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The ARTS at Marks Garage - APRIL 2021 Update

1159 Nu'uanu Avenue | Honolulu, Hawai'i 96817
808.521.2903 | |
Gallery Hours: Tuesday through Saturday 12pm - 5pm

The ARTS at Marks Garage  

April  2021    

April's Restore OUR Earth

Restore Our Earth 2021
April 2- April 30

Restore Our Earth ! We all have been in this pandemic for so long, its time to get out, stretch our legs and think about our future. REstore our Earth hopes to focus our thoughts on how we can part of the solution to doing our part on making sure there is a future to be proud of for generations. Mark Chai brings his recycled plastics to life with a beautiful lounge chair; Jodi Endicott presents her emperor penguins made from trash; Saumo Puapuaga's acrylics show us how we can embody the stars. So much inspiration to be discovered. Come pick your favorite! With artists : Solomon Enos, MaryAnne Long, Eric Morgan, Kat Kalauskas, Gert de Couet, Susan Polanco de Couet, Nathan Chromczak, Telana, Robert Mace, Mariana Monasi.

Happily sponsored by our neighbors at
American Savings Bank

Open Mic Nite 
April 17th
tix at eventbrite

Books at Marks
Friends of the Library

Open Wed-Sat 12-5 PM
There’s a BOOKSTORE in Downtown by Friends of the Library of Hawai‘i!

YOGA at Marks
Open Wed-5:30pm
Community YOGA with certified Mr.Danny Wu
Sign up via email
or DM via IG of FB

The ARTS at Marks Garage NEEDS YOU!
We've come a very long way over the last year, and we need you to join our team of supporters to continue.  

The ARTS at Marks Garage began as a cooperative of artists who wanted to support themselves, each other and the community through creative work.  Throughout the years, The ARTS continues to persist in our mission to transform our community with the power of the arts. You can join the effort.

We'd like to invite you to be the change you want to see in Chinatown.  When you become a sustaining donor to
The ARTS, you help assure that positive activities continue to light up Chinatown.  While you help the burgeoning artist around the corner get a chance to be seen, you also assure that you'll be able to see their work in a community that needs all of us.

Please be one of our
1001 Friends with a monthly gift of $10 or more, or a one-time donation of any amount (if it's meaningful to you, it will be meaningful to us).  We need you and appreciate your desire to support the transformative power of art in our community!
Be our FRIEND!
Kim Taylor Reece
Board President 
The ARTS at Marks Garage


Friends of the Library
Hawai'i Shakespeare Festival
T-RX/Hallowbaloo Music + Arts Festival
The ARTS at Marks Garage
1159 Nu'uanu Ave., Honolulu HI 96817
(808) 521-2903
Gallery Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.

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  • The ARTS At Marks Garage
    The ARTS at Marks Garage is a community arts center with a 1,000 sq. ft. gallery, a 1,000 sq. ft. theater, and a 1,000 sq. ft. office space founded in 2001. Marks is home to 13 performing and visual arts businesses including Youth Speaks Hawaii and Hawaii Shakespeare Festival. 45,000 visitors attend 13 exhibits and 150 performances each year.
    1159 Nuuanu Ave., Honolulu, HI (View Map)

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