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Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board Meeting April 2019 Minutes
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CALL TO ORDER - Chair Shubert-Kwock called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Quorum was established with eight members present. Note: This nine-member Board requires five members to establish a quorum and to take official Board action.
Board Members Present - Ernest Caravalho, James Logue, Kevin Lye, Kevin McDonald, Dolores Mollring, Willis Moore, Chu Lan Shubert-Kwock, Laura Struges (appointed).
Board Members Absent - Bob Tom
Guests - HPD Lieutenant (Honolulu Police Department); Captain Russell Youth (Honolulu Fire Department); Raelynn Nakabayashi (Mayor Kirk Caldwell's representative); Marc Alexander (Office of Housing); Councilmember Fukunaga; Glen Young (Senator Karl Rhoads' office); Damien Elefante (Governor David Ige's representative); Pat Lee (Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation); Greg Payton (Safe Haven); Lee Stack (Chinatown Improvement District); Fran Butera (Chinatown Watch); Nancy Ortiz (Cinco De Mayo); Susan Wolf, Diane Kraus, Verne Nichols, James Tennant, Kainoa Adolpho, Ronald Higa, Questor Lau, Keith Kurahashi, Rik Papa, Eric Wong, and Bob Armstrong (community members); Harry Cho (Neighborhood Commission Office).
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) ??? HFD departed due to an emergency. A report was provided to the Board that stated the following:
• March 2019 Statistics: There were 5 nuisance fires, 5 activated alarms with no fire, 141 medical emergencies, 3 motor vehicle collisions with a pedestrian, 5 motor vehicle crash/collisions, and 1 ocean rescue.
• Safety Tip: Fire sprinklers respond quickly and effectively to a fire, often extinguishing the fire prior to the fire department's arrival. Fire sprinklers can save lives and property from fire. The National Fire Association reported fire sprinklers reduced fire deaths by 83% and property loss in homes by 69%.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) - HPD Lieutenant reported the following:
• March 2019 Statistics: There were 7 motor vehicle thefts, 6 burglaries, 50 thefts, 30 unauthorized entries into motor vehicles (UEMV), 29 assaults, 3 sex assaults, 1 graffiti incident, 3 drug offenses, and 2,545 total calls for service.
• Safety Tip: Due to the recent increase in UEMVs, HPD would like to remind the public to lock your doors, do not leave valuables in your vehicle, keep your vehicle clean, stash before you park, park in a visible area, use car alarms, and report suspicious activity.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Arrests: Moore asked what type of action has been taken on those arrested. Lieutenant stated that there is an ongoing cycle where people who get arrested end up back on the street.
2. Patrol: Lye requested an increase in patrol at Park. Shubert-Kwock thanked Major Nishibun for his efforts to increasing patrol and working with the community policing teams.
3. Reserve Officers: Logue asked if HPD can increase the number of reserve officers to help with patrolling of Chinatown.
4. Legislation: McDonald asked if more legislation would help HPD reduce homelessness.
5. Enforcement: A community member raised concerns that the sit/lie law is not being enforced.
Neighborhood Citizen Patrol (NCP) - Mollring reported that the NCP has been patrolling every Tuesday night. Eric Wong of the Kekaulike Mall Citizens Patrol stated that they have been walking every Thursday.
Mayor Kirk Caldwell's representative - Raelynn Nakabayashi reported the following:
• Follow-Up on Concerns:
o Dr. Sun Yet-sen Park: Department of Design and Construction (DDC) stated that there is no public comment period scheduled for the renovation project.
o Sidewalk Ramps: Department of Facility (DFM) stated that they are allowed to patch damaged Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ramps, but modifications to improve the ADA ramps utilized by wheelchairs to meet current standards would need to be assessed and implemented by DDC, due to the complex nature of ADA ramp construction. Questions regarding maintenance patching of ADA ramps can be directed to the Division of Road Maintenance at 768-3600.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Crosswalk: Shubert-Kwock raised concerns that the crosswalks on North Beretania Street and Maunakea Street are rough and faded. Suggested using scramble crosswalks due to multiple intersections.
2. Public Phone: Caravalho raised concerns regarding a public phone that has been vandalized and trashed.
3. Repaving: Moore asked what are City's plans are to repave the rest of King Street, rather than only in front of City Hall.
4. Events: McDonald asked if the Liquor Commission has the authority to cancel an event due to liquor violations even though permits have been approved by other City departments.
5. Dr. Sun Yat-sen Park: A community member raised concerns with funds being used for renovations to a park, when there is currently a homeless crisis. The community was not receptive to this project by DDC.
6. Homeless: Community members and business owners raised concerns that homeless are urinating and defecating on the sidewalks. They requested that the City clean/wash the sidewalks.
7. Sidewalks: A community member stated that the sidewalk on Bishop Street/Adam Lane in front of Pauline Bookstore is very slippery when wet.
8. Events: McDonald asked if the Liquor Commission has the authority to cancel an event due to liquor violations even though permits have been approved by other City departments.
Senator Karl Rhoads - Senator Rhoads reported the following:
• Capital Improvement Funds: $100,000 in Capital Improvement funds were released for improvements to the Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation's Downtown Honolulu building to provide access to seniors and individuals with disabilities. This request for funds was one of Senator Rhoads' top priorities and is extremely pleased to see that funds are now being released.
• Capital Improvement Funds: $1,567,570 in Capital Improvement funds were released to fund seawater air-conditioning energy transfer facilities for designated state buildings Downtown. Construction on the long-awaited Honolulu Seawater Air Conditioning Project in Kakaako is projected to break ground in 2020. Construction itself is set to take another 20 to 22 months. When completed, this district cooling system will reduce Hawaii's dependency on oil by about 178,000 barrels annually, will minimize greenhouse gas emissions, will decrease potable water usage by more than 260 million gallons per year, and will cut down on sewage discharge by up to 84 million gallons per year.
• Strode Montesssori Preschool: Senator Rhoads received a response from HPD on his communication to them concerning the criminal activity taking place on the sidewalks fronting the Strode Montessori Preschool at 925 Bethel Street. Chief Susan Ballard stated that while police officers did not witness any criminal activity when they patrolled the area, HPD officers will make it a point to conduct more frequent checks in that vicinity.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed - Legislative Update: Logue requested for a legislative update next month regarding Senator Rhoads' current Bills.
House Representative Daniel Holt - Representative Holt reported the following:
• Bills: House Bill (HB) 159 relating to crime, increases penalties for anyone who knowingly keeps or maintains any structure or place for the purpose of suing controlled substances or which is used for keeping or selling them in violation of controlled substance laws, also increases criminal penalties for those who knowingly profit from, advance, or participate in gambling.
• Aala Dog Park: Aala Dog Park recently opened. This was made possible through a public-private partnership between the State, City, community groups, and a non-profit.
• Capital Improvement Funds: $100,000 in Capital Improvement funds were released for improvements to the Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation's Downtown Honolulu building to provide access to seniors and individuals with disabilities.
• Recent Events: Representative Holt recently attended the Walk on the Wild Side event in Chinatown hosted by the Kidney Foundation.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Chinatown Parade: Shubert-Kwock requested to continue funding for the Chinatown Parade.
2. Gaming Rooms: Logue asked about the enforcement of illegal game rooms.
3. Tobacco Tax: Lye asked for an update regarding the increase on tobacco taxes.
Councilmember Carol Fukunaga - Councilmember Fukunaga reported the following:
• City Budget: Mahalo to the Neighborhood Board No. 13 members and Downtown/Chinatown business leaders for supporting the first round of CD1 amendments to Bill 10, the City's fiscal year 20 Executive Operating Budget. Bill 10, CD1 was adopted by the Council's Budget Committee during an all-day committee meeting on Wednesday, April 3, 2019 and will be scheduled for a Council review on Wednesday, April 17, 2109. The CD1 amendments included a $200,000 appropriation for private security services to Department of Land Management, which manages the City's affordable housing and city properties in the Downtown-Chinatown area.
??? Fire Safety Legislation: Bill 96, relating to fire safety, was the subject of two (2) PITS committee meetings in March. HFD continues to oppose any time extensions proposed in the Bill 96, CD1 drafts, and additional amendments are pending.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Security: Caravalho raised concerns that the security will not have authority to enforce laws or make arrests. Lye asked how many security position there will be and who the contract will be awarded to. Councilmember Fukunaga stated that there are no details on that yet and this is a starting point. A community member suggested having security for privately owned buildings as well.
2. Homeless: Logue asked if declaring a homeless emergency has done by other cities before.
3. Events: McDonald asked if the Liquor Commission has the authority to cancel an event due to liquor violations even though permits have been approved by other City departments.
Governor David Ige's Representative - Damien Elefante reported the following:
• Homeless: A response was received from the State Homeless Coordinator stating that $30 million was appropriated by the legislature homeless service centers and shelters across Hawaii.
Community Concerns - Homeless: A community member raised concerns with homeless sleeping and urinating in front of her business. She stated that his has been driving customers away and negatively impacting her business.
Filling of Vacancy - There is one (1) at-large vacancy. Shubert-Kwock asked all volunteers to introduce themselves.
Caravalho nominated Sturges. Hearing no other nominations, Sturges was voted on the Downtown/Chinatown Neighborhood Board No. 13 by majority vote. (Aye: Caravalho, Lye, Logue, Mollring, Shubert-Kwock).
Sturges was appointed to the Board. Eight (8) members present.
Office of Housing - Director Marc Alexander gave a brief presentation and provided handouts regarding the 2019 homeless point-in-time count results and the City and County of Honolulu's Housing First. Director Alexander was available to answer questions and was cut short due to time constraints.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Housing First: Logue asked about Housing First units and the voucher system. Alexander stated that data on the number of Housing First clients are not given out due to privacy and that there are no dedicated units for housing first. Vouchers are provided after an evaluation through the Coordinated Entry System.
2. Housing: Caravalho raised concerns that providing housing for drug abusers takes away from those who are economically houseless. He suggested sending drug abusers and the mentally ill to assessment programs prior to providing housing.
Halewai'olu River Street Senior Affordable Rental Project - Questor Lau gave a brief presentation on the project. There will be 156 affordable senior rentals units with the majority targeted at 60% area median income (AMI) or below. There will be 130 one (1) bedroom units and 26 two (2) bedroom units on 17 floors.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed - Senior Citizens: McDonald stated that seniors should be aware that Chinatown can get loud because it is a college/business/residential community.
Domestic Violence Action Center - Nanci Kriedman reported that the Domestic Violence Action Center is the only agency of its kind in Hawaii, offering unduplicated specialized services to survivors of relationship and family violence. Information was provided on the agency's services.
Department of Environmental Services (ENV) - Michael O'Keefe gave a presentation on the City's new bulky item pilot program to reduce the amount of illegal dumping. The City currently provides bulky item pick-up once a month all over Oahu. The new system will require those who want a pick up to schedule an appointment
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Outreach: McDonald asked what they of outreach will be done to notify the public. O'Keefe stated that ENV will be presenting to the Neighborhood Boards, individual mailers will be sent to 80,000 residents in the Honolulu Collection District, a press release will be sent, and a new conference as well.
2. Illegal Dumping: A community member raised concerns with illegal dumping of trash at bulky item pick-up sites. O'Keefe suggested calling HPD if you notice anyone illegally dumping their trash. A community member raised concerns that people rummage through trash that is illegally dumped on the side of the road.
Cinco de Mayo - Nancy Ortiz reported that the event will take place on Sunday, May 5, 2019 from 2: 00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. A floor plan/map of the event was provided to the Board and public. The event will be held on Nuuanu Street between Pauahi Street and King Street. Buses will be diverted from Hotel Street. Special duty HPD officers will be hired to secure the entire footprint. The security and staff are all experienced with these types of events and will have a zero tolerance policy in effect. A security/medical headquarters tent will be established for any emergency needs. Guests over 21 and over will have a distinct color wristband and alcohol will only be served to guests with the wristband on. All volunteer staff serving alcohol will have taken the bartender/manager class with the Liquor Commission and have at least two (2) years' experience with these type of events. There is an emergency evacuation plan in place and will be handed out to the security supervisors.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed - Alcohol: A community member asked if alcohol would be served from 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. concurrently with the keiki activities and if the drink with be just beer and wine or mixed drinks as well. Ortiz responded yes and there will be mixed drinks.
McDonald moved and Caravalho seconded to support the Cinco de Mayo event. The motion was adopted by majority vote, 7-0-1. (Aye: Caravalho, Lye, Logue, McDonald, Mollring, Moore, Sturges; Nay: None; Abstain: Shubert-Kwock).
Kekaulike Mall - Shubert-Kwock gave an update on Kekaulike Mall.
Handicapped Sidewalks in Chinatown - This item was not discussed.
City Council Bill 10 CD1:
The Neighborhood Board No. 13 supports City Council Bill 10 CD1 introduced by Councilmember Fukunaga to ask the City to release $200,000 for private security for sidewalk safety in Downtown/Chinatown due to escalating violence on the sidewalks and street.
Logue moved and Caravalho seconded the Board support the resolution with the amendments made by Lye. The motion was adopted by unanimous consent, 8-0-0. (Aye: Caravalho, Lye, Logue, McDonald, Mollring, Moore, Shubert-Kwock, Sturges; Nay: None; Abstain: None).
Chinatown Liquor Stores:
The Neighborhood Board No. 13 requests that the City remove liquor stores over serving patrons in Chinatown which causes violence and unrest on our streets and endangering citizens' lives.
The Neighborhood Assistant departed at 9:00 p.m.
Hearing no objections, the motion to amend was adopted by unanimous consent, 8-0-0. (Aye: Caravalho, Lye, Logue, McDonald, Mollring, Moore, Shubert-Kwock, Sturges; Nay: None; Abstain: None).
The duly amended main motion was adopted by majority vote 6-1-1. (Aye: Caravalho, Lye, Logue, Mollring, Shubert-Kwock, Sturges; Nay: McDonald; Abstain: Moore).
Safe Haven - Greg Payton reported that there was one Safe Haven discharges/intakes, one return to the mainland, two Mental Health Kokua Oahu Case Management Housing placement, and 4 permanent housing placements. The grand total for 2019 is 42 placements through March 2019.
Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) - Pat Lee reported that the rail system will be a fully automated, driverless system, utilizing a fleet of 20 four (4) car trains. Each train car is 64 feet long, 14 feet high and 10 feet wide. There are three (3) doorways on each side of a rail car, for a total of 12 doors for each four car train. A 6th four-car train has just been delivered to the Rail Operations Center, which means a quarter of the 80-rail car fleet is already here on island. The system will have 17 trains in operation during peak times and eight (8) trains during non-peak hours. Trains will operate between 4:00 a.m. and 12:00 a.m., and arrive at stations every five minutes during peak, and about 11 minutes during off peak times. The trains will be air conditioned and equipped with WIFI, audio and visual announcement boards, closed circuit TV security cameras and call boxes, and space for strollers, bicycles, luggage and even surfboards. The four car trains have a maximum capacity of 800 passengers, which is equivalent to about 10 city buses. The trains will be fully Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant, with 188 seats, priority seating for seniors and disabled as well as designated areas for wheelchairs. The Automatic Train Control System testing between the Rail Operations Center and the stations in Waipahu is ongoing in preparation for the interim opening of rail service from Halawa station at Aloha Stadium to the Kualaka'i station at east Kapolei by the end of next year, which will be a limited passenger service. The public will be hearing more details in the coming months. Revenue passenger service for the full 20-mile, 21 station rail system is planned for the end of 2025. Once completed, rail will become an integral part of Honolulu's public transit system connecting seamlessly with the bus and Handivan, using a smart card system called the Holo Card, where riders can transfer easily between the different transportation modes. The public may view the train cars at the upcoming Train Community Day on Saturday 22 June 2019, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Rail Operations Center next to Leeward Community College. The event is open to the public. Starting next week, Wednesday 10 April 2019, NAN, who's HART's contractor doing the utility work, will be relocating a waterline which requires closing both left and right turn exits out of Aloha Tower at the Bishop Street/Nimitz intersection across from Bishop Street. The duration of the work is approximately two to three weeks and work will be during the day time from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. This will not affect makai bound traffic into Aloha Tower from Bishop Street. To exit the Aloha Tower complex, you can use the driveway on the Kalihi side and turn right or left on Nimitz at the traffic signal. For more information on the rail project, please visit the HART website at, call the project hotline at 566-2299, or email a question to
Chinatown Business and Community Association (CBCA) - Shubert-Kwock reported that the CBCA has worked almost a whole month on Kekaulike Mall, Oahu Market and Chun Market to ensure sidewalk safety, is working with HPD and others in the community to move homeless camps throughout Chinatown, is educating merchants on sanitation and trash, met with stake holders on the homeless and drug crisis in Chinatown and trying our new ways to reduce crime. The next meeting is Golden Palace at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday 9 April 2019. Deputy Director of Environmental Services will be talking about city's plans. A green demarcation was drawn so merchants do no cross the line with merchandise into public space. Also a request for the city to re-do dangerous sidewalks and re-paint crosswalks.
Chinatown Improvement District (CID) - Lee Stack reported that the community security patrol project has been rolled over into a new term due to popular request. The general consensus is that the project is having a positive impact in the area and people are pleased with the outcome. The report for the graffiti coating study has been completed and, after a few final edits, will be published on the CID website ( and by email. After some trial and error, two (2) coatings were identified that work well with citrus based graffiti removal products allowing for safer and easier removal of graffiti in public areas with less caustic products. The results and products recommended in the study have already proved useful as a solution to a graffiti issue on the wall surrounding Kawaihao Church. CID is also currently working on a beautification project along River Street. The CID decided to adopt the River Street sidewalk under Department of Facilities Maintenance's Malama o ka Aina program. Working with a panel of cultural and community advisors as well as others we plan to place some planters in the area planted with native plants and also to devise a call for artists to submit artwork arranged around various historical and cultural themes pertaining to Nuuanu stream and the Chinatown area. CID plans to have the planters and the sidewalks painted. CID is very excited about this project which has the capacity to transform a much underutilized area of Chinatown with no costly redevelopment or installations. This project has received the support of Department of Facility Maintenance and, recently, the Mayor's Commission on Culture and the Arts.
Chinatown Watch - Fran Butera reported the following:
• Acknowledgments: Sincerest thanks to Councilmember Carol Fukunaga for her Proposed Amendment to the City's budget, which provides for the City to fund private security around City-owned buildings. This is a welcome, badly-needed emergency measure. Several City-owned properties in Chinatown are serious trouble spots, including the entire Hale Pauahi block and the Pauahi Recreation Center. Board Chair Chu Ian Shubert Kwock spearheaded the push to rein in illegal peddling on Kekaulike Mall. She worked with City DFM and Department of Parks and Recreation personnel to paint demarcation lines on the pavement to clearly outline the space for legally selling goods. She was out in her wheelchair at 5:30 a.m. each day of the project. She continues to visit the mall almost daily, on her own time, to monitor this and other issues. Chinatown Watch members report that the Green Line is an improvement and works as intended. Mental Health Kokua (Greg Payton) hired a security guard last week to monitor activity in front of the Safe Haven/Hygiene Center building. This is a welcome change and long overdue. Mahalo, Greg. We look forward to a sharp reduction in aberrant behavior around your facility.
• Continuing Problems Call For Security Presence: River of Life Mission, the City Hygiene Center and the seemingly unregulated liquor stores continue to draw homeless / mentally ill / substance abusers and criminals to our neighborhood where they roam freely around Chinatown among residents, shopkeepers, visitors and workers. From this toxic mix come the countless daily assaults on our community's health and safety: public drinking, drug use, drug sales, fights, psychotic outbursts, f-bomb barrages, shouting matches, urination and defecation in public spaces and on private property, sitting, lying, camping, littering on public sidewalks and in city parks, vandalism, theft, and purse snatchings and assaults by gangs on kupuna and other vulnerable people. These things go on throughout the day, putting the highest number of people at risk. As currently funded and staffed, HPD cannot control this volatile situation. Daily disruptions by homeless, mentally ill, and substance abusers steal HPD's time, resources, and attention away from its core mission of fighting crime and protecting the public. City-funded security will put more eyes and uniforms out in the public spaces. The guards are a middle layer between the merchants/residents/pedestrians and the HPD. They will help reinforce the message that "you have to obey the law here." For public safety, it is crucial that the guards patrol outdoors in the public spaces (sidewalk, streets, etc.) Around the city-owned buildings, not just inside or within the footprint of the buildings. Based on on-going citizen reports and our own daily reality, we believe that security patrols are needed immediately for all public property in the entire Downtown-Chinatown district. However, Councilmember Fukunaga's proposed amendment is a 1st step to change the course of this unfolding public safety nightmare.
• To the City Administration: The community would like that City to begin immediately to fund private security patrols for Chinatown, with special emphasis on the known crime zones surrounding the homeless services and liquor stores. Provide all additional funding needed to support HPD in protecting Chinatown's citizens. Close the Pauahi Street hygiene center and relocate Safe Haven out of Chinatown. Fast-track your negotiations with River of Life Mission so they may move their feeding operation to lwilei this year. Close the liquor stores that sell alcohol and drugs to the homeless and mentally ill substance abusers who congregate in disproportionately high numbers in Chinatown.
• To Chinatown Residents, Merchants, Shoppers, Property Owners, and Visitors: Call 911 to report violations. Don't think you're inconveniencing the police by calling. They want you to call 911. Doing so gets the violations into their database and helps HPD help you. Talk to your neighbors about the problems. Encourage them to call 911, too. Post incidents anonymously to Please encourage your neighbors to post, too. It's an unofficial but visible way to build our community's case for more support. Please note that posting to is not a substitute for calling 911. To order Chinatown Watch window signs for your business, go to, click the About link, then send a message via the Contact link. Please allow a few days for a response as the site is run by volunteers. Get some neighbors together to meet with the HPD's Community Policing Team (CPT). Call the CPT office at (808) 732-3927. A strong community partnership with HPD is good for everyone. Merchants and property owners, please join the Chinatown Improvement District's neighborhood security patrol. Call Lee Stack at (808) 589-9927, email, or visit the website: Support legislation to fund private security patrols for Downtown-Chinatown's public spaces. Contact Councilmember Fukunaga's office for details. Email or call 768-5006.
APPROVAL OF THURSDAY 7 MARCH 2019 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES - Moore moved and Logue seconded to approve the Thursday 7 March 2019 regular meeting minutes. The motion was adopted by unanimous consent, 8-0-0 (Aye: Caravalho, Lye, Logue, McDonald, Mollring, Moore, Shubert-Kwock, Sturges; Nay: None; Abstain: None).
• Next Meeting - The next meeting of the Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board 13 is scheduled for Thursday 2 May 2019 at Hawaii Pacific University, One Aloha Tower Drive, Multi-Purpose Room 2 at 6:00 p.m.
• Neighborhood Citizen Patrol - The Neighborhood Citizen Patrol meets each Tuesday on the Diamond Head side of Kukui Plaza at 8:00 p.m. Please join the patrol and support its efforts to express service and pride in our Downtown-Chinatown community.
• Ô lelo - Rebroadcasts of Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board 13 meetings are scheduled on Ô lelo channel 49 for every third Thursday at 9:00 p.m., as well as 6:00 a.m. on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. An archive of past meetings may be found on and searching on .
ADJOURNMENT - Chair Shubert-Kwock adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
Submitted by: Harry Cho, Public Relations Assistant
Reviewed by: Chris Naylon, Neighborhood Assistant and Kevin Lye, Secretary, NB 13
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