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Downtown/Chinatown Neighborhood Board Meeting April 2018 Minutes
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CALL TO ORDER - Chair Au called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Quorum was established with eight (8) members present. Note: This nine (9)-member Board requires five (5) members to establish a quorum and to take official Board action.
Board Members Present - Alvin Au, Ernest Caravalho, Kevin Lye, Lori McCarney, Dolores Mollring, Willis Moore, Chu Lan Shubert-Kwock, Robert Tom.
Board Members Absent - John Smiley
Guests - Captain Sean Arakaki and Firefighter Mark Bates (Honolulu Fire Department); Sergeant Keliikipi, Officer Schimdt, Lieutenants Lambert and Ferrell (Honolulu Police Department); Laurel Johnston (Governor Ige's representative); Diana Ronquillo (Senator Karl Rhoads' office); Councilmember Carol Fukunaga; Megan Muramatsu (Mayor Caldwell's representative); Darrell Young and Puni Chee (Department of Transportation Harbors Division); Pat Lee (Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation); Nicole Reid (ACME); Lee Stack (Chinatown Improvement District); Greg Payton (Safe Haven); James Logue (CBCA); Jackie Boland (AARP); Allen Stack, Elizabeth Stack, Rick Keene, Ronald Higa, Glenn Yamasaki, Clare Ann Ronquillo, Serena Hashimoto, Kevin McDonald (community members); Harry Cho (Neighborhood Commission Office).
INTRODUCTION OF BOARD MEMBERS - The Board members introduced themselves. Chair Au reminded those present to speak into the microphone when addressing the Board. Member Caravalho addressed comments made during the March 2018 meeting of the Board. Chair Au reminded Board members to review the Neighborhood Plan regarding political activity, standards of conduct, conflicts of interest, and disclosures.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) - Captain Arakaki reported the following:
• March 2018 Statistics: There were 7 nuisance fires, 1 cooking fire, 9 activated alarms with no fire, 178 medical emergencies, and 2 motor vehicle crash/collisions.
• Safety Tips - Fire Sprinklers:
o Fire sprinklers respond quickly and effectively to fire, often extinguishing the fire prior to the department's arrival
o Fire sprinklers can save lives and property from fire. In 2014 the National Fire Protection Association found that sprinklers reduced fire deaths by 83% and property loss in homes by 69%
o Common fire sprinkler myths:
Myth: All fire sprinklers will go off at once. Fact: Systems are designed so the sprinkler head closest to the fire is activated.
Myth: Fire sprinklers cause a lot of water damage. Fact: Typically, sprinklers utilize 13 to 19 gallons of water per minute. Firefighting hoses employ water flow at least ten times that of a sprinkler.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) - Lieutenant Ferrell reported the following:
• March 2018 Statistics: There were 22 motor vehicle thefts, 7 burglaries, 58 general thefts, 24 unauthorized entry into motor vehicles, 24 assaults, 6 sex assaults, 3 drug-related incidents, and 2,502 total calls for service.
• Safety Tips - Pedestrian Tips:
o Be safe and be seen. Make yourself visible to all drivers.
o Be smart and alert. Avoid dangerous behaviors.
o Be careful when crossing. Look before you step.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
1. Crimes: Board member Shubert-Kwock stated that she has been noticing many crimesÑincluding drug abuse and theftÑoccurring near Maunakea Street. Board member Mollring stated that elders are being targeted by criminals. Chair Au suggested that there be more foot patrol officers near Smith Street and Pauahi Street. A community member suggested more foot patrol officers in City parks.
2. Patrol Increase: Board member Lye asked about the timetable for Downtown-Chinatown to benefit from Chief Ballard's plan to return HPD staffing and patrols to full capacity. Lieutenant Ferrell stated that Chief Ballard does have plans to increase the number of officers. However, this will also be dependent on new hires and staffing of qualified applicants. Pursuant to an impetus from the Chinatown Business Watch meeting with Chief Ballard on 3 April 2018, Lye asked and Lieutenant Ferrell estimated that the starting base annual salary for new HPD officers exceeds $61,000.
Neighborhood Citizen Patrol - Board member Mollring reported the following: March Updates: The neighborhood citizen patrol is taking photographs and making notice of any concerns. It was suggested that the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) fill in the missing soil within planters to keep the ground level from Kekaulike Mall to Walmart. Up to four (4) to five (5) inches of soil may be missing from some areas at Fort Street Mall.
Public Concerns
1. Ô lelo Broadcasting: Community member Higa stated that Ô lelo will be changing some of the channels through which they broadcast beginning Tuesday 1 May 2018. [Note: subsequent information presented by Ô lelo on suggests that this might not indeed be the case.]
2. Open letter: Board Member Lye advised fellow members of the Board of hard copies of an unvouched message of concern about civility and social order left earlier in the evening by community member Yamasaki and distributed to the Board; the letter appears to also have been sent to other state and county elected officials.
3. Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Park: Community member and owner of Sin Lounge Kevin McDonald stated that the fence behind his establishment enclosing Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Park is being locked at 10:00 pm. This encompassed the designated Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) entrance for his business and is also a fire exit. He suggested that the gate either be left open, or that tenants should be provided a key to the lock on the gate.
4. Hapalua: Chair Au stated that the Hapalua half-marathon will take place on Sunday 8 April 2018 at 6:00 am. Smith Street will be closed from Nimitz Highway to South King Street.
HPD Project HELP - Lieutenant Lambert reported the following: Project HELP is a Health Efficiency Long-term Partnership project which will address and improve homelessness in Downtown-Chinatown. Many citations have been given in the past with little success to fixing the issue. HPD is striving to improve its knowledge about addressing mental disabilities or past drug use. During the 50-hour Project HELP pilot, HPD has taken 20 individuals to shelters and has connected roughly 100 individuals to service providers. Additional data will be available by May 2018.
Request for Street Closure, First Friday Mural Installation Community Block Party - Nicole Reid reported that beer and wine will be permitted only in the closed-street area. No egress of beverages will be permitted from the liquor establishments to the public street. Security personnel for the street closure will stay on duty until 3:00 am to ensure safety. The event is scheduled from 7:30 pm to 12:00 am. In the past, Department of Transportation Services (DTS) would re-route buses as drivers vocalized fear for pedestrian safety. To protect clients, the streets must be closed. Re-routing buses at the least impactful time was suggested by DTS. Total costs amount to $4,500, and other businesses have spent $2,500 to prepare and produce this upcoming event. The goal of this event is not to make money; rather, it is an event which brings people together through music, live performances, art installations, and dancing. The streets are closed to accommodate alcohol-serving establishments upon reaching full capacity and the inherent limits of otherwise only being able to serve patrons within said establishments. Only beer and wine will be served outdoors, with an alcohol content of 6.2% for beer and 14.5% for wine. Alcohol will be served until 10:00 pm. There will be live music on the streets facing the mountains. We are trying to benefit our business community through arts, culture, and socialization.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
1. Profits: Board member Mollring asked how the profits will be divided between the business owners. Reid stated that costs are projected to be higher than revenues. A full financial disclosure will be presented to the Board if requested.
2. Support: Chinatown business owner Hashimoto stated that the event will bring the community together and be a positive event for residents, visitors, and business owners.
Board member Shubert-Kwock MOVED and Board member Caravalho SECONDED a Motion for the Board to support the First Friday Mural Installation with liquor sales to end by 10:00 pm. The Motion was APPROVED by majority vote, 6-1-1 (AYE: Caravalho, Lye, McCarney, Mollring, Moore, Shubert-Kwock; NAY: Tom; ABSTAIN: Au).
Cinco de Mayo Block Party - This event has been cancelled; no discussion transpired.
Kapalama Container Terminal Project Update - Howard Chee and Darrell Young reported the following:
• Port Hawaii, our lifeline: The "hub and spoke" system reaches six (6) islands. Every resident relies on the necessities that arrive through the harbors. Hawaii imports 80% of its goods, 98.6% of which move through the Port Hawaii commercial harbor system.
• The Hub, Honolulu Harbor: Currently there are 1.5 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) of cargo, 200 acres of container yard, 30 major berth facilities, five (5) linear miles of mooring space, high on-site cargo density, and 7,000 TEUs per container-yard acre within Honolulu Harbor, and it is nearly 75% denser than analogous facilities in Seattle or Oakland.
• Harbors Modernization Plan (HMP) and Capitol Improvement Project (CIP) Financing: Since 2010, we transformed management of the system's finances, grew cash reserves for emergencies, re-financed old bonds with cash reserves to save $2 million annually, achieved strong bond ratings (AA , AA , A1), and are now able to finance future projects at the lowest costs and interest rates possible.
• HMP: The HMP is supported by the State Legislature and cargo industry. HMP expands the harbor system capacity. The hub and spokes reduce harbor congestion and make the system adaptable to industry needs. The HMP relocates tenants to accommodate new and expanded facilities, new cargo container terminals and piers, land acquisitions, demolition of existing structures, and maximizes efficiencies of operation.
Questions, comments and concerns followed - Timeline: Board member McCarney asked how long this project will take; Young stated that Phase One (1) will have taken roughly four (4) years, and Phase Two (2) will begin construction by the end of 2018. All construction is estimated to be completed by 2023.
AARP Kupuna Care and Elder Fraud Prevention - Jackie Boland reported the involvement of AARP in the following:
• Health Care and Long-term Care:
o Help family caregivers of older adults through legislative advocacy and connecting them to resources, other caregivers, and information.
o Help people age at home or in the setting of their choice and advocate for resources to help frail elderly live at home. Raise awareness about the costs of care to help people plan ahead.
o Protect and strengthen Medicare and provide information about Medicare to help people understand the program.
• Financial Security:
o Provide free, unbiased information to help people plan, work, and save so they can have freedom and independence as they get older.
o Protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare for current and future generations.
o Explore ways to help people save so they can take control of their futures. Explore ways to help private-sector workers in Hawaii save for retirement.
• Fraud:
o Help people of all ages spot and avoid fraud. Shine a light on psychology used by con artists. Educate about common Hawaii frauds such as investment and mail fraud, combat identity theft, and help people understand how to be more secure online.
Discussion on Alcohol Sales for Street Closure Events: Board member Shubert-Kwock MOVED and Board member Mollring SECONDED a Motion for the Board to support conclusion of liquor sales by 10:00 pm for all street closure events. The Motion was approved by majority vote, 5-0-3 (AYE: Caravalho, Lye, Mollring, Moore, Shubert-Kwock; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: Au, McCarney, Tom).
Hawaii Pacific University (HPU) - No report was given.
Safe Haven - Greg Payton reported the following: March 2018 Updates: For the month of March, there were two Safe Haven discharges/intakes, 2 activity center and pathway placements, and 4 permanent housing placements. The grand total is 36 placements through March 2018. A new expanded hygiene center will be opening in Iwilei in the summer of 2018. An additional outreach worker for Chinatown has been awarded by the State Department of Health (DOH).
Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) - Pat Lee reported the following: March 2018 Update: Sunday 22 April 2018 is Earth Day. HART is taking steps towards strengthening its environmental commitment and demonstrating its responsibility to the community through a more robust and comprehensive approach for incorporating sustainability and resiliency. The rail system will be powered by electricity, contributing to the State's goal of 100% renewable energy by 2045 through providing a high-occupancy, efficient, and public transportation system for OÔahu. The rail system is projected to reduce daily transportation energy demand by 3%, which is equal to eliminating 52,700 metric tons of CO2 emissions per year and reducing greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere and which may contribute to global warming. According to the project's Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), the energy savings is equivalent to 120,000 barrels of oil consumed on an annual basis. The HART board passed a resolution adopting a Sustainability and Resiliency Policy to establish comprehensive environmental stewardship, in coordination with the City Department of Transportation Services (DTS), the newly formed Office of Climate Change, Sustainability, and Resiliency (OCCSR), and other community partners. Sustainability is incorporated into construction management practices for waste management, water resource protection and tree relocation, renewable energy and electric vehicle integration, and connectivity for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit riders to livable communities developed through Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) initiatives. The Rail Operations Center/Maintenance and Storage Facility in Waipahu has received a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) silver certification. HART's policy is a commitment to developing a sustainable and resilient rapid transit system that meets the mobility needs of present and future generations while fostering the environmental, economic, and social well-being of residents and visitors on the island of OÔahu. For more information on the rail project, please visit our website, call the project hotline on (808) 566-2299, or email a question to
Chinatown Business and Community Association (CBCA) - Board member Shubert-Kwock reported the following:
• March 2018 Update:
o CBCA Monthly Dim Sum Meeting was at Won Kee Restaurant on Tuesday 13 March 2018.
o We addressed ongoing issues with homelessness and crime affecting Chinatown, the new HPD Help Center to help the homeless continue to receive services, and DTS and HLC providing block party permits without enforcement. Murphy's recent St. Patrick's Day Party blocked all sidewalks again, went past 10:00 pm on both sales of liquor and music. There were also issues regarding trash and pedestrian safety, Hank's and Sin City liquor and food sales on NuÔuanu Avenue, Hank's and Nancy Ortiz's presentation regarding their Mardi Gras Block Party, and discussion of DTS not being tough on violators.
o CBCA is concerned about First Friday wanting to sell liquor up to 1:30 am.
o Smith-Beretania Mini Park issue of criminal homeless is being attended to.
o River Street: trees on the Diamond Head side are gone and planter boxes are being rebuilt.
o Thank you to DTS for widening Hotel/Kekaulike Street crosswalk from 9.9 feet to 20 feet.
o Request more frequent power washing of our streets.
o Car break-ins in Chinatown spiked.
o CBCA supports First Friday with 10:00 pm as the cutoff of both liquor and music; move attendees into bars and restaurants and return the streets and busses to normal operations.
o CBCA does not support the request for Cinco De Mayo Block Party on Saturday 5 May 2018.
o CBCA hopes that Neighborhood Board 13 will agree to support a 10:00 pm policy for all street closures and block parties to end as a healthy compromise for all area residents and businesses.
o Next CBCA Dim Sum Meeting will be at Won Kee Restaurant private room on Tuesday 10 April 2018 at 9:00 am
o CBCA is supporting Ching Ming Memorial Services at Manoa Chinese Cemetery on Friday 6 April 2018 at 10:00 am; everyone is welcome.
Arts, Culture, Merchants, Etc. (ACME) - Nicole Reid reported the following:
• March 2018 Updates: During the Chinatown Business Watch meeting on 3 April 2018, HPD Chief Ballard emphasized a plan for increased foot patrols in the Chinatown area. ACME would like to support Representative Holt's resolutions HCR 20 and HR 16, which increase funding for HPD. ACME will be holding our inaugural First Friday Mural Installation on Friday 6 April 2018 from 8:00 pm to 12:00 am. The artist presenting the mural will be from Old Ironside Tattoo, which puroports to be the successor entity of the oldest tattoo shop in Hawaii. Not all businesses in Chinatown are booming; some businesses are being sold. ACME would like to support ACME is a category 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization comprised of small local businesses in industries such as media, public relations, law, government affairs, food and beverage, bars, art galleries, etc. This year's goal is to rent vacant spaces.
Chinatown Improvement District (CID) - Lee Stack reported the following: March 2018 Updates: A park cleanup will be held on Saturday 28 April 2018 at 8:00 am at Smith-Beretania Mini Park. The Historical Educational Tour will be held on Saturday 7 July 2018. Testimony was submitted for House Representative Holt's resolution for more HPD patrols in the Downtown-Chinatown area.
BikeShare (Biki) - CEO Lori McCarney reported the following: March 2018 Updates: The Honolulu Department of Transportation Services (DTS), in partnership with BikeShare Hawaii, has been awarded federal Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) funds to expand Biki and secure additional equipment. Biki is in the process of community outreach; an open house will be held on Tuesday April 17 2018 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the Pauahi Recreational Center. Residents are encouraged to attend meetings to learn about Bikeshare and provide comments.
Mayor Kirk Caldwell's representative - Megan Muramatsu reported the following:
• Summer Fun Program: The Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) is recruiting applicants for the 2018 Summer Fun Program. College students who want to develop management skills, recreation and child development skills, or simply enjoy working with children between the ages of five (5) and 13 are encouraged to consider working as a Summer Aide. The program runs from the end of May 2018 to the end of July 2018, with pay rates from $12.00 to $14.00 per hour. For more information and the online application form, please visit DPR's webpage at, or call (808) 768-3020.
• Department of Design and Construction (DDC): The citywide LED Street Light Conversion Project started this month. From now until the end of December 2019, over 53,000 City and County of Honolulu street lights will be replaced with the more economical and directional LED lights. For more information about costs, schedules, and frequently asked questions, please visit
• Follow Up:
o Street Signs: DTS has completed their investigationÑwhich included a field inspectionÑregarding installing additional "Do Not Enter" signs on Hotel Street. Their field inspection revealed that there are already sufficient "No Turns, Except For City Buses and Bikes" (NTEFCBB) signs at every intersection of Hotel Street. In an effort to limit sign proliferation, DTS prefers not to install signs unless they are necessary. As such, additional traffic controls on Hotel Street are not recommended at this time. However, during their field inspection, several "NTEFCBB" signs were faded. A work order will be issued to Department of Facility Maintenance (DFM) to have all faded signs replaced.
o Graffiti: DPR stated that fading paint over graffiti at Smith-Beretania Mini Park was touched up by its Downtown crew during the week of Sunday 11 March 2018.
o River Street: Department of Design and Construction (DDC) stated that the repaving of River Street is pending a Complete Streets planning study by DTS. Design can proceed following completion of the Complete Streets planning study, pending utility clearances and availability of funds. In the interim, DFM has scheduled first aid resurfacing to be completed before the end of 2018. DPR stated that on Tuesday 16 January 2018, in conjunction with a road repaving and bulb-out repair project of DFM, a supervisor of the Division of Urban Forestry (DUF) performed a tree health assessment for City trees of various species along River Street, between South Beretania and Hotel Streets. The DUF supervisor determined these trees had outgrown their planting space, resulting in damage to adjacent sidewalks, curbs, and roadways, and tree removals were warranted. The final tree stump removal work was completed on Monday 19 March 2018. DFM stated that due to delays in the contracted resurfacing for River Street, DFM in-house resources were requested to provide interim resurfacing of the River Street area. DFM is working in close coordination with the City's Complete Streets committee, DTS, DPR, and DDC regarding the interim work currently being performed along River Street. DPR performed an assessment and removed trees deemed necessary or removal because of disease and other reasons. Tree roots that are uplifting the planter curbs and roadway area are also being cut or shaved. Planters that were uplifted by tree roots are being repaired by DFM to bring these facilities back to their original condition. DPR will replant trees where appropriate. As part of DFM's work, River Street will be resurfaced to a smoother condition with no potholes. DFM's in-house interim resurfacing/repaving is scheduled to commence in April 2018. Pending weather, equipment, and manpower resources, DFM hopes to complete the resurfacing by June 2018.
Questions, comments and concerns followed: Bus Stop: Board member Shubert-Kwock requested that a bench be placed at the bus stop at Smith and Hotel Streets.
Councilmember Carol Fukunaga - Councilmember Carol Fukunaga reported the following:
• Complete Streets "bulb-out" Curb Extensions: Last month, DTS released its third annual Complete Streets Program Report to the City Council. This report lists DTS' timelines for upcoming projects. In the report DTS proposes additional bulb-outs as part of the Complete Streets initiative for Chinatown intersections, based on a finding that the bulb-outs would accommodate normal turning radii. Its analysis identifies 40 new locations for bulb-out curb extensions on intersections in the Downtown-Chinatown area, with 25 of the bulb-outs to be installed along Maunakea and NuÔuanu Avenues, with others installed along Smith, Bethel, Bishop, and Alakea Streets. DTS proposes that construction for the bulb-outs begin later this year and would be completed in 2020. Since the Complete Streets report was released on Thursday 22 March 2018 without giving area neighbors and legislators an opportunity to comment on the recommended actions, I am seeking feedback from neighboring businesses and residents on the extent to which this action threatens the viability of traditional Chinatown businesses.
• Noise Complaints: During the past six (6) months, Councilmember Fukunaga's office has received more complaints about excessive noise on Chinatown streets from street festivals, the recent traditional New Year's blessing and fireworks, and the Mardi Gras event.
Governor David Ige's representative -Director of Budget and Finance Laurel Johnston reported the following: March 2018 Updates: This month's Capitol Connection mainly covers education and its importance to the State's future. The 2018 legislative session is two-thirds of the way through and the Governor is working with state legislators to finalize the budget.
Questions, comments and concerns followed: Thank You: Board member Shubert-Kwock thanked Governor Ige for signing the Death by Dignity Bill into law and for supporting Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Senator Karl Rhoads - Diana Ronquillo reported the following:
• Trash: There was a concern about trash piling up along the mauka portion of Nimitz Highway near River Street at last month's Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board Meeting. It has been unclear whether this is a matter of illegal dumping or a misunderstanding from nearby building residents as to where to drop off their trash for pickup. Senator Rhoads notified the Department of Transportation (DOT) Highway Maintenance Hotline and is waiting for a response.
• Smith-Beretania Mini Park: Senator Rhoads noted receiving a request to close Smith-Beretania Mini Park and playground at an earlier time in the evenings. Residents have also inquired whether the park is being appropriately locked in the evenings. Our office opposes closing the playground early, but would like the park to be secured at its posted closing time. The City and County has been contacted for further clarification on the issue.
• Traffic Signals: As an update on the Vineyard Boulevard installation of traffic signals at River Street, a contractor has been selected and preconstruction meetings are underway. Under the proposed timeline, approximate rough-in and installation will begin mid-October for an estimated duration of eight (8) weeks.
APPROVAL OF THURSDAY 1 MARCH 2018 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES - The Thursday 1 March 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes were APPROVED AS AMENDED by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 8-0-0 (AYE: Au, Caravalho, Lye, McCarney, Mollring, Moore, Shubert-Kwock, Tom; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).
Chair's Report - Chair Au reported the following: Presentation: 1192 Alakea Street Special Needs Project would like to present to the Board.
Member Shubert-Kwock requested that the Secretary draft a letter on behalf of the Board requesting that HLC provide the following information to the Board, as the Board meets only once a month and items for discussion must be incorporated within the agenda for a given meeting well in advance:
• Timely provision to the Chair and Secretary of the Board of complete contact information for applicants for new liquor licenses, liquor license extensions, and block parties within Downtown-Chinatown so that said info can be shared in advance with Board Members, who may then decide to meet applicants for licensures and events within our district at meetings of the Board.
??? A monthly report from HLC listing citations of violations by licensees within Downtown-Chinatown to better allow community knowledge of such and enable the Board to support or request restrictions on such licensees either during their period of licensure or at the time of license renewal.
Treasurer's Report - Board Member Mollring reported that expenditures for the month of March 2018 totaled $22.62 and the Board retains a balance of $200.62.
Next Meeting - The next meeting of the Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board 13 is scheduled for Thursday 3 May 2018 at Hawaii Pacific University, One Aloha Tower Drive, Multi-Purpose Room 2 at 7:00 pm.
Neighborhood Citizen Patrol - The Neighborhood Citizen Patrol meets each Tuesday on the Diamond Head side of Kukui Plaza at 8:00 pm. Please join the patrol and support its efforts to express service and pride in our Downtown-Chinatown community.
Ô lelo - Rebroadcasts of Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board 13 meetings are scheduled on Ô lelo channel 49 for every third Thursday at 9:00 p.m., as well as 6:00 a.m. on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. An archive of past meetings may be found on and searching on .
ADJOURNMENT - Chair Au adjourned the meeting at 9:40 p.m.
Submitted by: Harry Cho, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Relley Araceley, Community Relations Specialist, and Kevin Lye, Secretary, Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board ??? 13
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