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SFCA Annual Report, Fiscal Year 2022

SFCA Annual Report, Fiscal Year 2022
Learn more about what the Hawaiʻi State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (SFCA) accomplished in fiscal year 2022! This report covers July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022.

The annual report PDF can be read online or downloaded from the SFCA website:

Cover art: photo of a section of “Ahupuaʻa/Laulima” by Kauaʻi artist Carol Bennett, glass art installation at the Consolidated Rent-A-Car facility at the Honolulu International Airport,
SFCA Art in Public Places Collection. The artwork includes a series of two-story tall art glass panels depicting abstract images inspired by Hawaiian land divisions. From waterfalls and kī leaves to sea urchin and fish patterns, the vibrant colors serve as a grand welcome for visitors to Oʻahu.

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The mission of the Hawai‘i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts is to promote, perpetuate, preserve and encourage culture and the arts, history and the humanities as central to the quality of life of the people of Hawai‘i. HSFCA funding is provided by the State of Hawai‘i and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Courtesy of: Hawaii State Art Museum

Hawaii State Art Museum

The Hawai'i State Art Museum is dedicated to presenting the largest and finest collection of works by Hawai'i artists that celebrate the diverse artistic and cultural legacy of Hawai'i.

To promote, perpetuate, preserve and encourage culture and the arts, history and the humanities as central to the quality of life of the people of Hawai`i. HSFCA funding is provided by the State of Hawai`i and the National Endowment for the Arts. The HSFCA is administratively attached to the Department of Accounting and General Services.

The musuem is open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed State and Federal Holdays. Always free admission. For pre-recorded information call 586-0900.

The Hawai'i State Art Museum is open Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is free. For pre-recorded summary information on the museum, call (808) 586-0900. For current museum program information, call the HSFCA Art in Public Places Program at (808) 586-0305. To arrange an educational tour of the museum, call (808) 586-9958.

For information on the HSFCA; the Hawai'i State Art Museum; HSFCA grants, programs, and services; Hawai'i arts and culture events; and USA and worldwide arts opportunities, visit the HSFCA website,

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  • Hawaii State Art Museum
    The Hawai'i State Art Museum is dedicated to presenting the largest and finest collection of works by Hawai'i artists that celebrate the diverse artistic and cultural legacy of Hawaii.
    250 South Hotel Street, 2nd Floor, Honolulu, HI (View Map)

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