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With Permission / Courtesy of: City and County of Honolulu Neighborhood Commission Office

CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kevin Lye called the meeting to order at 6:09 pm. A quorum was established with sev-en members present; this nine-member Board requires five members to establish quorum and to take official Board action.

Members Present: Robert Armstrong, Roxie-Anne Kamoshida, James Logue, Kevin Lye, Kevin McDonald, Willis Moore, and Chu Lan Shubert-Kwock.

Members Absent: None

Guests: Garrick Iwamuro (Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative); Councilmember Carol Fukunaga; Shawn Hama-moto (Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation); Lee Stack (Chinatown Improvement District); Kelsey Colpitts (Bikeshare Hawaii); Rep. Mark Hashem (Sofos Realty Company); Greg Payton (Mental Health Kokua); Laura Sturg-es, Marty Simjian, Ara Laylo, Matthew Kelty, Jared Kuroiwa, Janice Owens, Patricia Shields, Ronald Higa, John Selby, Justin Nakasone, Noe Tanigawa, and David Moskowitz (residents); Jackson Coley (Neighborhood Commis-sion Office). Names were not included if not recognized or legible on the sign-in sheet.

INTRODUCTION OF BOARD MEMBERS: The Board members introduced themselves to the assembly.

MEMBERSHIP VACANCY APPOINTMENTS AS PER NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN SECTION 2-13-108(e), 2-14-106(g), and 2-14-104: Chair Lye reported that the Board has two at-large vacancies, explained the processes for candidate nominations, querying, and voting, and opened the floor to nominations and volunteers. Logue nominated Laura Sturges; Sturges accepted the nomination. Marty Simjian volunteered; McDonald nominated Simjian. Ara Laylo volunteered. Matthew Kelty volunteered; Armstrong nominated Kelty. Jared Kuroiwa volunteered; Armstrong nominated Kuroiwa.

Chair Lye called a recess at 6:50 pm to permit verification by the Neighborhood Assistant of the candidates' residency. All four nominees were verified. Chair Lye called the meeting back to order at 6:55 pm.

No candidate received a sufficient tally of votes for appointment (STURGES: Kamoshida, Logue, Moore, Shu-bert-Kwock; KUROIWA: Armstrong; KELTY: Lye; SIMJIAN: McDonald).

Shubert-Kwock moved and Kamoshida seconded that the Board vote again. The motion was not adopted 3-3-1 (AYE: Kamoshida, Logue, Shubert-Kwock; NAY: Armstrong, McDonald, and Moore; ABSTAIN: Lye). Chair Lye noted that the appointment process would be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting of Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board 13.

Honolulu Fire Department (HFD): No representative was present; no report was given.

Neighborhood Citizen Patrol: Chair Lye reported that the patrol had ventured to the easternmost regions of the NB 13 jurisdiction and visited HFD headquarters at 636 South Street, confirmed that there is no longer any security camera-monitoring equipment within the Chinatown HPD substation, observed broken windows, innumerable sit-lie violators, and open trash piles far from lockable green bins, and found new curb repairs which still collected decep-tively deep puddles of rainwater. An invitation was made for the public to walk with the patrol on Tuesday evenings, departing at 8 pm from the Kukui Plaza Diamond Head tower lobby.

Governor David Ige's Representative: No representative [] was present; a printed newsletter was available for review.

Mayor's Representative: Garrick Iwamuro [] reported the following:
• Power washings: The Department of Parks and Recreations (DPR) responded to a prior concern that the City contracted a private company, using CARES ACT funding, for a two-step cleaning process on the sidewalks on both sides of certain streets in Chinatown with three work crews. This cleaning/sanitizing pro-ject is scheduled to end in December 2020.
• Protect seniors: HPD responded to a prior concern that the District 1 Community Policing Team is coordi-nating with the Neighborhood Security Watches (NSW) to provide education relating to local issues, senior safety, and reporting procedures. District 1 has adjusted the hours of its Fourth Watch Detail to provide dai-ly foot patrols in the Chinatown and Downtown areas, and is working with the City Department of Infor-mation Technology (DIT) to inquire about repair and installation costs for a new camera monitoring system in Chinatown.
• Climate project: The Office of Climate Change, Sustainability and Resiliency (CCSR) [] has initiated a climate adaptation strategy project to support climate readi-ness on OÔahu; see to participate in a survey and upcoming virtual community meetings.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. CCSR: Moore inquired if the new mayor will continue the CCSR; Iwamuro responded that he cannot speak for the new mayor.
2. Power washing: Shubert-Kwock voiced concerns regarding the washing program and advocated having a representative speak to the Board and provide a work schedule.
3. CARES Act Funding: Chair Lye reiterated and displayed onscreen a request from a resident forwarded on 5 November 2020 to the office of the Mayor seeking a breakdown of how the $7 million dollars in CARES Act funding allocated for Chinatown had been spent to date.
4. Homeless encampment: Chair Lye noted that the City had distributed a flyer on 6 November 2020 about proper use of canopies in parks yet seems to have turned a blind eye to the fully canopied and growing homeless encampment at the intersection of Dillingham Boulevard and North King Street.
5. Pauahi Street: Resident Janice Owens voiced concerns regarding homeless individuals on Pauahi Street and senior safety.

City Councilmember Carol Fukunaga: Councilmember Fukunaga [] spoke to a newsletter posted to the NB 13 online repository and reported the following:
• Resolution 20-291: Addresses assisting businesses which were shut down due to COVID-19 and was adopted by the City Council Committee on Economic Assistance and Revitalization.
• National Commercial Rent Survey: Prior Hawaii-specific survey results were shared; the assembly was en-couraged to take the national survey on
• Smith-Beretania Mini Park: The Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) plans to remove feral chick-ens.
• River Street: A homeless sweep was performed on River Street on Friday 20 November 2020.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. River of Life (RoL): Shubert-Kwock voiced concerns regarding RoL and the homeless individuals to whom assistance is provided; Fukunaga responded that a report was sent to the Department of Health (DOH) for action. Shubert-Kwock voiced concerns regarding a lack of bathrooms in Chinatown and advocated having RoL install portable toilets.
2. Business assistance: McDonald voiced concerns regarding use of private banks to distribute funds by pro-grams assisting businesses; Fukunaga noted that local credit unions were mostly used and the assistance program would end on Tuesday 8 December 2020.
3. Non-profits: Logue inquired about City budget cuts and the impact thereof on non-profit organizations; Fu-kunaga noted that non-profits can apply for City and State funding.
4. Pauahi Street: Resident Owens voiced concerns regarding homeless individuals on Pauahi Street; Fukuna-ga responded that she filed a complaint with the Mayor's Office and a clinic is opening up in the area to provide assistance.

State Senator Karl Rhoads: No representative [] was present; a report had been pro-vided and posted to the NB 13 online repository.

State House Representative Scott Saiki: No representative was present []; a report had been provided and posted to the NB 13 online repository.

State House Representative Daniel Holt: No representative was present []; no report was provided.

Chinatown Business and Community Association (CBCA): Shubert-Kwock reported that the next meeting of CBCA will occur at 10 am on Tuesday 8 December 2020 at Golden Palace restaurant, that security guards continue to make rounds in Chinatown to augment HPD services, and that CBCA remains concerned with criminal activity, COVID-19, and RoL homeless feeding operations.

Chinatown Improvement District (CID): Lee Stack reported that CID worked with Pacific Gateway Center during No-vember 2020 to provide free assistance regarding COVID-19 grants and assistance for small businesses in China-town, and that CID met with CBCA and the City's Department of Land Management (DLM) regarding the upcoming contract renewal for the Chinatown guard program.

Biki utilization update: Kelsey Colpitts [] of Bikeshare Hawaii spoke to information about Biki posted to the NB 13 online repository.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA): Armstrong recommended installing a Biki station at the YMCA; Colpitts voiced agreement and noted that Biki stations must be a quarter-mile from one another.
2. Profits: Shubert-Kwock inquired about profits from Biki operations; Colpitts responded that Bikeshare Ha-waii was only breaking even before COVID-19, and cannot pay for land-use privileges at this time. Colpitts noted that the Biki contract is for five years but may be extended.
3. Theft: McDonald inquired about stolen-bike statistics; Colpitts responded that there are minimal thefts but that there are issues with vandalism.
4. Private land use: Chair Lye inquired and Colpitts confirmed that there are plans to gradually move stations from public land and on-street parking stalls and onto private property, and clarified that Biki always tries to use private land first.

Resolution 2020-013: Requesting greater transparency and accountability at the Honolulu Liquor Commission: Arm-strong presented a resolution to the Board responding to Board members' ongoing concerns with HLC:

RESOLVED that Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board 13 requests a qualified spokesperson, such as a Commissioner, Agency Administrator or Assistant Administrator, or Administrative Branch representative, of the City and County of Honolulu Liquor Commission to attend a minimum of three meetings per year of the Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board beginning 1 January 2021, to inform the Board and its constituents of HLC activities, policies, and plans, and to field questions from Board members and the public; and be it further

RESOLVED that Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board 13 calls upon the newly elected Mayor of Honolulu to investigate and consider converting future vacant Commissioner positions on the Honolulu Liquor Commission into elected positions to be decided by voters beginning November 2022 until the entire Commission is comprised of elected representatives from OÔahu by November 2026.

McDonald moved and Armstrong seconded adoption of the resolution.

Discussion followed:
1. Resolution overview: Armstrong read the proposed resolution and clarified that the resolution's intent is in part to convert the HLC Commissioners into elected positions decided by the voters, thus increasing ac-countability and transparency.
2. Opposition: Shubert-Kwock voiced opposition to the resolution and advocated that the HLC report to the Board every month instead.
3. Support: McDonald voiced support for the resolution and for increased accountability.
4. Concomitant board actions: Armstrong noted that the Board could both pass the resolution and request monthly reports from the HLC.
5. Past board interaction with HLC: Chair Lye clarified that while the board appreciated past appearances by representatives of the HLC enforcement branch, these individuals had not been able to address the policy and procedure questions raised by members of the Board and the community; attempts since the start of this term to invite any HLC Commissioner or representative from the administrative branch to meet with the Board had been fruitless.

The motion was adopted 6-1-0 (AYE: Armstrong, Kamoshida, Logue, Lye, McDonald, Moore; NAY: Shubert-Kwock; ABSTAIN: none).

Request for closure of [1] NuÔuanu Avenue from Chaplain Lane to King Street and [2] Pauahi Street extending a half-block in both directions from NuÔuanu Avenue on Saturday 9 January 2021 from 10:30 am to 5:30 pm for Arts on the Avenue: Chair Lye announced that this event has been delayed until spring 2021 and deferral of action was request-ed by the event sponsor.

Proposed adaptation of 2 N King Street to affordable senior housing and senior center: Mark Hashem [mhashem@sofos] of Sofos Realty Company spoke to information about the Hocking Building posted to the NB 13 online repository.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Funding: Shubert-Kwock inquired and Hashem responded that although the project is funded by a for-profit developer, Federal low-income and historic housing tax credits would be sought, and that although funding has not yet been secured, tax credits will be sought by February 2021 after which the State will award funds in July 2021.
2. Nomenclature: Armstrong inquired and Hashem responded that the name "Hocking" comes from the name of building's first owner.
3. Senior housing: Armstrong inquired about what made this senior housing; Hashem responded that the build-ing will be built to be Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant but that he was unsure of the age for eligible seniors.
4. Homeless: McDonald voiced concerns regarding homelessness, crime, and poverty in the neighborhood and advocated instead for new businesses at this site, stated that low-income housing increases crime, raised concerns that the neighborhood is not be safe for seniors, and noted opposition to the project at this time.
5. Conflicts of interest: Chair Lye offered Hashem an opportunity to declare that there were no potential con-flicts of interest with this project and his capacity as a State Representative. Hashem noted he was at the Board meeting in his individual capacity and clarified that the part-time legislature expects representatives to have secondary jobs.
6. Parking: Resident Sturges inquired about parking; Hashem responded that the building does not have park-ing, that no parking will be added, and that the developer may contact nearby parking structures to address this issue.
7. Board action: Armstrong inquired if action by NB 13 was needed and Hashem responded that Board support could help the tax credit application.

Armstrong moved and Moore seconded that Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board 13 support af-fordable senior housing at the Hocking Building.

Discussion followed:
1. Opposition: Shubert-Kwock voiced opposition and stated it was too early to endorse the project.
2. Support: Armstrong voiced support for developing senior affordable housing and recommended supporting the motion so that the developer can acquire tax credits.
3. Business use: McDonald voiced opposition and advocated using the location instead for businesses; Ha-shem noted that this project involves a long process and there will be more discussions about such in the future.

The motion was adopted 5-2-0 (AYE: Armstrong, Kamoshida, Logue, Lye, Moore; NAY: McDonald, Shubert-Kwock; ABSTAIN: None).

Safe Haven: Greg Payton [] spoke to information posted to the NB 13 online repository and reported the following:
• Placements: 103 homeless individuals with mental illness were placed into housing between January and November 2020.
• Restrooms: Although restrooms at Pauahi Hale are not yet opened to the public, plans are in place to make them available by the end of December 2020.
• Punawai Rest Stop: The second anniversary of the Rest Stop was recently celebrated; it has provided over 77,600 services of various types since January 2020.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Restrooms: Shubert-Kwock inquired and Payton responded that re-strooms are currently open eight hours per day and serve roughly 50 people per day; Shubert-Kwock voiced con-cerns regarding a lack of security guards.

Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART): Shawn Hamamoto [] spoke to information posted to the NB 13 online repository and available below as an Annex. For more information, please visit the HART website at, call the project hotline on (808) 566-2299, or email a question to

Shubert-Kwock departed at 8:38 pm; six members present.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Costs: McDonald voiced concerns regarding the rail project, budget, and timeline, noting that it remains the most expensive per capita public works project in the history of the world. Hamamoto responded that the City and HART are contemplating phasing schedules to finish the project.

Minutes of 1 October 2020: Without objection, the minutes were adopted as circulated by unanimous con-sent.

Minutes of 5 November 2020: Without objection, the minutes were adopted as circulated by unanimous con-sent.

Chair's Report: Chair Lye noted that the exercise of selective querying of board appointee candidates had not yield-ed the expected self-regulatory time-management by all members and that the process for such would be improved next month, and encouraged Board officers to submit business card templates to the Neighborhood Commission Office (NCO) as the City's print shop had still not yet generated such nearly six months into the term.

Treasurer's Report: Chair Lye received the financial statement printed on 3 December 2020 from the Neighborhood Assistant; the report did not reflect any postage or printing expenditures from the month of November 2020 and ap-peared to the same report as that which was provided during the November 2020 meeting. Chair Lye noted that NCO could have saved NB 13 the costs incurred for printing and mailing one piece of paper per community member on the mailing list during the past month by recognizing that the odd number of pages for each of the November 2020 minutes and the December 2020 agenda document provided two blank faces onto which the Neighborhood Board System Monthly Meeting Calendar page and the NCO return-address and destination address page could have been strategically integrated, or that the agenda and minutes documents could have been concatenated prior to printing to eliminate the interstitial blank pages found within the most recent mailing.

Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization (OahuMPO) Citizen Advisory Committee: Logue noted that various City departments had discussed teleworking and the City is considering expansion of such. Chair Lye noted that the most recent presentations and minutes had been posted to the NB 13 online repository for review.

Board Members' Concerns: Armstrong advocated invitations to the Mayor-elect and to HPD Chief Ballard to appear at upcoming meetings of NB 13. McDonald voiced agreement and expressed concerns regarding the early depar-ture of Board members from meetings.

Election of Board Secretary: No volunteers were identified or nominations made for such.

Resolution 2020-010: Regarding censure of Board Member Chu Lan Shubert-Kwock: Chair Lye reiterated that action on this resolution had been deferred from the prior two meetings of NB 13 upon loss of quorum, but that it had al-ready been moved and seconded and was in the midst of debate prior to the first loss of quorum. For illustrative purposes, a version of the resolution was displayed with the name of the Member fully redacted, to permit the members still present to focus on the matter at hand: that a breach of Neighborhood Plan ¤¤2-14-117 and 2-13-104(a) had occurred when email messages were broadcast to the public accusing, without provocation or proof, mul-tiple members of Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board 13 of being "MAGA inspired White Supremists [sic]," that this represented a gross failure to maintain "the highest standards of ethical conduct," and that such ac-tions diminished the ability of "the public [to] justifiably have trust and confidence in the integrity of the neighbor-hood board system" vis-ˆ-vis the members of Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board 13. It was again clari-fied that, despite what had been promulgated online by the Member, Resolution 2020-010 was one of censure, ra-ther than sanction, and serves only to make note of behaviors of which a majority of the Board disapproves, and that not supporting the Resolution is thus tantamount to supporting the cited actions.

Armstrong stated that he had drafted the resolution with no ill will and that the issue at hand was professional and not personal in nature.

McDonald noted the small number of Board members still present and suggesting deferring action on the resolution for greater discussion with more members.

McDonald moved and Lye seconded to defer further action on the resolution to the following meeting of the Board.

Discussion followed: Chair Lye clarified that his support for the motion was to permit discussion on the matter and opined if any new appointees, if so approved, would be permitted to adjudge the offenses and vote on the motion if laid down now and brought from the table at a later date. Armstrong stated that new members would not have help-ful insight and advocated taking timely action.

The motion to defer action on Resolution 2020-010 was not adopted 1-5-0 (AYE: McDonald; NAY: Armstrong, Kamoshida, Logue, Lye, Moore; ABSTAIN: None).

Logue voiced confusion about the resolution lacking transparency. Kamoshida asked about what the resolution mattered. McDonald clarified that each Member has the right to draft and submit resolutions.

Armstrong moved and Moore seconded to end debate on the Resolution; the motion passed without objec-tion.

The motion to adopt Resolution 2020-010 was not adopted 3-3-0 (AYE: Armstrong, Lye, McDonald; NAY: Ka-moshida, Logue, Moore; ABSTAIN: None).

Resolution 2020-011: Regarding support from the Neighborhood Commission Office to facilitate telepresence meet-ings of Neighborhood Boards: Chair Lye reiterated that action on this resolution had been deferred from the prior two meetings of NB 13 upon loss of quorum.

RESOLVED that the Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board 13 requests that the City and County of Honolulu Neighborhood Commission Office and the Commissioners thereof immediately and aggressively seek funding from local, state, and federal sources to procure connectivity-related hardware such as portable high-bandwidth wireless hotspots and other equipment to facilitate remote hosting of telepresence meetings; and be it further

RESOLVED that Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board 13 requests that NCO make available on an ad hoc basis such equipment to NB members actively engaged in hosting such meetings to permit seamless virtual or hybrid telepresence meetings and permit continued outreach to their respective communities.

McDonald moved and Lye seconded to adopt Resolution 2020-011.

Discussion followed: Lye related the history of the resolution, noting the identification during a prior meeting of the NCO Commissioners of available funds for such and the need to be technologically prepared should the need for virtual or hybrid telepresence meetings of NB 13 arise in the future.

The motion to adopt Resolution 2020-011 was adopted 5-0-1 (AYE: Armstrong, Kamoshida, Logue, Lye, McDonald; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: Moore).

• Next Meeting - The next regular meeting of Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board 13 is scheduled for Thursday 7 January 2021 at Hawaii Pacific University, One Aloha Tower Drive, Multi-Purpose Room 3 at 6:00 pm; please monitor for updates regarding physical site accessibility.
• Citizen Patrol - The Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Citizen Patrol departs each Tuesday evening at 8:00 pm from the Diamond Head Tower lobby of Kukui Plaza. Please wear a mask, bring a friend, join the patrol, and help identify areas of concern within our Downtown-Chinatown community.
• Ô lelo - Rebroadcasts of Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board 13 meetings are scheduled on Ô lelo channel 49 for every third Thursday at 9:00 p.m., as well as 6:00 a.m. on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. An archive of past meetings may be found on and searching on .

ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business to be conducted, Chair Lye adjourned the meeting without objection at 9:09 pm.

Submitted by Jackson Coley, Public Relations Assistant
Reviewed by Chris Naylon, Community Relations Specialist
Finalized by Kevin Lye, Chair, Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board 13


Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART):
December 2020

Construction progress
The full 20-mile, 21 station rail system is 59.3% complete.
• West Oahu Stations Group (Kualaka'i, Keone'ae, Honouliuli) is 98% complete.
• Farrington Highway Stations Group (Ho'ae'ae, Pouhala, Halaulani) is 99% complete.
• Kamehameha Highway Stations Group (Waiawa, Kalauao, Halawa) is 96% complete.
• Kamehameha Highway resurfacing is 99% complete.
• Airport Guideway and Stations Group (Makalapa, Lelepaua, Ahua, Kahauiki) is 78% complete.
• City Center Utilities Relocation is 7% complete.

Train testing schedule
HART will be conducting dynamic testing of its trains on the elevated guideway 24 hours a day, from Monday to Friday. Testing will be conducted in three shifts from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. (shift 1), 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. (shift 2), and 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. (shift 3). In addition, the trains running during the second and third shifts will be scheduled on Satur-day and Sunday as required for system integration testing of the trains and training of operations and maintenance staff. The specific area of system testing includes Kualaka'i (East Kapolei) to Halawa (Aloha Stadium) Stations. Testing may occur in sections of the alignment.

Re-procurement of the City Center section guideway, Stations and Pearl Highlands parking garage contract
On August 25, 2020, the City withdrew its participation in the Public-Private Partnership (P3) procurement for the City Center Section and Pearl Highlands contract. As a result, HART had been the sole participant in the procure-ment and had been conducting post-proposal meetings with the Priority-Listed Offerors to seek clarification and un-derstanding of the Priority-Listed Offerors' proposals.

On November 20, 2020, the City notified HART that they would not be re-joining the procurement upon reviewing HART's Path Forward Report. As a result, HART and the City began the cancellation process of the City Center Section and Pearl Highlands solicitation. The procurement was cancelled on November 25, 2020 and the design and construction of the City Center Section Guideway, Stations and the Pearl Highlands Parking Garage will be re-procured accordingly.

HART Board of Directors
Recent changes to the HART Board membership include legislative appointee Lynn McCrory was appointed by Mayor Kirk Caldwell as a voting member of the Board on November 10, 2020, replacing Ford Fuchigami. Jon Nou-chi, Acting Director of the Department of Transportation Services, assumed the ex-officio position upon Wes Frysztacki's departure on November 11, 2020. And finally, Mayor Caldwell reappointed Hoyt Zia for an additional term to serve on the HART Board effective November 17, 2020.

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