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Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board Meeting MARCH 2023 Minutes
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6:00 PM
The video record of this meeting may be found on and
Referenced reports and other meeting materials may be found in the month-specific folder of the NB 13 public-facing Google Drive on
I. CALL TO ORDER -- [0:00:03]: 6:02 pm
Chair Ernest Caravalho called the Downtown--Chinatown Neighborhood Board № 13 meeting to order at 6:02 pm. Quorum was established with eight members present; this nine-member board requires five members to establish quorum and take official action.
Members Present: Robert Armstrong, Ernest Caravalho, Sean Fitzsimmons, Ross Isokane, Kevin Lye, Lori McCarney, Kevin McDonald (6:07 pm), Chu Lan Shubert-Kwock, and Travis Thompson.
Members Absent: None.
Guests: Captain Mark Bates (Honolulu Fire Department); Lieutenant Arnold Sagucio, Lieutenant Barry Tong, Emily Ogasawara (Honolulu Police Department); Gloria Borland (Inspiration Hawai'i Museum); Don Murphy (Murphy's Bar & Grill); Richmond Luzar (Office of Councilmember); Paul Mendez (Office of District 13 Senator); Iris Oda (Honolulu Board of Water Supply); Harry Cho (Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation); Patrick Watson (Honua Consulting); Jon Rasmussen, Ronald Higa, Rick Keene, Laura Sturges, Candice Kraughto, Nicole Reid, Ron Sturges, Seok Hooi Ng (Residents); Dylan Buck (Neighborhood Commission Office). Names were not included if not recognized or not legible on the sign-in sheet; there were as many as 36 unique attendees.
[0:01:05] -- Lye MOVED and McCarney SECONDED to amend to amend meeting agenda item VII.A. to Thursday 7 March 2024 Regular Meeting Written Summary of Video Record as posted in NB 13 Google Drive folder for April 2024; the motion WAS ADOPTED; 8--0--0 (Aye: Armstrong, Caravalho, Fitzsimmons, Isokane, Lye, McCarney, Shubert-Kwock, Thompson; Nay: None; Abstain: None). -- [0:01:41]
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) -- [0:01:51]: Captain Mark Bates spoke to a report with statistics for March 2024 and relayed safety tips about evacuation planning. For more tips and information, visit
Questions, comments, and concerns followed; Lye inquired to what degree HFD monitored the increasing number of semipermanent structures and use of illicit drugs within Kamali‘i Mini Park adjacent to Central Fire Station 1, and to what agency the park had been transferred. -- [0:03:37]
McDonald joined at 6:05 pm; nine members present.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) -- [0: 05:48]: Lieutenant Sagucio shared area statistics for March 2024, provided safety tips regarding distracted driving, and announced the HPD District 1 "Know your Beat" program to proactively build partnerships between HPD and the community. Additional Crime Mapping Statistics may be found on
Questions, comments, and concerns followed; Lye inquired if alms-beggars weaving in between vehicles at intersections is considered jaywalking and about how residents should best report vehicles with illegally modified exhaust systems, and prior legislation addressing such. -- [0:08:45]
III. PRESENTATIONS -- [0: 26:09]
Submission of Public Infrastructure Map application to DPP by HPD -- [0:26:09]: Lieutenant Barry Tong announced that HPD intends to purchase 819 S. Beretania Street adjacent to HPD headquarters to permit collocation of several divisions, reduce leasing expenses, and increase space for HPD operations; several HPD entities remain in leased spaces, including the Honolulu Police Caree Center at Kapālama Hale. HPD hopes that $7.5 million to purchase the property will be included in the City's budget for FY 2025.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:28:28]
Inspiration Hawai'i Museum -- [0:35:09]: Gloria Borland spoke to a presentation about the planned museum at 900 Richards Street, which will showcase the local talent of people from Hawai‘i who have inspired the world. Anticipated opening is in September 2024; admission for Hawai‘i residents will be free. Over 90% of the museum's budget will be privately funded. It is hoped that the museum will be a place for local talent to mentor and inspire others.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed; Lye inquired about ongoing requests for government subsidization; Borland noted that a grant-in-aid had been received several years ago to fund two full-time employees but such funds had not been expended. -- [0:46:48]
16th Annual Hawaii Children's Cancer Foundation Fundraiser and 26th Annual Pigskin Pig-Out -- [0:53:42]: Don Murphy announced two upcoming annual events: (1) the 16th annual Hawaii Children's Cancer Foundation Fundraiser on Saturday 15 June 2024 from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm, and (2) the 26th annual Pigskin Pig-Out to support the Nā Koa Football Club and the Hawaiʻi Bowl Foundation on Saturday 14 August 2024 from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm; each event will entail closure of Merchant Street between Bethel Steer and Nuʻuanu Avenue for most of each of these days.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed; Murphy indicated that over a million dollars had been raised for each of the charities over the past several years. -- [0:54:54]
[0:59:39] -- Shubert-Kwock MOVED and Fitzsimmons SECONDED to support both events as presented; the motion was ADOPTED 9--0--0 (Aye: Armstrong, Caravalho, Fitzsimmons, Isokane, Lye, McCarney, McDonald, Shubert-Kwock, Thompson; Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [1:00:58]
IV. PUBLIC CONCERNS -- [1:33:10]
Dates for Fundraisers -- [1:02:00]: Patrick Watson sought clarification of fundraising events as shared by Don Murphy.
Concerns with Graffiti -- [1:03:00]: Jon Rasmussen raised concerns with increased graffiti throughout the community and inquired about any initiatives to combat this issue. Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [1:04:06]
Continued Illegal Early-morning Leafblower Use -- [1:07:36]: Lye inquired if representatives of either of the two local eateries he had invited to introduce themselves to the community were present, and shared images documenting concerns about continued disregard of statutes as well as prior agreements and attestations from May 2023 regarding leafblower use before 8:00 am in the Nu'uanu Avenue × Kukui Street area.
Permitted Interaction Group Announcement -- [1:09:26]: Lori McCarney announced that the NB 13 permitted interaction group (PIG) established to explore expansion of events in Downtown--Chinatown will be dissolved at the May 2024 meeting, and suggested that the Board will instead consider a different initiative through a resolution and monthly updates.
Additional testimony is presented as items IV. within the month-specific folder of the NB 13 public-facing Google Drive.
Congressman Ed Case's Representative -- [1:11:00]: No representative present, no report submitted.
Governor Josh Green's Representative -- [0:58:05]: No representative present; a report was submitted.
Mayor Blangiardi's Representative -- [1:10:22]: No representative present; a report was submitted after the meeting and a memorandum addressing certain concerns raised at previous meetings noted that the "Division of Road Maintenance only power washes bus stops between Nimitz Highway and Beretania Street in the Chinatown area" and the "Department of Transportation Services will conduct an investigation to determine the conditions and sufficiency of the existing signage along Hotel Street in informing motorists of the restricted access and will assess if additional signage is necessary."
City Council (District 6) -- Tyler Dos Santos-Tam -- [1:11:40]: Richmond Luzar spoke to a report and noted a constituent concern regarding a damaged street light at 133-A North Hotel Street, that Bills 3 and 19 (related to affordable housing) and Bills 57 and 58 (relating to illegal game rooms) were deferred, that Bill 20 (relating to funding for the Department of Planning and Permitting) would improve services by directing revenues collected from fines and fees to DPP.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed; residents of 215 North King inquired about release of funds to repair damage to a fence caused by homeless encampments at the Nimitz offramp; Lye displayed skid row images and inquired about the threshold for permission to build and obstruct sidewalks without interference, and asked if the city council had a policy regulating the presentation of content by elected or appointed officials on personal Facebook or social media pages clearly defamatory against citizens that such an official could be adjudging as a part of his or her elected or appointed duties. Fitzsimmons inquired if the Councilmember is in favor of regulating assault pistols. -- [1:15:24]
State Senate (District 13) -- Karl Rhoads -- [1:30:36]: Paul Mendez spoke to a report addressing certain questions raised at previous meetings, recommended following bills on, and relayed recent COVID-19 statistics.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed; McDonald inquired about efforts to limit presentation of candidates on ballots; Lye presented images of a free-range dog in a food-selling store and asked if there was a legal way to inquire if a sole person accompanied by a presumed emotional support animal is not the individual declaring a need for said animal, and inquired about efforts to resurrect SB 587 (2023) regarding fine increases for noisy exhaust pipes and mufflers. -- [1:35:18]
State House (District 26) -- Scott Saiki -- [1:40:47]: No representative present; a report was provided.
State House (District 28) -- Daniel Holt -- [1:41:00]: No representative present; no report submitted. Nicole Reid expressed concern about crossed-over HB 2328 and plans to acquire multiple parcels of downtown property from a single landowner. -- [1:43:10]
VI. MONTHLY REPORTS -- [2:13:38]
Honolulu Board of Water Supply (BWS) -- [1:44:20]: Iris Oda noted that BWS is promoting Detect-A-Leak Week from Sunday 14 April through Saturday 20 April 2024, reiterated the BWS offer of a $100 toilet rebate until Friday 19 April 2024, provided responses to questions raised at the previous meeting, reported contact with property owners regarding chronic water leaks generating feral bird baths along the makai side of North Kukui Street between Nu‘uanu Avenue and Maunakea Street, and provided wasted-water hotline contact options:, (808) 748-5041, or
Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) Highways Division -- [1:47:39]: No representative present; no report submitted.
Maunakea Village -- Mental Health Kokua -- [1:48:00]: No representative present; a report was provided.
Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) -- [1:48:20]: Patrick Watson (Honua Consulting) provided updates on the Downtown Utility Relocation Project and construction notices affecting traffic along Nimitz Highway and Halekauwila Street, and provided information about the next City Center Utilities Relocation Business and Community Meeting on Thursday 25 April 2024. Construction updates are available; contact with questions or for assistance.
Chinatown Improvement District -- [1:52:08]: No representative present; no report submitted.
Chinatown Business Community Association (CBCA) -- [1:52:20]: Shubert-Kwock spoke to a report, noted that the prior meeting on 12 March2024 focused on increased HPD patrols and the Kekaulike Mall renovation project, and relayed that the next CBCA meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 9 April 2024.
Neighborhood Citizen Patrol -- [2:32:57]: Lye presented images and reported observations by the patrol from March 2024, including broken-glass repairs on Bethel Street and awning installations on Fort Street, expansive sidewalk-obstructing semi-permanent structures and rubbish-strewn streets across from the new behavioral health crisis center, broken street signage, multiple flagrant sit--lie law and trespassing violations, homeless encampments on city-owned property, multiple instances of mid-block jaywalkers interfering with oncoming traffic, persistent alms-beggars in the median of Vineyard Boulevard at Pali Highway, on-duty private security personnel on Fort Street Mall focusing on personal phones rather than surroundings, extensive wall and plate-glass graffiti, and multiple illegal feral-bird feedings and the swarming consequences thereof. Lye invited the public to join the patrol on the second Tuesday of every month, departing at 7:00 pm from outside the Diamond Head Tower lobby of Kukui Plaza [GPS: 1261 Fort Street]. Please bring a friend and a camera, join the patrol, and help identify areas of concern within the community.
Thursday 7 March 2024 Regular Meeting Written Summary of Video Record as posted in NB 13 Google Drive folder for April 2024-- [1:58:18]: [1:59:30] -- Armstrong MOVED and Fitzsimmons SECONDED to approve the Written Summary of the Video Record as circulated by Secretary Lye and amended; the motion was ADOPTED 9--0--0 (Aye: Armstrong, Caravalho, Fitzsimmons, Isokane, Lye, McCarney, McDonald, Shubert-Kwock, Thompson; Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [2:00:29]
VIII. NEW BUSINESS -- [2:00:34]
Letter in Support of Bills 57 & 58 (2023) Regarding Efforts to Shut down Illegal Game Rooms and City and County of Honolulu Resolution 23-228 -- [2:00:34]: Chair Caravalho re-introduced a letter expressing support for efforts by the City to combat illegal game rooms and noted a floor draft with preliminary amendments drafted by Lye. Luzor informed the Board that pertinent bills were deferred during the most recent committee meeting while further research is conducted. After a brief discussion, action on this item was deferred to the next meeting.
Downtown--Chinatown Neighborhood Board № 13 Resolution 2024-001 -- High-impact blue-light presence by Honolulu Police Department in Downtown-Chinatown to address ongoing concerns about diminished safety and livability -- [2:03:40]: [2:03:40] Kevin Lye introduced the resolution requesting that HPD investigate available technologies to imply a police presence at strategic times and places within the community in an effort to deter late-night public noise disturbances and nightly highway motorcycle races.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed. -- [2:07:04] [2:14:34] -- Isokane MOVED and McCarney SECONDED to adopt Resolution 2024-001; discussion followed. The motion was NOT ADOPTED 1--7--1 (Aye: Lye; Nay: Caravalho, Fitzsimmons, Isokane, McCarney, McDonald, Shubert-Kwock, Thompson; Abstain: Armstrong). -- [2:21:35]
Chair's Report-- Proposed Border Changes with Kalihi--Palama on ‘A‘ala Park and Iwilei; Community Walk Update and Clean Up Project for NB 13 -- [2:23:10]: Chair Caravalho announced the following: (1) consideration of amending the NB 13 and NB 15 boundaries will be postponed in light of the emergency recess of NB 15 following a March 2024 incident at their meeting; (2) NCO has acquired cleanup supplies so NB 13 should identify a date to organize their first cleanup; (3) another Community Walk is being organized for Saturday 22 June 2024; (4) the Board will need to recess or reschedule its 4 July 2024.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed. -- [2:23:44]
IX. ANNOUNCEMENTS -- [2:32:21]
Next Regular Meeting: The next regular meeting of the Downtown--Chinatown Neighborhood Board № 13 is scheduled for Thursday 2 May 2024 at 6:00 pm at the Princess Ruth Ke‘elikōlani Middle School and virtually by Webex.
Rebroadcasts and online archives: Downtown--Chinatown Neighborhood Board № 13 meetings are replayed on ‘Ōlelo channel 49 every third Thursday at 9:00 pm, as well as 9:00 am on the third Saturday of each month. An archive of past meetings may be found on by searching on [Downtown Board]. A subset of video records of NB 13 meetings may be found on
X. ADJOURNMENT -- [2:33:02]
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm.
Submitted by Dylan Buck, Neighborhood Assistant, NCO
Reviewed by Lindon Valenciano, Public Relations Assistant, NCO
Finalized by Kevin Lye, Secretary, Downtown--Chinatown Neighborhood Board № 13
To view agenda and minutes, visit our board website.
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