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Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board Meeting JULY 2024 Minutes
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TUESDAY, JULY 2, 2024 at 6:00 P.M.
Video recording of this meeting can be found at:
Reports & other meeting materials can be found at:
I. CALL TO ORDER -- [0:00:01]: 6:00 p.m.
Due to technical difficulties, the recording's audio was muted during the Call to Order section and was resolved when the Honolulu Police Department was introduced.
Chair Pro Tem Ernest Caravalho called the Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board No. 13 meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Quorum was established with 6 members present. Note: This 9-member Board requires 5 members to establish quorum and to take official Board action.
Members Present: Robert Armstrong, Ernest Caravalho, Ross Isokane, Kevin Lye, Lori McCarney, Chu Lan Shubert-Kwock, Sean Fitzsimmons (6:01 p.m.) and Kevin McDonald (6:02 p.m.).
Members Absent: Travis Thompson.
Guests: Lieutenant Arnold Sagucio, Captain Henry Robinson, and Major Paul Okamoto (Honolulu Police Department); State Senator Kurt Fevella (District 20); CM Tyler Dos Santos-Tam (District 6); Brendan Bailey (Hawaiian Electric Company); Julie Ode, Ronald Higa, Nicole Reid, Robert Quartero, Rick Keene (Residents); Camilia Epa Gomes (Neighborhood Commission Office). Note: Name was not included if not legible. There were 44 total attendees.
Fitzsimmons arrived at 6:01 p.m.; 7 members present.
Honolulu Fire Department -- [0:01:05]: No representative present. A report was submitted.
• Report:
Honolulu Police Department -- [0:01:13]: Lieutenant Arnold Sagucio provided the report and highlighted the following: monthly statistics for June 2024; Major Paul Okamoto expressed appreciation for the community's support during the power outage and discussed efforts to mitigate crime during that time.
• Crime Mapping Statistics:
McDonald arrived at 6:01 p.m.; 8 members present.
Questions, comments and concerns followed -- [0:04:00]
Elections of Officers -- Chair -- [0:10:55]: [0:11:00] -- Shubert-Kwock nominated Caravalho for Chair. Hearing no other nominations, the board conducted a roll call vote. Caravalho was elected Chair; 7-0-1 (Aye: Caravalho, Armstrong, Fitzsimmons, Isokane, McCarney, Lye, Shubert-Kwock; Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [0:12:18]
Elections of Officers -- Vice Chair -- [0:12:20]: [0:12:24] -- Shubert-Kwock nominated Fitzsimmons for Vice Chair. Hearing no other nominations, the board conducted a roll call vote. Fitzsimmons was elected Vice Chair; 8-0-0 (Aye: Caravalho, Armstrong, Fitzsimmons, Isokane, McCarney, Lye, McDonald, Shubert-Kwock; Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [0:13:24]
Elections of Officers -- Secretary -- [0:13:25]: [0:13:28] -- Shubert-Kwock nominated Isokane for Secretary. [0:13:40] -- Lye self-nominated for Secretary. Hearing no other nominations, the board conducted a roll call vote. Isokane was elected Secretary; 5-3-0 (Isokane: Caravalho, Fitzsimmons, Isokane, Shubert-Kwock, McCarney; Lye: Armstrong, McDonald, Lye; Abstain: None) -- [0:14:53]
Elections of Officers -- Treasurer -- [0:15:13]: [0:15:23] -- Lye nominated himself for Treasurer. [0:15:30] -- Caravalho nominated Shubert-Kwock for Treasurer. Hearing no other nominations, the board conducted a roll call vote. As neither candidate received a quorum of votes, this item was deferred to the next meeting; 4-4-0 (Lye: Armstrong, Lye, McCarney, McDonald; Shubert-Kwock: Fitzsimmons, Isokane, Shubert-Kwock, Caravalho; Abstain: None) -- [0:18:44]
Determination of Recess Schedule -- Up to three (3) per year -- [0:16:50]: [0:18:20] -- Hearing no objections, the Board will recess their Regular Board Meeting in January 2025; 8-0-0 (Aye: Armstrong, Caravalho, Fitzsimmons, Isokane, McDonald, McCarney, Lye, Shubert-Kwock; Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [0:18:38]
Meeting, Date, Time, Location, and Format (Virtual Component) -- [0:18:45]: [0:18:50] -- Hearing no objections, the Board will retain their previous term's meeting date/time/location/format of the first Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Princess Ruth Ke'elikolani Middle School and virtually via Webex; 8-0-0 (Aye: Armstrong, Caravalho, Fitzsimmons, Isokane, McDonald, McCarney, Lye, Shubert-Kwock; Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [0:19:03]
Adoption of Oral Testimony Rules -- [0:19:18]: [0:19:20] -- Hearing no objections, the public concerns, questions, and comments are limited to two (2) minutes each and the Board questions, and comments are limited to one (1) minute; 8-0-0 (Aye: Armstrong, Caravalho, Fitzsimmons, Isokane, McDonald, McCarney, Lye, Shubert-Kwock; Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [0:20:30]
Presentation Rules -- [0:20:32]: [0:20:35] -- Hearing no objections, presentations of materials are only permitted by presenters listed on the agenda or by the Neighborhood Board Assistant and officers on behalf of the presenter. Those providing presentations are urged to keep their presentations under 10 minutes unless authorized by the Chair. Discussion followed; 8-0-0 (Aye: Armstrong, Caravalho, Fitzsimmons, Isokane, McDonald, McCarney, Lye, Shubert-Kwock; Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [0:21:35]
Board Notes -- [0:21:38]: Chair Caravalho shared a reminder that the Board may take action on any agenda item. As required by the State Sunshine Law (HRS 92), specific issues not noted on this agenda cannot be voted on, unless allowed for under HRS 92.
Questions, comments and concerns followed -- [0:22:16]
IV. PRESENTATION -- [0:25:38]
Downtown-Chinatown Update and Discussion from Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) -- [0:25:48]: Brendan Bailey (Vice President of Customer Service for HECO) addressed the recent outages and efforts to assist affected customers in the Downtown-Chinatown district. The investigation is still ongoing to find the root cause of the power outages and HECO will update the public within the next few months. HECO has been working with their residential and commercial customers to file claims for their losses. HECO is working on inspecting and updating their equipment and replacing aging infrastructure. HECO is working on adding backup transformers to prevent future outages.
Questions, comments and concerns followed -- [0:29:08]
V. PUBLIC CONCERNS -- [1:14:39]
Emergency Medical Services Response to Residential Building -- [1:14:54]: A resident raised a concern that EMS responders had difficulty entering his residential building emergency stairwell in response to a call from a resident.
No Elected Officials Reports -- [1:15:50]: Member Shubert-Kwock inquired if there are any monthly elected official reports for the meeting and if there will be reports next month.
Shubert-Kwock left at 7:16 p.m.; 7 members present.
Homeless Encampments in Kamali'i Mini Park -- [1:16:50]: Member Lye shared that the park has ongoing public encampments on the property which violates the park rules.
Thursday, May 2, 2024, Regular Meeting Written Summary for Video Record -- [1:19:11]: [1:19:33] -- Lye MOVED and Fitzsimmons SECONDED to approve the Written Summary for Video Record as amended and circulated by Secretary Lye. Hearing no objections or abstentions, the Written Summary for Video Record was ADOPTED as amended; 7-0-0 (Aye: Armstrong, Fitzsimmons, Isokane, Lye, McCarney, McDonald, Caravalho: Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [1:20:08]
Thursday, June 6, 2024, Regular Meeting Written Summary for Video Record -- [1:20:10]: [1:20:25] -- Armstrong MOVED and Fitzsimmons SECONDED to approve the Written Summary for Video Record as amended and circulated by Secretary Lye. Hearing no objections or abstentions, the Written Summary for Video Record was ADOPTED as amended; 7-0-0 (Aye: Armstrong, Fitzsimmons, Isokane, Lye, McCarney, McDonald, Caravalho: Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [1:20:38]
The Downtown--Chinatown Neighborhood Board No.13 is scheduled for Thursday, August 1, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at Ke'elikolani Middle School and virtually via Webex.
YouTube -- An archive of video recordings of Neighborhood Board meetings can be found at:
Rebroadcasts of Downtown--Chinatown Neighborhood Board No.13 meetings are scheduled on ʻŌlelo channel 49 for every third Thursday at 9:00 p.m., as well as 9:00 a.m. on the fourth Saturday of each month. An archive of past meetings may be found on by searching on <Downtown Chinatown>.
VIII. ADJOURNMENT -- [1:21:25]: The meeting was adjourned at 7:22 p.m.
Submitted by: Camilia Epa Gomes, Neighborhood Assistant, NCO
Reviewed by: Dylan Buck, Community Relations Specialist, NCO
Finalized by: Ross Isokane, Secretary, Neighborhood Board No. 13
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