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Electric vehicle parking exemption benefits ending today

HONOLULU -- The Department of Transportation Services (DTS) recognized today that Act 168 Session Laws of Hawaiienacted in 2012, which provided electric vehicles (EV) free parking at State and County parking lots and meters, was effectively repealed by the State Legislature on June 30, 2020.

Starting 12am on July 1, 2020, electric vehicle owners that were formally allowed to park free of charge must now pay posted parking fees at all City public parking facilities and any metered area due to the expiration of the state law.

The City and County of Honolulu strongly supports the electrification of transportation and Mayor Caldwell along with all three other county mayors have committed to fossil-fuel free ground transportation by 2045. The City is also working to expand electric vehicle charging station infrastructure across the island of Oʻahu and transitioning the City fleet to clean energy by 2035.

Please visit here for the revision on electric vehicle benefits.

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