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01 icon acrobat  June 2019 Minutes



CALL TO ORDER - Chair Shubert-Kwock called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Quorum was established with seven (7) members present. Note: This nine-member Board requires five members to establish a quorum and to take official Board action.

Board Members Present - Ernest Caravalho, James Logue, Kevin Lye, Dolores Mollring, Chu Lan Shubert-Kwock, Laura Struges, and Bob Tom

Board Members Absent - Kevin McDonald and Willis Moore

Guests - Lieutenant Taniguchi and Sergeant Chi (Honolulu Police Department); Captain Russell Youth (Honolulu Fire Department); Raelynn Nakabayashi (Mayor Kirk Caldwell's representative); Councilmember Carol Fukunaga; Senator Karl Rhoads; Damien Elefante (Governor David Ige's representative); Greg Payton (Safe Haven); Lee Stack and Kainoa Adolpho (Chinatown Improvement District); Fran Butera (Chinatown Watch); Nicole Reid (Art's, Culture, Merchants, Etc.); Rob Miyasaki (Hawaii Department of Transportation); Don Murphy (Murphy's); Brandi Crabbe and Michelle Chang (Hawaiian Electric); Steve Lohse, Ronald Higa, Susan Wolf, Diane Kraus, Kalawaia Goo, John Selby (community members); Harry Cho (Neighborhood Commission Office). Name was not included if not legible on the sign-in sheet.


Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) - Captain Youth reported the following:
• May 2019 Statistics: There were 2 structure fires, 10 nuisance fires, 1 cooking fire, 5 activated alarms with no fire, 145 medical emergencies, 3 motor vehicle collision with a pedestrian, 4 motor vehicle crash/collisions, and 2 ocean rescues.
• Safety Tip: Safety tips were given on cooking safety.

Honolulu Police Department (HPD) - Lieutenant Taniguchi reported the following:
• May 2019 Statistics: There were 10 motor vehicle thefts, 10 burglaries, 44 thefts, 23 unauthorized entries into motor vehicles (UEMV), 33 assaults, 2 graffiti incidents, 6 drug offenses, and 2,511 total calls for service.
• Safety Tip: Safety tips were given on robbery prevention.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Homeless: Mollring raised concerns with homeless in front of businesses, especially Walgreens.
2. Hotel Street: Caravalho raised concerns with Lyft and Uber drivers driving on Hotel Street. 
3. Kamalii Mini Park: Lye requested for HPD to patrol Kamalii Mini Park.

Neighborhood Citizen Patrol (NCP) - Mollring reported that the NCP has been patrolling every Tuesday night.


Governor David Ige's Representative - Damien Elefante reported the following: 
• Capitol Connections: This month's Capitol Connections focuses on funding homeless, housing, education and sustainability, and the initiatives of the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA).

Questions, comments, and concerns followed - Bills: Shubert-Kwock asked what the status of several bills is. Elefante stated that all bills are currently with the Governor.

Mayor Kirk Caldwell's representative - Raelynn Nakabayashi reported the following:
• Follow-Up on Concerns: 
o Sidewalk Cleaning: Department of Facility Maintenance (DFM) stated that pursuant to Chapter 14 Article 20 of the Revised Ordinances of Honolulu (ROH), "Every property owner whose land abuts or adjoins a public street shall continually maintain and keep clean, passable and free from weeds and noxious growths, the sidewalk and gutter area which abuts or adjoins the property owner's property." There is no process for business owners to clean sidewalks fronting their businesses since it is their responsibility. If community members would like to help adopt segments of a sidewalk, they may apply for an Adopt-A-Block event through the DFM Storm Water Quality Branch or enter into an agreement with the Malama O Ka Aina program through the DFM Division of Road Maintenance.
o Vandalised Phone Booth: DFM stated that Vandalism of the public phone on Alakea Street/Hotel Street at the bus shelter will need to be discussed with DTS. With mobile phone technology widely available, this public phone may not be needed and might be removed. Caravalho noted that the phone booth has been removed. 
o Faded Crosswalks: DFM stated that crosswalks were being repainted in Chinatown but emergency road repair work required the restriping crews to install pavement markings along King Street and Kapiolani Boulevard. The pavement marking crew will return to repaint faded crosswalks in Chinatown at the intersections of Maunakea Street/Hotel Street and Maunakea Street/Beretania Street on Tuesday, June 4, 2019.
o Repaving: Department of Design and Construction (DDC) stated that South King Street from Bishop Street to Alapai Street is included in the Rehabilitation of Streets, Unit 88 project. The project includes the repaving of King Street and the addition of a two way bike lane on the mauka side of the street from Alakea Street to Alapai Street. The project is scheduled to advertise for construction bids in December of 2019. Construction start will be pending the execution of the construction contract and the Contractor obtaining the required permits. In the interim, the City performed first aid work on South King Street from Punchbowl Street to Alapai Street.
o Dr. Sun Yat-sen Park: Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) stated that the gates at Sun Yat-sen Memorial Park are closed during park closure hours to deter illegal activity at night. The request of leaving the gates open after hours cannot be accommodated. This area is not an ADA entrance and fire exit for a private business.
o Liquor Licenses: Budget and Fiscal Services (BFS) stated that the Honolulu Liquor Commission (HLC) is currently reviewing the license held by Maunakea Liquor and Grocery. There are also other matters regarding this licensee pending adjudication before the Commission. Best Market is no longer located in downtown/Chinatown. HLC has taken enforcement action against them at their new location. The HLC has been informed that the Happy World Market has received a notice of lease violation from the landlord regarding their continued selling of liquor, in violation of their lease. We are currently working on this situation. The HLC continues to monitor all licensed liquor establishments in the Downtown/Chinatown area for violations, and is working closely with our law enforcement partners to mitigate any problems.
o Crosswalks: The Department of Transportation Services (DTS) has completed their investigation into the Board's request for a pedestrian scramble at the intersection of North Beretania and Maunakea Streets. The City is currently in the process of preparing a pedestrian master plan to develop new guidelines for the evaluation of pedestrian scrambles. As part of the master plan, DTS will be looking at locations as possible candidates and will be evaluating these locations on a case-by-case basis. This location may be evaluated in the future once our guidelines are completed, if there are still concerns. However, due to the amount of time that must be added to a traffic signal phase to accommodate this type of operation, they are not used in excess. Pedestrian scrambles are installed at locations where there is a high volume of pedestrian traffic. Typically, they are advantageous when the major roadway has a one-way configuration, and it intersects with another one-way roadway (or roadway where the majority of traffic is exiting the intersection), or a T-intersection. In addition, the DTS confirmed that the crosswalk across Maunakea Street, makai of North Beretania Street is faded as reported by the Board. The DTS has already issued a work order (reference Paint and Sign Work Order 5688) to DFM to repaint the above crosswalk. DFM should be contacted at 768-3343 for status.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Bus Stop: Mollring requested to relocate the mushroom seats at the bus stop in front of Walgreens. Shubert Kwock requested for bus stop seating at Smith Street/Hotel Street. 
2. Homeless: Tom raised concerns that the City is not addressing homelessness properly. Mollring raised concerns with homeless setting up tents and camping on public sidewalks. Logue raised concerns with HPD not being able to properly enforce laws relating to homelessness. Shubert-Kwock voiced her opinion on Safe Zones. 
3. Demarcation Line: Shubert-Kwock requested to paint a demarcation line at North King, North Hotel, and Maunakea Street sidewalks due to merchandise abutting on to the sidewalk. Also requested to repaint demarcation lines red at Kekaulike Mall. 
4. Kekaulike Mall: Shubert-Kwock requested to remove Keakaulike Mall planter boxes due to the planters being vandalized with trash and waste.
5. Alcohol: A community member and business owner raised concerns with homeless having open containers of alcohol in public.

Senator Karl Rhoads - Senator Rhoads reported the following:
• House Bill (HB) 1013: Last week Senator Rhoads attended a task force meeting at the Lieutenant Governor's office regarding HB 1013 which relates to Chapter 334 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes. This statute requires that individuals at risk of harm to self or others, as determined by mental health emergency workers, in consultation with law enforcement officers, be transported by law enforcement to facilities designated by the director of health for further evaluation and potential involuntary hospitalization. This process is commonly referred to as an MH-1. However, some facilities have expressed concern about the lack of specialists and infrastructure to perform the emergency medical screening and any subsequent medically necessary treatment, while other facilities experience very high volumes of IVIH-1 patients that strain emergency department capacity. Therefore, the purpose of HB 1013 is to establish an involuntary hospitalization task force to examine Chapter 334 and make recommendations to the legislature that will diminish unnecessary emergency department admissions and improve access for MH-1 patients to the most appropriate level of care.
• Senate Bills: The following Bills that Senator Rhoads introduced or co-introduced in this past legislative session were signed into law by the Governor: Senate Bill (SB) 107 provides that the absentee ballot of any voter who was eligible to vote at the time the ballot was cast shall not be deemed invalid solely because the voter became ineligible to vote after casting the ballot. SB 558 provides that parties to a marriage and partners in a civil union shall not be required to have the same middle or last name. Every person may adopt any middle or last name upon entering into a marriage or civil union.
• Capital Improvement Projects Grant-In-Aid: The following organizations were awarded funds:
o $100,000 to the Hawaii Theatre Center
o $350,000 to The Friends of lolani Palace
o $75,000 to the United Chinese Society, The (Chun Wa Hui Quon)
• Operating Grant-In-Aid: The following organizations were awarded funds:
o $150,000 to the After-School All-Stars Hawaii
o $75,000 to the Pacific Gateway Center
o $260,000 to Weed & Seed Hawaii, Inc.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Vineyard Crosswalk: Shubert-Kwock thanked Senator Rhoads for his initiative on the Vineyard Boudlevard crosswalk.
2. Homeless: Shubert-Kwock again raised concerns with HPD not having the authority to enforce sit/lie laws. A business owner raised concerns that HPD cannot take enforcement action unless crimes are witnessed by an officer.

Councilmember Carol Fukunaga - Councilmember Fukunaga reported the following:
• Bill 10: Council amendments to Bill 10 include: 
o $250,000 for private security services for city-owned properties in Downtown-Chinatown, particularly within the Maunakea, Pauahi, River, Smith, Hotel, and King Streets areas. These services would augment the city's current security contracts for Chinatown Gateway Plaza, Mann Towers, Harbor Village and smaller housing properties located along River Street.
o $500,000 for medical triage services to address homeless issues in the Chinatown, Iwilei and Kakaako neighborhoods. These funds would be appropriated to Honolulu Police Department for use in obtaining contracted services through the H4/coalition of healthcare providers, as well as healthcare facilities that provide additional crisis/detox beds to move homeless individuals off the streets. For example, Wahiawa General Hospital recently signed an agreement with State Department of Health to provide 30 beds to provide emergency mental health/drug addiction treatment services. As reported in Honolulu Star-Advertiser article, the largest number of homeless deaths occurred in neighborhoods from Chinatown to Kakaako.
• Bill 11, CD2, FD1: Was adopted by City Council and includes $21 million for homeless housing, treatment or services throughout Oahu. 
o Community Revitalization Initiative: Provision offunds for the acquisition, lease, development, and/or renovation offacilities including, but not limited to, urban rest stops, navigation centers, lift zones, shelters, ohana zones, joint outreach centers, permanent supportive housing, assisted community treatment centers, kauhale development, H4 Projects, workforce/affordable housing, and other community-focused projects provided that no more than $2,333,333 may be expended in any one council district. At least $500,000 shall be appropriated for urban rest stops and/or navigation centers in Moiliili and Kapahulu.
• Maunakea Liquor: Councilmember Fukunaga thanked Neighborhood Board No. 13 and community stakeholders who submitted testimony supporting revocation of the liquor license for Maunakea Liquor and Grocery Store on Thursday, May 16, 2019.
• Certificates: Councilmember Fukunaga presented certificates of recognition to board members Tom, Caravalho, and Sturges for their service to the community.

Shubert-Kwock called a recess at 7:05 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:07 p.m.

Congressman Ed Case - Chad Wolke reported the following: 
• Community Meetings: Congressman Case has been hosting "Talk Story" sessions in various communities including Aina Haina, Kalihi, Honolulu, Waipahu, and Ewa Beach. 
• National Debt: A major concern of Congressman Case is the increase in the national debt. He will be working to restore the fiscal health of the country. 
• National Historic Site: Congressman Case will be working to re-designate the former Honoliuli Internment Cap on Oahu, where American citizens primarily of Japanese ancestry were detained during World War II, as a National Historic Site.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed - Medical Bills: Caravalho asked about veterans medical bills. Wolke stated that anyone who has questions or seeks assistance with federal agencies may contact Congressman Case' office.

Community Concerns:
• Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT): Robert Miyasaki from HDOT gave an update on the Vineyard Boulevard crosswalk, Pali Highway construction, and the H-1 and Nimitz Highway resurfacing. 
• Chinatown Convenience Store: A business owner in Chinatown raised concerns that he is being targeted when he has followed all the regulations and laws.


Chinatown Improvement District (CID) Sidewalk Beautification - Lee Stack reported that the CID has proposed a sidewalk beautification project for the sidewalk areas closest to Nuuanu Stream along River Street. It will involve a combination of planters and sidewalk art projects themed by block to portray the history and culture of the area. To date the project has received support from the City under its Malama o ka Aina program and also from the Mayor's Office on Culture and the Arts (MOCA) and we are asking for support from the Neighborhood Board as well. Creation of works will be juried and open to all and grouped around historical and cultural themes.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Benefits: Logue stated that this project will attract more people to Chinatown, increase foot-traffic, and help businesses. 
2. Graffiti: Shubert-Kwock stated that the Chinatown Business and Community Association has been looking into getting rid of the graffiti as well.

Logue moved and Caravalho seconded that the Downtown/Chinatown Neighborhood No. 13 support the River Street beautification project. The motion was adopted by unanimous consent, 7-0-0. (Aye: Caravalho, Lye, Logue, Mollring, Shubert-Kwock, Sturges, Tom; Nay: None; Abstain: None).

Murphy's Bar and Grill - Don Murphy reported the following: 
• Events: The following events will take place
o Hawaii Children's Cancer Foundation 12th Annual Fundraiser on Saturday, June 22, 2019 from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
o 23rd Annual Pigskin Pigout to support the University of Hawaii Football program and the Hawaii Bowl Foundation
o Hawaii literacy
o Miracles on Merchant Street to benefit the Ronald McDonald House
• St. Patrick's Day Event: An after-event summary was given on the St. Patrick's Day event.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed - Alcohol: Shubert-Kwock asked why security can't regulate people bringing alcohol from outside into the block party. A community member stated that Department of Transportation Services (DTS) does not enforce their own rules and that these events are difficult to control. Murphy stated that legally, security is not allowed to check inside people's bags.

Mollring moved and Caravalho seconded that the Downtown/Chinatown Neighborhood No. 13 support the event's held by Murphy's Bar and Grill. The motion was adopted by unanimous consent, 7-0-0. (Aye: Caravalho, Lye, Logue, Mollring, Shubert-Kwock, Sturges, Tom; Nay: None; Abstain: None).

Cinco De Mayo Block Party Review - The presentation was rescheduled to the next Board meeting. Steve Lohse voiced his concern regarding illegal excessive noise.

Resolution 2019-5 - Logue introduced a resolution requesting Honolulu Liquor Commission to limit licenses for retail establishment demonstrably contributing to degradation of the Downtown-Chinatown community. The resolution was withdrawn and no action was taken.

Resolution 2019-4 - Logue introduced a resolution requesting Honolulu Liquor Commission to implement a geographic exclusion zone for future liquor license approvals within a subset of Chinatown. The resolution was not adopted by majority vote, 2-5-0. (Aye: Lye, Shubert-Kwock; Nay: Caravalho, Logue, Mollring, Sturges, Tom; Abstain: None).

Hawaiian Electric - Brandi Crabbe and Michelle Chang reported the following: Hawaiian Electric crews will be replacing an underground transformer on Kekaulike Street and underground cables along Kekaulike, North King and Maunakea Streets. There will be no scheduled outages and most of the work will occur at night. Work is set for Monday, July 29 through Friday, August 2, 2019. For the safety of our crews, lanes will be closed and parking will be restricted in the area. Surrounding businesses will be notified and we will issue a traffic advisory to inform the public. This work will allow us to continue to provide reliable electric service to area.

First Friday Event - Nicole Reid provided a report regarding the April and May 2019 First Friday event. First Friday's requests for street closures on Hotel Street between Nuuanu Avenue to Smith Street. Beer and wine are sold from 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. There will be no changes with the event through December 2019.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Benefits of the Event: Caravalho commended Reid for the great event and noted that homelessness decreases in the area due to this event. 
2. Noise: Lye raised concerns with the noise from the Union Bar.

Logue moved and Caravalho seconded that the Downtown/Chinatown Neighborhood No. 13 support the First Friday Event through December 2019. The motion was adopted by unanimous consent, 7-0-0. (Aye: Lye, Shubert-Kwock; Nay: Caravalho, Logue, Mollring, Sturges, Tom; Abstain: None).

Neighborhood Board No. 13 Certificates of Recognition - The members of Neighborhood Board No. 13 were recognized.


Safe Haven - Greg Payton reported that there were 2 Safe Haven discharges/intakes, 2 Mental Health Kokua Oahu Case Management Housing placement, and 4 permanent housing placements. The grand total for 2019 is 52 placements through May 2019.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: 
1. Homeless Families: Logue asked about services provided for families who are just about to get evicted or not be able to pay rent. 
2. Client: Shubert-Kwock raised concerns with one of the clients who urinates and public and asks people for money. 
3. Drug Offenders: A community member asked about Safe Have's policy on clients who violate the law. Payton stated that there are house rules and if they are not followed, they receive an eviction notice.

Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) - Pat Lee submitted a report stating that progress continues on the Honolulu rail transit project, preparing for a limited revenue passenger service by the end of next year, 2020. This will be the first of two interim service openings, which will include the nine stations from Halawa station at Aloha Stadium to the Kualakai station at East Kapolei near the Kroc Center. A second interim opening of four additional stations is planned to extend rail service to the Kahau'iki station at Middle Street by 2023. This includes the stations at Pearl Harbor (Makalapa), the Airport (Lele'paua) and Lagoon Drive (Ahua). HART and the City department of transportation services have been meeting frequently to ensure a smooth transition of the management and oversight of rail assets and facilities, as required under the 2016 City Charter Amendment which transferred all rail operations and maintenance responsibilities from HART to the city. HART and Department of Transportation Services (DTS) are coordinating on various issues and commitments outlined in an agency Memorandum of Understanding that will guide the opening and operations of revenue passenger service. HART and the city are also collaborating on the smart card system for bus and rail access, called the "HOLO card". You can tap your HOLO card on TheBus, The Handi-Van and at future rail stations to pay for your transit ride anywhere on island. You can go to and set up an account, load money on your card, or check your balance. The HOLO card has a chip in it, which allows the data to be read, similar to cards you use every day at shops and stores right now. The next Train Community Day is scheduled for Saturday, June 22nd, 2019, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Rail Operations. For more information on the rail project, please visit the HART website at, call the project hotline at 566-2299, or email a question to

Chinatown Business and Community Association (CBCA) - Shubert-Kwock reported that the CBCA held its monthly Dim Sum Breakfast Meeting on Tuesday 14 May 2019 at Golden Palace at 10:00 a.m. Concerns center on: homeless on sidewalks, drugs, alcohol, and mental issues. HPD has been called numerous times a day to address these ongoing problems. It is very frustrating for all. Trash, littering, and violations of Kekaulike Mall by three persistent law breakers, Fruiton Market, 555 Market, and Vietnam Market, all on the Kekaulike Mall. Police was called and merchants were counseled but they persists every day to do it their way which is to discard waste on to the floor and litter at will until ready to sweep up. CBCA and Neighborhood Board No. 13 supported a no-renewal of liquor license for Maunakea Liquors. Neighboring shops and residents all signed to petition Honolulu Liquor Commission not to renew this liquor license. Mayor Caldwell and area legislators also supported no liquor license renewal for Maunakea Liquors which is the scene of multiple violent incidents and deaths. Trash new rules - this is not going to work as bad actors do not comply. Daily monitoring of Chinatown by Chu Lan and a few Chinatown Team partners are ongoing and we have enlisted HPD's assistance to back us up. The next CBCA Chinatown Dim Sum Meeting is on Tuesday 11 June 2019, 10:00 a.m. at Golden Palace.

Chinatown Improvement District (CID) - Kainoa Adolpho reported that the Chinatown Improvement District has been working to fine tune the community patrol project with both the guard company and the police department. We want to thank Major Nishibun for taking the time to address some of our concerns. If the funding for security at public properties in the area is approved, we will work to coordinate our efforts with theirs. We are also working on two projects to remove graffiti in the area. One area is the elevator building at Smith Beretania Park and the other effort, in partnership with Chinatown Business and Community Association and Lung Doo Society, is to remove graffiti on one of the Chinatown gateways. We are still waiting to hear from the Department of Transportation Services about removing graffiti from the elevator building. Kainoa Adolpho is helping to gather and analyze data in order to update and republish our signature Chinatown Restaurant and Business Directory. This is a free resource available on our website which lists and categorizes all of the ground floor businesses in the Chinatown Historic District with historical, cultural and other pertinent information. There is no cost for a ground floor business to participate and no discrimination about who is included in the directory.

Chinatown Watch - Fran Butera reported the following:
• Security for Chinatown Properties: The City's budget for fiscal year 2020 includes $250,000 for private security guards to patrol City-owned properties in Chinatown. Mahalo Nui to Councilmember Fukunaga for introducing the budget amendment and getting it to the finish line. So the funding is available effective Monday 1 July 2019. As $250,000 is a modest sum for an area this size, it is essential that the City plan ahead how to spend the money wisely. We urge the City to coordinate with HPD and with existing private security patrols, such as the one organized by CID, to support and amplify each other's efforts. For public safety, it is crucial that the guards patrol outdoors in the public spaces (sidewalks, streets, parks, etc.) around the city-owned buildings - not just inside or within the footprint of the buildings.
• Maunakea Liquors' License Renewal: At the Thursday 16 May 2019 Honolulu Liquor Commission hearing, Chinatown Watch joined the chorus of voices opposing license renewal for Maunakea Liquor & Grocery. Scores of Chinatown merchants, residents, property owners, community groups, our Neighborhood Board, Senator Rhoads, Councilmember Fukunaga, HPD and even Mayor Caldwell himself petitioned for the license revocation, citing this liquor store's long-standing pattern of behaviors harmful to our community. This was a remarkable show of unity toward a safer, cleaner Chinatown! The process is now playing out at the administrative level. We pray for an outcome that truly supports our community's best interests.
• Problems Persist: While these positive developments give us hope for the future, our present is a daily struggle. Chinatown citizens continue to report and document the problems that inevitably result when service-resistant homeless/mentally ill/addicts and criminals roam about freely among the shopkeepers, residents, visitors and workers in our district. The newly-funded security patrol is urgently needed as an emergency measure on the ground now, while we wait for the City and State to craft a coherent response to the public health and safety nightmare Downtown/Chinatown faces each day.
• To the City Administration: The community would like that City to begin immediately to fund private security patrols for Chinatown, with special emphasis on the known crime zones surrounding the homeless services and liquor stores. Provide all additional funding needed to support HPD in protecting Chinatown's citizens. Close the Pauahi Street hygiene center and relocate Safe Haven out of Chinatown. Fast-track your negotiations with River of Life Mission so they may move their feeding operation to lwilei this year. Close the liquor stores that sell alcohol and drugs to the homeless and mentally ill substance abusers who congregate in disproportionately high numbers in Chinatown.
• To Chinatown Residents, Merchants, Shoppers, Property Owners, and Visitors: Call 911 to report violations. Don't think you're inconveniencing the police by calling. They want you to call 911. Doing so gets the violations into their database and helps HPD help you. Talk to your neighbors about the problems. Encourage them to call 911, too. Post incidents anonymously to Please encourage your neighbors to post, too. It's an unofficial but visible way to build our community's case for more support. Please note that posting to is not a substitute for calling 911. To order Chinatown Watch window signs for your business, go to, click the About link, then send a message via the Contact link. Please allow a few days for a response as the site is run by volunteers. Get some neighbors together to meet with the HPD's Community Policing Team (CPT). Call the CPT office at (808) 732-3927. A strong community partnership with HPD is good for everyone. Merchants and property owners, please join the Chinatown Improvement District's neighborhood security patrol. Call Lee Stack at (808) 589-9927, email, or visit the website: Support legislation to fund private security patrols for Downtown-Chinatown's public spaces. Contact Councilmember Fukunaga's office for details. Email or call 768-5006.

APPROVAL OF THURSDAY 2 MAY 2019 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES - Hearing no objections, the Thursday 2 May 2019 regular meeting minutes were approved by unanimous consent, 7-0-0 (Aye: Caravalho, Lye, Logue, Mollring, Shubert-Kwock, Sturges, Tom; Nay: None; Abstain: None).

• Next Meeting - The Board will recess in July 2019. The next meeting of the Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board 13 is scheduled for Thursday 1 August 2019 at Hawaii Pacific University, One Aloha Tower Drive, Multi-Purpose Room 2 at 6:00 p.m.
• Neighborhood Citizen Patrol - The Neighborhood Citizen Patrol meets each Tuesday on the Diamond Head side of Kukui Plaza at 8:00 p.m. Please join the patrol and support its efforts to express service and pride in our Downtown-Chinatown community.
• Ô lelo - Rebroadcasts of Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board 13 meetings are scheduled on Ô lelo channel 49 for every third Thursday at 9:00 p.m., as well as 6:00 a.m. on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. An archive of past meetings may be found on and searching on .

ADJOURNMENT - Chair Shubert-Kwock adjourned the meeting at 9:04 p.m.
Submitted by: Harry Cho, Public Relations Assistant 
Reviewed by: Kevin Lye, Downtown/Chinatown Neighborhood Board No. 13 Secretary

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