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  • Support Local Artists and Storytellers - Attend the May 10th FEAST!


Join us for the May 10th FEAST to support local artists!FEAST is a community dinner held quarterly, at which attendees pay to attend a catered reception, and a portion of that payment is set aside as a prize. While attendees eat, mingle, and imbibe, different artists showcase their work and explain their proposed public art project. After the presenters are finished, attendees vote on which artist's project they wish to award the prize. TheupcomingFEAST will be held on: Thursday, May 10th from 6-8 pm, at the ARTS at Marks Garage.

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See details below on how to be a presenting artist at FEAST and have your artwork featured at the ARTS at Marks gallery space in June 2018.



The May 10th FEAST event will be founded in advocacy. Artists are challenged to reflect on a current challenge in their community and produce meaningful artwork that embodies this community-issue. Topics can include, but are not limited to: houselessness, Native Hawaiian and indigenous rights, youth empowerment, violence, and environmental concerns.

FEAST is seeking artists to demonstrate the issues facing their community throughtwo ways:

1. Exhibit

The ARTS at Marks Garage is providing the opportunity for one artist (or collective group of artists) to showcase their artwork fromJune 1-15th. Artists are asked to fill the gallery with artwork that is relevant, meaningful, and highlightsacommunity-based issue. Guidelines for the gallery spaceare included below.

2.Public Programs & Activism

In addition to producing artwork relevantto a community-based issue, we are asking artists:Ifyou had appx. $500-$1000, how would you support the issueyou are highlighting in your artwork through additionalpublic programs and advocacy to further engage community?Programs and advocacycould include, but are not limited to: Community panel discussion, film screening, workshop or performance event, online blog, or even sponsoring a local non-profit.

Three artists will be selected to present at the May 10th FEAST. Selected artists will be asked to provide ashort (5-7 min) presentation on:

  • The type of artwork that will be included in the gallery space. Presenters are asked to provide a visual example of what they plan to include in the gallery - this could be done by displaying images, videos, oreven aphysical replica of the proposed artwork. Please note, artists are not expected to produce their entire gallery show by the FEAST event - only a few examples are expected to be displayed during the presentation.
  • How proceeds from the FEAST event will be used to shedmore light onthe community-issuethrough public programs and advocacy.

After the three presentations, attendeesat the FEAST event will vote on their favorite proposal. The winning artist will be given the opportunity to showcase their artwork in the ARTS at Marks gallery in June 2018, andwill be a awardeda portion of the proceeds from the event tosupport their idea for advocacy (appx. $500-$1000).

Interested artists should submit their proposals tohawaiifeasting@gmail.comby midnight on Tuesday, May 1st.Proposals should include:

  • Description of their proposal (700words or less - should include a description the type of artwork they are proposing for the gallery space, the community issuethey are shedding light onwith their gallery pieces, as well as their idea for activism)
  • Description of how their proposal will positively impact the community (100 words or less)
  • Evidence of past work (can send either website link, or work examples under 4 MB)

Artists will informed byWednesday, May 3rdif they have been chosen to present at the May 10thFEAST. Submissions will be chosen on the creativity of their proposals, and impact on the community-at-large. The more details artists can provide about their idea, the better. Please send any inquiries

Galley Guidelines:

Any 2-D or 3-D physical medium is welcome (paintings, photography, sculptures, etc.) as long as the artist's work is able to be showcased in a gallery space. Artists should aim to fill the entire gallery space. The dimensions for the gallery are included below:

Nest Space (exterior walls):

- 97" L x 90" H: Wall #1 (facing west/entrance)

- 95" L X 90" H: Wall #2 (facing south/street)

Hanging Window Walls - (3x):

- 8' x 4 ‘ (two-sided, facing inside & facing street)

Makai Wall (facing north/towards performance space):

- 13' L x 97" H

Mobile Box Walls - (2x):

- 4' L x 98f91d6f8-7288-493b-a0a4-a2f4e40a79a8.jpg7" H

There are also pedestals available for display of 3-D artwork. Artists will be responsible for installing (by June 1st) and destalling their artwork (by June 16th).A photo andlayout of the ARTS at Marks Garage gallery space is also included below:




Hawaiʻi FEAST is an event platform that supports place-based and public artwork through community financing and social networks. FEAST empowers artists to create a sense of place within their communities through creative expression. FEAST is built solely upon community resources; Local artists produce ideas for public artwork and community members take part in the decision making process of selecting projects and financing these projects.

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