferrel and Sargeant. Clinton Corpuz (Honolulu Police Department); Captain James Hull, Firefighter Aubrey Burris, Firefighter Bates and Firefighter Goddard (Honolulu Fire Department); Representative Karl Rhoads; Greg Payton (Mental Health Kokua/Safe Haven); Pat Lee and Jiro Sumuda (HART); Randal Ikeda (YMCA); Sam Moku and Clarence Noube (HPU); James Logue, Kendrick Farm, Ronald Higa and Calvin Deguchi (Residents); Chris Acosta (Neighborhood Commission Office).
INTRODUCTION OF BOARD MEMBERS -- Chair Au and the board members introduced themselves at this time.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) -- Firefighter Aubrey Burris reported the following:
• May 2016 Statistics -- There were 0 structure fires, 0 wildland bush, 3 nuisance fires, and 3 activated alarms. There were 186 medical emergencies, 1 motor vehicle collision with pedestrian, 6 motor vehicle crash/collisions, zero mountain rescues, three ocean rescues, and zero hazardous material incident.
• Fire Safety Tip -- The Honolulu Fire Department encourages every family to take the necessary steps to prepare for the hurricane season that runs from June through November. Everyone should have plan in place, a survival kit, and a way of staying informed on impending disasters. Additional information can be found on the City and County of Honolulu's Department of Emergency Management's website at
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Curb Painting -- Captain Hull followed on a concern from last month's meeting. As per Department of Transportation Services (DTS), curves in front of fire hydrants are not required to be painted red. Curbs that are required to be red are in front of bus stops and passenger loading zones. Any vehicles park on a red curve zone, can be towed and cited by HPD.
Board member Stanford Yuen arrived at 7:10 p.m.; nine (9) member present.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) -- Lieutenant James Ferrel reported the following:
• May 2016 Crime Statistics -- There were seven (7) motor vehicle thefts, sever (7) burglaries, 73 thefts, nine (9) unauthorized entries into motor vehicles (UEMV), 22 assaults, one (1) sex assault, zero (0) graffiti, and eight (8) drug offenses. A total of 2,316 calls were placed for service.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Crime Stats- Roberts stated that he appreciates the crime statistics that HPD reports every month, but feels that the report doesn't give enough information and would like to know where in the district the crimes are happening, who's responsible, and the outcome.
2. Bicycles- Smyth had a concern about bicycles riding on sidewalks in downtown, why it's not allowed in Waikiki but is allowed in Downtown, Smyth believes that the rules should be the same in Downtown.
3. Drug Deals- Mollring stated that she witnessed some vehicle drug deals happening in her neighborhood, she took some photographs of this vehicles and would like to end this illegal activities.
4. Cameras- Shubert-Kwock would like to know if the cameras in Chinatown are working. She also stated that she sees a lot homeless drinking on sidewalks and HPD is not doing to stop them.
Neighborhood Citizen's Patrol (NCP) -- Mollring reported that the group has been walking when it's not raining and it's been quiet in the neighborhood, Mollring would like to invite everyone to join the patrol, every Tuesday at the Diamond Head side of Kukui Towers.
Hawaii Pacific University (HPU) -- Sam Moku reported the following:
• Welcome: Moku would like to welcome the Neighborhood Board to the HPU Aloha Tower campus.
Safe Haven -- Greg Payton reported the following:
• What it is -- Safe Haven provides residential services to the homeless, with 25 beds.
• Last Month -- Two (2) people moved out into more independent living, with one (1) discharged into other permanent housing and two (2) bypassing Safe Haven and went directly to permanent housing. Three (3) people from the streets were able to be placed directly into permanent housing.
• This Year -- From January 2016 through April 2016 Safe Haven has been able to place 30 individuals, with hopes of placing 70 individuals into housing this year.
• Hygiene Center -- One (1) of the bathrooms at the hygiene center at Pauahi Hale is closed because of a faulty shower mechanism, steps are being taken to repair this issue.
• Renovations -- Payton mentions Councilmember Fukunaga is organizing a group of people to come out to Pauahi Hale on Saturday, June 25, 2016 to help paint the building. The roof of Pauahi Hale needs to be replaced, bids are currently out for replacement of the roof, and estimated construction to replace the roof is June 2015.
Honolulu Rail Transit -- Pat Lee reported the following:
• Improved Mobility- The roads and freeways are often congested, limiting our community's mobility. The rail transit system will be able to move thousands of people per hour without taking away the already limited highway and road space we have now. More than 60 percent of Oahu's population and 80 percent of its employment is located within the rail transit corridor (20 miles long and 4 miles wide, stretching from Kapolei to urban Honolulu). Rail would serve major employment centers in Pearl Harbor and downtown Honolulu and connect activity centers such as the Honolulu International Airport, Aloha Stadium, several college campuses (UHWO, LCC, HCC, HPU, UH Medical School), Pearl Ridge Mall, Ala Moana Center and Ward Villages.
• Reliability- The fully automated, elevated system will be separated from general vehicular traffic so, if you need to be at work by 8:00 a.m., you'll arrive at work by 8:00 a.m., even if there are traffic accidents, stalled cars or bad weather.
• Improving- The Economy. Construction of the rail line creates thousands of jobs a year on average and increases state and city revenues. Development around rail stations (TOD) can potentially infuse the local economy with billions of dollars during the coming decade.
• Protecting Our Environment- Rail transit can be powered by electricity from renewable sources, and eliminate tens of thousands of car trips every day that would otherwise be taken on Oahu's roads. As the state moves towards its goal of 100% energy from renewable sources, rail transit will use this green energy and reduce the need for new highways, and less dependence on imported oil.
• Sustainable Growth- It is vital that improved infrastructure is in place to support planned growth, especially in West Oahu. Rail will help focus growth in designated areas of urban Honolulu and Kapolei, and take the pressure off more housing development in areas like windward Oahu and the north shore -- helping to "keep the country, country."
• Fairness and Social Equity- Rail transit is affordable for working families, seniors, and students. Many island residents, some of whom are too young, too old, or unable to drive or afford to own a car, are depend on the bus to get to work, to school, and run daily errands. A bus-rail multimodal transit system will improve commuting for all public transit users. Rail transit, as part of an overall public transportation system, is a way to enhance Honolulu's quality of life, by easing traffic congestion, enhancing our economy, reducing pollution, and providing greater mobility for us and future generations.
For general project information, traffic updates, meeting notices and more information, please visit the website, call the project hotline at 566-2299 or email a question at
Question, comments and concerns followed:
1. HART Building- Mollring reported that there's a building owned by HART near Koolau market that can be the perfect place to put a public restroom, rest station, and laundry. She believes that this building can solve the homeless problem that they have in Downtown.
2. HART Completion- Tom had some concerned about the completion date of the HART Project. Chair Au stated that he appreciates what Lee does to the board and stated that the HART project needs to be completed as planned.
Chinatown Business & Community Association (CBCA) -- Shubert-Kwock reported the following:
• Meeting: CBCA had its May Monthly meeting Empress Restaurant on May 10, 2016 at 8:30 am. To 10:00 a.m. Next Meeting is June 14, 2016 at the same place and time.
• Dr. Sun Yat Sen- On November 12, 2016 there will be a dedication ceremony at Foster Gardens to commemorate the 150th Birthday of Dr. Sun Yat Sen who successfully overthrew the Manchurian Ching Dynasty on October 10, 1911. Dr. Sun was educated at Punahou and Iolani and formed his revolutionary ideas of democracy and government while in Hawaii and where he obtained the greatest financial help form the Chinese in Hawaii. He founded the Republic of China based on these principals. Hawaii and China have a long history of friendship and roots since many Chinese came from the Zhongshan region like Dr. Sun. Chu Lan are pleased the City Council has appropriated $150,000 for this effort.
• Dr. Sun Yat Sen Statue- The Dr. Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park at Hotel and Bethel Street received a $250,000 funding to fence the park and the relocation of Dr. Sun Yat Sens statue.
• Joint Fact Finding (JFF)- The CBCA was concerned about the appointment of Mr. Peter Adler to the City Ethics Commission. Chu Lan believes that Mr. Adler to be a bias and unfair individual.
• Kamehameha Parade- Chu Lan will be participating at the 2016 Kamehameha Day Parade, Chu Lan was selected as the United Chinese Society's Chinese Model Mother of the Year in 2015.
• River Street Senior Housing- The "Halewaiolu" development agreement was approved by the City Council.
• Mahalo Party- The CBCA will be hosting a Mahalo and Appreciation Party for Senator Suzanne Chun-Oakland on November 12, 2016 at Empress Restaurant at 6:00 p.m. Please contact Ernie Loo at or Chu Lan at for more information and reservation.
Chinatown Improvement District (CID) -- No representative was present; a report was not provided
Arts Culture Merchant Etcetera (ACME) -- No representative was present; a report was not provided.
Public Concerns -- Don Murphy reported the following events coming up:
• 11th Annual Hawaii Children' Cancer Foundation Fundraiser: June 25, 2016 from 6:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
• 20th Annual UH Football Pigskin Pig-out: August 18, 2016 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
• 4th Annual Hawaii Literacy Fundraiser: September 15, 2016 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
• Murphy's 29th Anniversary: November 17, 2016, TBD
• Murphy's 30th Annual Ronald McDonald Gift Wrap: December 8, 2016 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative -- Director George Atta reported the following:
• Blocked Parking Stalls: A supervisor from Division of Urban Forestry (DUF), Department of Parks and Recreation, invested the concern of the coning off of metered parking stalls during the tree trimming work at the Smith Beretania Neighborhood Park. The DUF supervisor contracted the private contractor, regarding the pruning of eight (8) City monkeypod tress along the above-mention location. The private contractor's supervisors stated the "No Parking" signs were place on Monday, April 18, 2016 and were removed when the pruning work was completed on Wednesday, April 20, 2016. Neither DUF nor the contractor is aware of who was responsible for the signs the complainant observed After April 20, 2016. Department of Facility Maintenance was not involved with the tree maintenance at Smith Beretania Park and did not block the parking stalls for the crew/equipment.
• Restroom: Officers at the Chinatown Police Substation do their best to prevent persons from misusing the public restroom while also affording the public the privacy and toiletry conveniences that they need. Users of the restroom are required to leave their bags outside and only one person is allowed at time. The Toiler in this restroom is similar to the typical residential toilet, the HPD District One (1) has submitted a request to the Department of Facility Maintenance (DFM) to install a commercial/industrial toilet with a stronger flush and made to withstand heave use and tougher condition.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Dragon Decal- Shubert-Kwock is concerned about the Dragon Decal at Kekaulike and North King Barnes junction. Chu Lan is requesting to have the Department of Transportation Service (DTS) repair the decal, since it was just recently donated to the City and County of Honolulu and installed by the Chinatown Business and Community Association (CBCA) this last April 2016.
2. Curb- Shubert-Kwock stated that the curb on Maunakea and North Street (mauka/Ewa corner) is damaged. It needs to be repaired.
3. Hotel/Kekaulike Crosswalk- Shubert-Kwock stated that this crosswalk is extremely faded. It creates a safety problem. Many people have already died. Chu Lan mentioned a number of 18 deaths, she mentioned that the issue of faded crosswalks creating safety problems was not only at this location but at least 6 other places in Chinatown. They should all be repainted.
4. Sidewalk- Mollring stated that the Beretania/Smith intersection fronting Honolulu Towers the sidewalk is smashed.
5. Trip Hazard- Mollring stated that in Beretania Street, in front of Safe Haven across from Kukui Plaza. The sidewalk is uplifted creating a trip hazard.
Councilmember Carol Fukunaga -- Councilmember Fukunaga reported the following:
• Sewer Upgrades: A budget of $10.8 million dollars has been allocated to plan, design and replace the existing sewer systems throughout the Chinatown area
• Natural Disaster Awareness: A Natural Disaster Awareness for Senior Caregivers was held on Saturday, June 04, 2016 at the Moanalua Middle School Cafeteria. The four (4) house course is designed to enhance the caregiver's awareness of vulnerability factors associated with senior citizens. The participants learned how to identify, prepare, and perform a number of support activities that will ensure the safety and security of senior citizens when a natural hazard event occurs.
Governor David Ige's Representative -- Laurel Johnston reported the following:
• Board and Commission: The Governor is currently looking for volunteers to join the State of Hawaii Boards and Commissions. For more information please visit
Questions, Comments and Concerns followed: Homeless- Shubert-Kwock is concerned about the homeless populations growing and the homeless trashing the area that they set their camp in. Shubert-Kwock also stated that the State needs to do more about it.
Representative Karl Rhoads -- Representative Rhoads reported the following:
• House Bill (HB) 2559: This bill is designed to get more effective help for the many mentally ill homeless people in the district. This bill will make it easier to keep the mentally ill on their medication if they are a danger to themselves or other.
• Homeless: The office received a complaint regarding the homeless encampment on Smith Street along Smith-Beretania Park, the complaint has been forwarded to HPD
• American Disabilities Act (ADA): Follow up on a complaint regarding the curb ramp on Nuuanu Avenue at Chaplain Lane being too steep and not ADA compliant. The complaint has been forwarded to the Department of Design and Construction (DDC) and DDC stated that the curb ramp has been added to their list of project curbs to be replaced in the area.
Thomas Square Park: Chris Dacus of Historic Parks and Projects made a presentation about the history, renovation and beautification of the Thomas Square Park in Makiki.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
1. Security- Shubert-Kwock is concerned about security to the park and the bathroom, against from the homeless breaking and messing up the bathroom. Dacus believed that it's a good idea and will consider it for consideration.
2. Homeless- Tom is concerned about the park being a new place for the homeless to camp.
3. Statue- Saupe inquired and Dacus answered about the material that will be used to make the Kamehameha III statue. Dacus stated that the statue will be bronze.
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) World Conservation Congress: Randy Tanaka of IUCN made a presentation of what the IUCN is and what the IUCN is doing. The IUCN World Conservation Congress brings together leaders and decision-makers from government, civil society, business, and academia, with the goal of conserving nature and harnessing the solutions it offers to global challenges. IUCN Conservation Congress is held every four (4) years and this year it will be held in Honolulu, Hawaii at the Hawaii Convention Center. The convention is scheduled on September 1-10, 2016 and is expected to have six to eight thousands participants. September 2-10 is opened to the public, for more information about the IUCN World Conservation Congress, please visit
Discussion about the Honolulu Charter Commission to abolished the Neighborhood Board System:
• Information: Honolulu Charter Commissions proposal to abolish the Neighborhood Board System.
Shubert-Kwock moved and Mollring seconded to advise the Honolulu Charter Commission that the NB #13 is opposed of the elimination of the Neighborhood Board System
Discussion Followed:
• Technology- Mollring stated that the elderly is not proficient enough to handle and work all of this new gadgets that our coming out. Mollring also stated that the neighborhood board system is the only way that some of the elderly citizens can have a face-to-face conversation with their elected official.
• Budget- Shubert-Kwock stated that the budget for the Neighborhood Commission Office (NCO) and the Neighborhood Board System should get increased to help the individual board and do more for the neighborhood.
• Interaction- Chang stated that most of the government elected officials offices are only open to a certain time and the neighborhood board meetings is the only way that some working citizen can interact with their elected officials.
• ‘Olelo- Smyth stated that some people don't realize that some of this neighborhood meetings are televised and feel that the board should broadcast and make it known to the public to increase the awareness.
Shubert-Kwock moved and Mollring seconded to advise the Honolulu Charter Commission that the NB #13 is opposed of the elimination of the Neighborhood Board System. The motion was adopted by UNANIMOUS CONCENT 9-0-0. (Aye: Au, Chang, Mancos, Mollring, Saupe, Shubert-Kwock, Smyth, Tom, Yuen) (Nay: None) (Abstain: None)
APPROVAL OF MAY 5, 2016 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES -- The board approved the MAY 5, 2016 regular meeting minutes by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, as amended 9-0-0 (AYE: Au, Chang, Mancos, Mollring, Saupe, Shubert-Kwock, Smyth, Tom, and Yuen; NAY: none; ABSTAIN: none).
Chair's Report -- Au stated that it's very comfortable and cool at the new meeting place and is thankful to the HPU staff for letting the Board use the facility.
Other Liquor License Applications or Street Closure Events -- Au noted the following:
• Liquor: One (1) liquor application; DQMARC LLC, 1160 Maunakea Street, Category No. 1 License.
Comments, questions and concerns followed: Liquor Commission- Shubert-Kwock stated that she would like to contact the liquor commission and ask for a list of applicants and their contact information, who are applying for a liquor license in the Chinatown-Downtown neighborhood so that the NB#13 can invite the applicants to the board meeting and have the individuals introduce themselves and the business that they're trying to established in the district.
Shubert-Kwock moved and Saupe seconded that Downtown Neighborhood Board No. 13 request for the Executive Secretary, Shawn Hamamoto, to write a letter to the Liquor Commission asking to provide a list of liquor license applicants and the contact information of the applicant to the Downtown Neighborhood Board No. 13. The motion was approved (8-0-1). (Aye: Yuen, Mollring, Saupe, Shubert-Kwon, Tom, Mancos, Chang, Smyth) (Nays: None) (Abstain: Au)
Treasurer's Report -- Treasurer Mollring reported a remaining balance of $94.62. The report was filed.
Next Meeting -- The next Downtown Neighborhood Board No. 13 meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 7, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Hawaii Pacific University Aloha Towers, Multi-Purpose Room No.2
ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m.
Submitted by: Chris Acosta, Neighborhood Assistant I
Reviewed by: Neil Baarde, Neighborhood Assistant II
Finalized by: Chair Alvin Au
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