First Friday Hawaii
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Hawaii Forgiveness Project - A new series of workshop discussions - First meeting this Friday, October 7, 2016
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Compassionate Communication
the Next Step in Forgiveness
This Friday at St. Andrew's
Part of the "Reconciliation" Series
A reminder: this Friday at 6:00 pm, we welcome Chris Miller to our ongoing work, discovering the source of reconciliation in our community.
Chris is an experienced practitioner of Compassionate Communication, an art and science of deep listening that can help to resolve deep heart and soul conflicts.
We'll also consider sustainability, as a key method of expressing the inner will to compassion in our community.
There are many outstanding practical projects in Hawai'i, and you are invited to come and discuss sustainability projects in which you're involved, to invite support from the Forgiveness network.
Chris' practice is an extension of the work of Marshall Rosenberg, and has attracted 250,000 practitioners around the world, who work in conflict situations to find profound and enduring answers.
There is an active group here in Hawaii, which you can read about on this website. The work of Chris Miller and is described here.
You can learn more about Chris and his approach by from this outline.
All are invited to this complimentary meeting, and you are welcome to join us for some moments of refuge and reflection in the beautiful surroundings of St. Andrew's, at the edge of downtown Honolulu.
Complimentary meeting, open to all
Friday, October 7, 2016
6:00 pm. to 8:00 pm.
St. Andrew's Epsicopal Church
229 Queen Emma Square,
downtown Honolulu, HI 96813
Von Holt Room
Park in the Church lot; enter off Beretania
and go around the church to the right.
Hawai'i Forgiveness Project
Celebrating forgiveness in all its religious, artistic, personal,
judicial, educational, social and political forms.
A free monthly meeting is held on the first Friday
of each month, subject to changes in notice.
An annual festival is held on the first Sunday
in August each year.
Questions? Ready for an appointment?
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