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Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board Meeting September 2017 Minutes
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CALL TO ORDER - Presiding Officer Robert Tom called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Quorum was established with seven (7) members present. Note: This nine (9)-member Board requires five (5) members to establish a quorum and to take official Board action.
Board Members Present - Alvin Au (arrived at 7:40 p.m.), Ernest Caravalho, Kevin Lye, Dolores Mollring, Willis Moore, Chu Lan Shubert-Kwock, John Smiley, and Robert Tom.
Board Members Absent - Lori McCarney
Guests - Acting Captain Mark Bates (Honolulu Fire Department); Sergeant H. Chi and Lieutenant J. Ferrell (Honolulu Police Department); Laurel Johnston (Governor Ige's Representative); Councilmember Carol Fukunaga; Megan Muramatsu (Mayor Caldwell's Representative); Pat Lee (Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation); Senator Karl Rhoads; Honglong Li (Department of Transportation Services); Sam Moku, Raynalyn Aceladuk, Megan Simon, Maureen Gante, and Xyra Gonzales (Hawaii Pacific University); Greg Payton (Safe Haven); Nicole Reid (Arts, Culture, Merchants, Etc.); Emmanuel Zibakalam, Brittany Kalepa, Allan Silver, Peter Pao, Melvin Jadulang, Randall Jadulang, Ronald Higa, James Lyon, and Stacey Gray; and Sultan White and Relley Araceley (Neighborhood Commission Office).
INTRODUCTION OF BOARD MEMBERS ??? Vice Chair Tom and the Board members introduced themselves. Vice Chair Tom reminded the individuals present to speak into the microphone when wishing to speak.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) - Acting Captain Mark Bates reported the following:
• August 2017 Fire Statistics - There were 8 nuisance fires, 2 structure fires, 1 cooking fire, 6 activated alarms (no fire), 161 medical emergencies, 2 motor vehicle collisions with pedestrians, 4 motor vehicle crashes, and 3 ocean rescues.
• Fire Safety Tip - Hiking Safety: HFD recommends that hikers following basic safety tips (H.I.K.E. S.A.F.E.):
o Hike with a partner or a group and have a plan. Each member of the group should carry a cell phone, water, and flashlight in case the party becomes separated. The group should establish where to meet if the members become separated.
o Inform someone of where you're going and when you plan to return.
o Keep a cell phone, flashlight, and whistle with you on every hike, even short day-hikes.
o Eat well, stay hydrated: carry plenty of water. Recommended: 2 liters of water per person, per day.
o Stay on the trail. Abide by all posted signs and do not hike in closed or dangerous areas.
o Ask for help early; do not delay. A minor/moderate health or medical issue can be easily exacerbated by hiking up steep trailsÑknow your limits and pay attention to how you're feeling.
o Familiarize yourself with the area, use a map and consult government-sponsored websites.
o Expect changes in the weather and terrain; bring appropriate footwear and clothing.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) - Sergeant Chi reported the following:
• August 2017 Crime Statistics - There were 9 motor vehicle thefts, 4 burglaries, 58 thefts, 28 unauthorized entries into a motor vehicle (UEMVs), 24 assaults, 5 sexual assaults, 1 graffiti incident, and 9 drug offenses. A total of 2,390 calls were placed for service.
• Safety Tip - Hurricane Preparedness: Hurricane season usually occurs during the summer and fall months of the year and lasts from 1 June to 30 November every year. However, there have been instances where tropical storms and hurricanes have formed through December. Your disaster supplies kit should contain enough of the following items to last for five (5) to seven (7) days:
o Water: One (1) gallon of water per person per day for five to seven days for drinking and sanitation.
o Food: Non-perishable food that does not require cooking. Popular local foods such as Spam, corned beef, and Vienna Sausages are recommended.
o Eating Utensils: Plates, mess kits, forks, and chop sticks. Don't forget a can opener for canned goods.
o Radio: Battery-powered or hand-cranked radio with NOAA Weather alert.
o Light: Flashlight and/or a portable fluorescent light.
o Spare batteries: Check annually.
o First Aid: Get a good kit and consider enrolling in a certified first aid course.
o Whistle: Important for signaling for help. A whistle carries much further than the human voice and uses less energy than yelling.
o Dust Mask: Helps to filter contaminated air.
o Sanitation: Moist towelettes, garbage bags, and plastic ties for personal sanitation.
o Tools: Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities; duct tape.
o Maps: Local area maps.
o Prescription: Special medications and glasses.
o Baby: Infant formula and diapers.
o Pets: Pet food and extra water for your pet.
Questions, comments and concerns that followed:
1. Arrest: Shubert-Kwock praised HPD for the arrest of the youth in Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Park.
2. Fire Lane: A resident raised concerns about HPD parking in the fire lane during the meetings. Lieutenant J. Ferrell responded that they are not parked in a fire lane. They are also on the clock on official police business, and have parked thusly so that in case of an emergency they can get to their cars immediately. The resident said that fire codes still apply. Shubert-Kwock suggested a temporary parking sign for the police.
3. Bus and Bike Lane: A resident asked for better enforcement and signage for the bike and bus lane on Hotel Street, noting that cars also drive in the lane. Consideration was requested for additional signage at intersections where cars may enter the street (Hotel at King, River, Maunakea, Smith, NuÔuanu, Bethel, and Bishop).
4. Bikes: Shubert-Kwock raised concerns about bicyclists riding on the sidewalk. Tom asked if bike accidents have increased since the Biki launch. Lieutenant Ferrell responded that there have not been any increases, just more media coverage.
5. Fine: Shubert-Kwock asked how much the fine is for cars in the bike lane. Lieutenant Ferrell said that officers usually give warnings, but the fine is $97.00. Shubert-Kwock asked the fine for using cell phones in the crosswalk. Lieutenant Ferrell responded that the fine is $35.00, and that there will be a month-long educational period. Shubert-Kwock asked how much the fine is for using phones in the car; it is $297.00.
6. Statistics: A resident asked for statistics on citations. Lieutenant Ferrell said information could be found on
Neighborhood Citizen's Patrol - Mollring reported that a graffiti artist was arrested on Sunday 3 September 2017 at Longs Drugs.
Public Concerns - There were none.
24th Annual Hawaii Children & Youth Day - Allan Silva reported that the event will be on Sunday 1 October 2017 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the State Capitol and Surrounding Capitol District. Admission is free; join for food, fun, entertainment, and educational activities for the entire family. Punchbowl Street, between King and Beretania Streets, will be temporarily closed for the event from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. that day. Please visit or email for more details.
Shubert-Kwock moved and Mollring seconded that the Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board No. 13 support the 24th Annual Hawaii Children & Youth Day. The motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 7-0-0; (AYE: Caravalho, Lye, Mollring, Moore, Shubert-Kwock, Smiley, and Tom; Nay: None; ABSTAIN: None).
Neighborhood Commission Office Update - Relley Araceley reported that the Neighborhood Commission continues to examine ways to promote the Neighborhood Board System and increase public awareness. Our efforts to promote Neighborhood Boards include members of the Neighborhood Commission Office (NCO) visiting various community centers, parks, churches, and businesses in communities across the island. We post posters and leave flyers that promote the area Board and include meeting dates, times, and locations. If any members of the Board or community know of additional places where posters or flyers can be placed, please contact us on (808) 768-3710 or contact your respective Board's Neighborhood Assistant.
The NCO is, additionally, working on an online training program to serve as an education resource for current and prospective Board members. The training program will review the three major governing documents of the Neighborhood Board System: the Neighborhood Plan, Robert's Rules of Order, and the Sunshine Law. This program will serve as an aid to outline responsibilities, procedures, and duties of the Neighborhood Board and its members.
We are also currently working in conjunction with the City and County of Honolulu Department of Information Technology (DIT) to create a new section of our website that will pertain to adopted Resolutions. This new feature of the website will allow the public to access and view all passed resolutions, organized by Neighborhood Board. The NCO feels it is essential for the community to be able to readily view the requests, desires, and sentiments as expressed through resolutions of Neighborhood Boards across the island. Please feel free to visit our website at
Lastly, the NCO is always looking for additional ways to increase awareness of the Neighborhood Board System. Presentations are continually being made at various community organizations and meetings across the island. The more people we can get involved, the more influence our meetings can carry. If you feel there are any organizations or community groups that would be willing to hear more about the Neighborhood Board System, please feel free to contact us on (808) 768-3705 or email
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Detail of Minutes: Tom asked how detailed the minutes must be. Araceley responded that it states in the Neighborhood Plan that the minutes must be a true and accurate summary of the meeting. The Secretary is allowed to write the minutes and give to the Chair for final review. Whatever comes back to the NCO will be reviewed before circulation.
2. Recording: Shubert-Kwock asked if there are recordings of the meeting and Araceley responded affirmatively.
City Department of Transportation Services Informational Notification of Changes and Increase - Honolulu City Council approved a bill for a one-time increase on city bus fares. City Council members say the price hike is needed because a city policy requires that between 27% and 33% of its revenue come from bus fares. The increase would help recover more funds. Starting 1 January 2018, an adult one-way fare will increase from $2.50 to $2.75. Adult monthly passes will increase from $60 to $70. Senior citizens will also see higher prices; a two-year pass will increase from $60 to $70. An informational notice was circulated to the Board members; no presentation was made.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Fare Increase: Caravalho asked if a still-active bus pass would carry over after the fare increase. There were no representatives present to answer.
Status Update on Complete Streets Bulbouts located on Pauahi Street - Hong Li, from the City Department of Transportation Services (DTS), reported that DTS has made modifications to the bulbouts based on community feedback. He circulated before-and-after pictures to the Board. Some delineators were removed and the blocks were moved closer to the corner.
Chair Au arrived at 7:40 p.m. Eight (8) members present. Presiding Officer Tom passed the gavel to Chair Au.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. City Council: Mollring asked why DTS ignored the City Council's vote to remove the bulbouts. Li responded that the project was made to address pedestrian safety concerns. Chinatown cannot remain a car-centric community. Moore said that City Council could not stop them.
2. Historical Preservation: Caravalho said that the bulbouts were unappealing and not in line with Chinatown's historical preservation classification. Li replied that they are in accordance with historical classification.
3. Petition: Shubert-Kwock said that the bulbouts should be pulled out. There is a petition with 2,800 signatures demanding the removal of the bulbouts.
4. Illegal Parking: Lye said that by removing some delineators and moving the blocks, illegal parking has resumed. If local merchants desire parking in these areas, lobbying should occur to reregulate such and permit legal parking. Li responded that a City ordinance prohibits that.
5. Traditional Use Spaces: Shubert-Kwock said that there should be a loading zone in the middle of each block. There should also be a loading zones that double for passengers and commercial activity called Traditional Use Spaces.
6. Removal: Tom said that the bulbouts bring people closer to the street and make it more dangerous when vehicles are turning. Tom asked what it will take to remove the bulbouts. Li responded that the Director is looking at all aspects of the project.
7. Final Project: A resident noted that that the current bulbout design is temporary and that the final project, as it appears online, looks much better. Note was also made that it is untoward to raise one's voice to public officials when such cannot defend themselves.
Biki (Bike Share) Station located on Maunakea Street near North King Street - As Lori McCarney, CEO of Bikeshare Hawaii, was absent, the Board moved straight into discussion.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Move: Shubert-Kwock said that this Biki station should be moved across the street to its originally planned location at the park.
2. Finances: Mollring asked how much money the City was losing in parking revenue, since the Biki station takes up two (2) parking spaces.
3. Monument: Mollring said that it is disrespectful to have a Biki station right next to the monument in Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Park; people are riding over it.
4. Safety: Caravalho raised safety concerns about having Biki stations on the street. Chair Au said that the locations are moveable every year and that Lori McCarney, CEO of Bikeshare Hawaii, is amicable to comments.
5. Sidewalks: A resident raised concerns about people riding bikes on the sidewalk. Chair Au said that riding bikes on the sidewalks is prohibited in Downtown and Chinatown. The Board has been asking about signs, but they have not gotten any productive responses from DTS. Lye suggested that there could be a reminder displayed on the Biki kiosk screen to each user upon Biki rental in pertinent areas that biking is not permitted on sidewalks.
6. Vandalism: A resident asked and Chair Au answered that there has not been much vandalism to the bikes.
Discussion on Cinco De Mayo Festival - Chair Au said that there were several infractions by the promoter of the event.
Bob Tom left at 8:14 p.m. Seven (7) members present.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Letter: During the August 2017 meeting of Neighborhood Board 13, Shubert-Kwock had asked Secretary Lye to draft a letter about the 2017 Cinco De Mayo event to be sent to Honolulu Liquor Commission, Department of Transportation Services, and Honolulu City Council, reflecting the Board's displeasure about the event, the lack of a follow-up report from the event promoter to the Board, and requesting closer monitoring of such events. She said that there was no post-event report made to the Board. A letter was drafted by Lye and circulated to members of the Board for review during August 2017; the requested intended distribution list for said draft letter was subsequently expanded to include Senator Rhoads and Representative Holt.
2. Post-event Report: Nicole Reid noted that there was a post-event report filed with another city agency, but it was very short. The Board can request same from the Liquor Commission. She said that the Board should actually review the report before asking for a change in policy.
3. Dead Issue: Mollring said that they have been discussing this issue long enough. If they try to throw a party again next year, the Board can take care of it then. Chair Au said that such events require a huge amount of money up front. If the event is not successful, organizers will not get their money back. The events are costly and they are occurring less frequently.
Hawaii Pacific University (HPU) - No report was given.
Safe Haven - Mental Health Kokua was founded in 1973 as a non-profit Hawaii corporation, of which the mission is to assist people with mental health and related challenges to achieve optimum recovery and functioning in the community. CEO Greg Payton reported that 71 people have been placed into permanent housing in 2017 so far. Safe Haven moved to 126 Pauahi Street in September 2017. A handout was circulated.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Staying Behind: Chair Au raised concerns about some Safe Haven clients not moving to 126 Pauahi Street. Payton responded that some clients did not want to leave. He said that he hopes that area does not revert to how it was before Safe Haven moved in.
2. Return to Mainland: Lye asked about the source of funding for return travel to the mainland as noted on the provided handout. Payton noted that funding for such arises from government sources as well as private donations to Safe Haven.
3. River Street: Shubert-Kwock raised concerns about more homeless people coming back to River Street. She said it smells like urine. Payton replied that while Safe Haven has been in the process of relocating, their outreach has not been as robust as usual. Safe Haven will soon increase its outreach. Payton also said that the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) program is hopefully to be initiated in October 2017, which should help.
4. Bathroom: Shubert-Kwock asked and Payton answered that there was no funding for the public bathroom renovation.
Honolulu Rail Transit (HART) - HART representative Pat Lee reported that he thanks the State Legislature for passing Senate Bill 4 (SB4), which provides additional funding to complete the 20-mile, 21-station rail project to Ala Moana Center. We also thank those of you who participated in the process. SB4 authorizes the City to extend the general excise tax (GET) surcharge for three years to 31 December 2030, and was approved by the City Council and the Mayor. SB4 also decreases the surcharge gross proceeds retained by the State from 10% to 1%, and allows the Director of Finance to pay revenues derived from the surcharge to a Mass Transit Special Fund administered by the State Department of Budget and Finance. It specifies that funds can only be allocated for capital (construction) costs of the rail project. The bill increases the statewide transient accommodations tax (TAT) by 1% (from 9.25% to 10.25%) for 13 years from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2030 and allocates revenues to the special fund. It requires the State Auditor to conduct an audit and annual reviews of HART. It requires the State Comptroller to certify HART's invoices for capital costs. The bill also appropriates funds to administer the State oversight and requires the Senate President and House Speaker to each appoint 2 non-voting, ex officio members to the Board of Directors of HART. The rail system is the nation's first fully automated, driverless system. It is elevated and uses a third rail for electrification. The third-rail power system is being energized for dynamic train testing, the purpose of which is to determine train propulsion and braking, stopping at the correct spot at the station boarding gates, and other design characteristics. Trains will be tested on the guideway daily between Leeward Community College and the Waipahu Transit Center station for approximately six months. Safety precautions are being employed in light of the danger of the electrified third rail. HART plans to open the first 10 miles (from Aloha Stadium to East Kapolei) for revenue passenger service in late 2020 or early 2021. The full 20-mile system's operation to Ala Moana Center is pending the completion of the CCGS segment. HART's new Executive Director and Chief Executive officer is Andy Robbins, a veteran transit professional with substantial experience in public passenger urban rail, rail equipment, infrastructure, construction management, and systems integration, and is also a specialist in driverless transit systems similar to the system being built here. He started with HART on 5 September 2017. For general project information, traffic updates, meeting notices, and more, please visit, call the project hotline on (808) 566-2299, or email a question to
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Sign: Shubert-Kwock raised concerns about there not being a "Sidewalk Closed" sign at the River of Life construction site.
Arts, Culture, Merchants, Etc. (ACME) - Nicole Reid reported that Hawaii Five-0 will again be filming soon in Chinatown, which will have an impact on the neighborhood. The Taste of Chinatown event was a success. ACME supports the Goodbye to Ugly campaign. ACME also supports, which has a Best of Chinatown contest.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Hawaii Five-0: Chair Au said that Hawaii Five-0 is welcome, but they need to be flexible as far as businesses are concerned.
2. Closed Storefronts: Lye raised concerns about the impact of shuttered, dark, or otherwise non-illuminated storefronts in Chinatown after recently speaking with a Hotel Street business owner. Reid reported that ACME is requesting that landlords keep their spaces nice. ACME has also made requests to Department of Facility Maintenance to illuminate City-owned properties.
Chinatown Improvement District (CID) - In Lee Stack's absence, Shubert-Kwock reported that the Taste of Chinatown event went well, but CID wishes they received more funding from the CityÑperhaps to secure tents. Nearby bulbouts may have made it difficult for some vendors to transport their wares to designated areas.
Chinatown Business & Community Association (CBCA) - Shubert-Kwock warned the public to be careful of purse-snatchers. She also encouraged the public to attend the Chinatown Heroes Banquet on 29 October 2017 at Golden Palace; tickets are $39.00. She reported that Empress Restaurant has closed.
Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative - Megan Muramatsu from the City Managing Director's Office provided updates on questions from the prior meeting.
• Crosswalk Timer Glitch: All crosswalk timers have been repaired.
• No Biking on Sidewalk Signs: A specific street name and/or intersection in Chinatown is needed in order for DTS to conduct an investigation.
• Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Park: The "bunker" is a vault that houses the electrical system for the irrigation and lights in the park. We hope to reduce the size of the vault by replacing it with a more appropriate housing unit. DDC has a project underway to only install fencing around the park. The project will not remove the bunker or do any landscaping work in the park. The fencing project will start in the next two months.
• Homelessness/Drug Users: From 1 July 2017 to 13 August 2017, District 1 (Central Honolulu) officers made 24 drug arrests, issued 450 warnings and 7 citations for sit-lie violations, and issued 193 citations for pedestrian mall violations. Officers will continue to diligently patrol the area, both on foot and in sundry vehicles. We encourage members of the public to call 911 upon observation of any criminal or suspicious activity so it can be immediately addressed.
??? First Friday Bus Schedule: Buses are detoured from Hotel Street to eliminate safety conflicts with pedestrian activity related to the First Friday event. Although the event area encompasses only a portion of Hotel Street, buses are unable to negotiate turns necessary to provide partial service on Hotel Street. This is a monthly event, familiar to regular bus riders; bus operations on Hotel Street cease after the afternoon peak service period. Since most of Hotel Street is limited to bus operation, it is not necessary to close the street for the safety of event attendees.
• Sidewalks: DFM road crew patched the uneven sidewalk area temporarily to provide a smoother transition. Sidewalk reconstruction on Maunakea Street and on Smith Street will be performed under contract for the West Honolulu area, tentatively scheduled for second quarter of 2018.
• Pothole: Road crew patched potholes on Maunakea Street on 12 August 2017.
• Tree Wells: : On 21 August 2017, a nursery worker of the Division of Urban Forestry (DUF), Department of Parks and Recreation, inspected the tree wells at the noted addresses and also at 1 North King Street in Downtown Honolulu. The uneven wells were backfilled to make them even with the adjacent sidewalk. DUF will inspect the wells on Kekaulike Mall and will backfill, as necessary, by 30 September 2017. The empty wells will be evaluated for suitability for replanting; if appropriate, replacement trees will be planted as resources become available.
• Wayfinding: While Chinese characters and distance measurements on wayfinding signs were carefully considered during the design process, wayfinding system design experts' advice is to keep the signs simple and uncluttered. The wayfinding signs pilot project in Chinatown is testing a larger system, and the signage is intended to be neutral and consistent throughout the rail transit corridor. Chinese characters (and other languages) take up space that would otherwise provide more destination information. Chinese and other languages will be available through a wayfinding app on smartphones. Distance measurements take up space rather than simply point the user in the right direction. Time estimation to the nearest rail transit center will be provided in the future. Since this is a pilot project, community feedback on whether to add other languages, distance, or other information will be considered in other neighborhoods.
• City Spaces in Chinatown: The Dept. of Land Management (DLM) will work with the two departments currently responsible for City land assets and buildings (BFS and DFM) to improve the City's leasing of vacant spaces in Chinatown.
• Sidewalk Ramp: Reconstruction of the curb ramp to address the steep slope condition is unable to be performed by DFM. Discussion with DDC indicated that although the ramp slopes are steeper than ADA guidelines, the ramp slopes fall under the court's usability criteria. Therefore, the ramp is not on the City's transition plan to be reconstructed, and anyone wanting the curb ramp to be reconstructed would need to submit a filled curb ramp request form to DDC. DDC also indicated that this intersection is in the downtown Complete Streets project area, which is looking at installing bulb-outs at downtown street corners to shorten pedestrian crossing distances.
• Storm Drain on 1245 Maunakea Street: The DFM road crew supervisor will check the storm drain and will schedule a crew to clean when resources become available as needed.
• Bus Bench: DTS staff are monitoring conditions at the bus stop at Hotel and Smith Streets to determine whether the incidence of unsanitary and unsavory activity can be adequately monitored and addressed. If so, then DTS will consider returning the bench to this bus stop.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Statistics: Shubert-Kwock requested statistics on drug arrests; Murumatsu replied that she will follow up.
Councilmember Carol Fukunaga - Councilmember Fukunaga circulated a handout which highlighted condo fire sprinkler legislation, Chinatown bulbout removal, and Zhongshan City-Honolulu friendship ties.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Bulbouts: Shubert-Kwock thanked Councilmember Fukunaga for Resolution 17-205, CD1, and stated that bulbouts were making businesses close or slow down. Councilmember Fukunaga said that DTS needs to be considerate of the people impacted.
Governor David Ige's Representative - Laurel Johnston, Deputy Director of the Department of Budget and Finance, circulated a newsletter which contained information about public trust, homelessness, outstanding employees of the State, and sustainability.
Shubert-Kwock left at 9:12 p.m. Six (6) members present.
Representative Daniel Holt - A representative from Representative Holt's office circulated a handout highlighting Senate Bill 4.
Senator Karl Rhoads - Senator Karl Rhoads reported that the Ewa mauka corner ramp at Richards and Hotel Streets is too steep, the bench at the bus stop on the makai side of Hotel Street at Smith Street has been removed leaving nowhere for seniors to sit, homeless individuals are taking over the bus stop at Chinatown Gateway Plaza, and urban noises are detrimental to health. Reports have been submitted to the proper City offices. If anyone has any ideas on new legislation for next year, please contact Senator Rhoads on (808) 586-6130 or
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Support Animals: Lye raised concerns about emotional support animals being approved on residential accommodation request forms by individuals who have met neither the applicant nor the pet. Senator Rhoads said they are getting around to that issue.
2. Noise: Caravalho said that noxious noise levels near his residence typically start when Chinatown bars are closing. Senator Rhoads said that the Liquor Commission has a hotline.
APPROVAL OF 3 AUGUST 2017 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES - The 3 August 2017 regular meeting minutes were APPROVED by UNANIMOUS CONSENT as amended.
Amendments include the following:
1. Representative Holt was not present.
2. Clarification of a committee name and inclusion of mention of Chinatown-specific individuals as noted within Councilmember Fukunaga's memorandum to the Board.
3. Amended file by Secretary Lye as submitted to the Board on 17 August 2017.
Chair's Report - The Old Spaghetti Factory requested a Category 1 standard liquor license on 28 September 2017. Chair Au stated that the public can email him if they want to be on the agenda.
Neighborhood Commission Updates - No report was given.
Office of Information Practices Report - No report was given.
Treasurer's Report - No report was given.
City and County Affairs - No report was given.
Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization (OMPO) - No report was given as last month's meeting was canceled.
Next Meeting - The next Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board No. 13 meeting is scheduled for Thursday 5 October 2017 at Hawaii Pacific University, One Aloha Tower Drive, Multi-Purpose Room 2 at 7:00 p.m.
Neighborhood Citizen's Patrol - The Neighborhood Citizen's Patrol meets each Tuesday on the Diamond Head side of Kukui Plaza at 8:00 p.m. Please consider joining the patrol and supporting its efforts to express service and pride in our Downtown-Chinatown community.
Olelo - Broadcasts of Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board No. 13 meetings are scheduled for every third Thursday as well as the second and fourth Saturdays of each month on Channel 54.
ADJOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 9:26 p.m.
Submitted by: Sultan White, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Anela Kekoolani, Neighborhood Assistant and Kevin Lye, Secretary, Downtown-Chinatown Neigh-borhood Board No. 13
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