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Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board Meeting OCTOBER 2024 Minutes
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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2024 at 6:00 P.M.
Video recording of this meeting can be found at:
Reports & other meeting materials can be found at:
I. CALL TO ORDER -- [0:00:32]: 6:00 p.m.
Chair Ernest Caravalho called the Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board No. 13 meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Quorum was established with seven (7) members present. Note: This nine-member Board requires five (5) members to establish quorum and to take official Board action.
Members Present: Robert Armstrong, Ernest Caravalho, Sean Fitzsimmons, Ross Isokane, Kevin Lye, Chu Lan Shubert-Kwock, Laura Sturges, Kevin McDonald (arrived 6:04 p.m.)
Members Absent: Lori McCarney.
Guests: Fire Captain Mark Bates (Honolulu Fire Department); Lieutenant Arnold Sagucio (Honolulu Police Department); Ian Santee (Mayor Rick Blangiardi); Stephen Downes (Governor Josh Green); Irene Banao, Coranne Park-Chun (Honolulu City Lights Parade); Councilmember Tyler Dos Santos-Tam, Richmond Luzar, Jack Truesdale (Councilmember Tyler Dos Santos-Tam); Brayden Cheung (Senator Karl Rhoads); Gordon Wood, Solomon Enos, Tom Fee, Gail Renard, Geoffery Spangler (Hawaii Capitol Pools Improvement Project); Sandy Ma (League of Women Voters Legislative Committee); Kim Coco Iwamoto (House District 25 Representative Elect), Ronald Higa (Liliha Neighborhood Board No.14); Lee Stack, Bell Deville, Harlen Shephard, Bobby Cuadra, Nicole Reid, Chris Kinimaka (Residents); Camilia Epa Gomes (Neighborhood Commission Office). Note: Name was not included if not legible. There were 30 total attendees.
Chair's Announcements -- [0:01:23]: Chair Caravalho shared that due to a misinterpretation on his part, the Board will need to give their approval if they would like to add a presentation from DTS on the Honolulu City Lights Parade to the agenda. Chair Caravalho shared that Brendan Bailey from Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) is unable to attend the Board meeting because HECO still needs time to complete their report. Chair Caravalho was notified from the presenter Greg Payton, that the presentation for Mental Health Kokua opening of the Edwin Thomas Building at 41 S. Beretania St. is not complete and will not be presented at the Board meeting. Chair Caravalho shared the Board will need to make a motion in order to allow Irene from DTS for the Honolulu City Lights Parade to be able to present.
Questions, comments and concerns followed -- [0:02:32]
Member McDonald joined the meeting at 6:04 p.m.; 8 members present.
[0:03:46] -- Shubert-Kwock MOVED and Fitzsimmons SECONDED to add Irene from Department of Transportation presentation for the Honolulu City Lights to the Board's agenda. Discussion followed. Hearing no further discussion, the board conducted a roll-call vote. The motion was ADOPTED; 6-2-0 (Aye: Fitzsimmons, Isokane, McDonald, Shubert-Kwock, Sturges, Caravalho; Nay: Armstrong, Lye; Abstain: None) -- [0:08:50]
Chair's Announcements -- Continued -- [0:09:00]: Chair Caravalho apologized to his Board members for interrupting them while they ask their questions to the representatives. He shared that moving forward, he would like to request for future presenters to listen to board members as they speak and to not interrupt the board members when they ask their questions.
Honolulu Fire Department -- [0:09:46]: Fire Captain Bates provided the report and shared the monthly statistics for September 2024. The safety tip for the month is in regards to fire alarms.
• Report:
Questions, comments and concerns followed -- [0:11:15]
Honolulu Police Department -- [0:12:08]: Lieutenant Arnold Sagucio provided the report and shared the monthly statistics for September 2024. There were no criminal breaches to report. Lt. Sagucio shared there will be a Solidarity March for Palestine on Saturday, October 5, 2024 at noon which will begin at Atkinson Drive entrance of Ala Moana Beach Park and end in Waikiki. Lt. Sagucio advised drivers to prepare accordingly. The Pride Parade will be on Saturday, October 19, 2024. The parade will start at 4:00 p.m. and begin at Ala Moana Beach Park and end in Waikiki. The safety tip for the month is in regards to food tampering involving candies and treats for individuals trick-or-treating for Halloween.
• Crime Mapping Statistics:
Questions, comments and concerns followed -- [0:15:30]
III. PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION -- [0:18:18]: Chair Caravalho announced that the presentation of certificate of recognition will be deferred to next month due to the special guest unable to attend the meeting.
Hawaiian Electric Follow up -- [0:18:28]: Chair Caravalho shared that the HECO follow-up will be deferred to next month due to HECO needing more time to finalize their report.
Honolulu City Lights Parade -- [0:18:40]: Irene from Department of Transportation provided a flyer which she noted will also be distributed in November to all business and property owners who will be affected during the set-up and closure for the parade. The annual parade will be celebrating their 40th year and will be held on Saturday, December 7, 2024. The parade will start at 6:05 p.m. at ʻAʻala Park and go through S. King St. and end at Honolulu Hale. The parade route will close progressively and re-open progressively after the parade. The police, street sweepers, and traffic coning utility vehicles will be following the end of the parade and release traffic gradually. Irene shared at 11:00 a.m. on the same day of the parade, Punchbowl St. will be closed for a separate event not associated with the parade.
Questions, comments and concerns followed -- [0:21:14]
[0:23:08] -- Shubert-Kwock MOVED and Fitzsimmons SECONDED to support the Honolulu City Light Parade on Saturday, December 7, 2024. Discussion followed. Hearing no further discussion, the motion was ADOPTED; 7-0-1 (Aye: Armstrong, Fitzsimmons, Isokane, McDonald, Shubert-Kwock, Sturges, Caravalho; Nay: Lye; Abstain: None) -- [0:24:50]
Fort Street Mall Project: Wahi Pana/Hawaii Triennial Public Art Exhibition -- [0:25:50]: Marion Cadora and Kaʻili from the Mayor's Office of Culture and Arts as well as partners for the project were present to speak about the project. Before the presentation started, Kaili shared a short announcement of the signage that was designed and developed for the Chinatown district. These signs will alert residents, business owners, and visitors that there are security cameras monitoring activity in the area. The Honolulu Mayor's Office of Culture and Arts leads the Wahi Pana project along with multiple collaborators. The project received a $1 million grant from Bloomberg Philanthropies public art challenge. This project will feature art installations throughout all of Oahu that connect key tourist destinations with their indigenous Native Hawaiian mo'olelo (stories). The stories will be interpreted through the art installations. The areas under consideration for the art installations is Kekaulike Mall and Fort Street Mall. This project will create an opportunity for visitors and residents to access critical and complex stories of places they visit on the island. The project is currently working with the City Department of Planning and Permit for a special district permit to propose these ideas. Background information was shared about the local artists creating the art installations and the inspiration behind the proposed artwork for the Downtown-Chinatown district.
Questions, comments and concerns followed -- [0:35:43]
[0:40:37] -- Armstrong MOVED and Shubert-Kwock SECONDED to support the Fort Street Mall Project: Wahi Pana/Hawaii Triennial Public Art Exhibition. Hearing no objection, the motion was ADOPTED; 8-0-0 (Aye: Armstrong, Fitzsimmons, Isokane, Lye, McDonald, Shubert-Kwock, Sturges, Caravalho; Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [0:40:50]
Mental Health Kōkua opening of the Edwin Thomas Building at 41 S. Beretania Street: No representative present.
Hawaiʻi State Capitol Pools Improvement Project -- [0:41:00]: Gordon Wood (Administrator, State Department of Accounting and General Services -- Public Works division), presented a PowerPoint presentation on a state project that is still in the planning phase to help repair the pools around the Hawaii State Capitol. Gordon Wood and his team along with the commissioned artist Solomon Enos shared information on the purpose and inspiration behind the proposed artwork. The Hawaii State Capitol Building is unique among U.S State Capitols with architectural elements to represent Hawaiʻi's landscapes, features, and society. Mr. Wood shared PowerPoint slides of the history of issues and repairs caused by the pools which also caused corrosion of the building structure over many years. The new proposed project will aim to reduce maintenance requirements, preserve the structure, and respect the original design intent. The project will use modern glass installations that is durable and easily maintained. This glass method is already used in the Capital district at the Capital modern. The project is also reversible should water filled pools become feasible again. Solomon Enos was present to share his intent and vison of the community artwork design for the Hawaiʻi State Capitol Pool. Mr. Wood showed the project timeline for the City's special district permit. The Major Special District Permit process requires the City Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) to host a public hearing on the application which is anticipated to be in January 2025. DPP will schedule the hearing and provide signage posting on the Capitol grounds.
• Presentation:
Questions, comments and concerns followed -- [0:54:00]
[1:01:38] -- Armstrong MOVED and Sturges SECONDED to support the Hawaiʻi State Capitol Pools Improvement Project. Discussion followed. Hearing no further discussion, the board conducted a roll-call vote. The motion was ADOPTED; 6-1-1 (Aye: Armstrong, Fitzsimmons, Lye, Shubert-Kwock, Sturges, Caravalho; Nay: McDonald; Abstain: Isokane) -- [1:06:57]
[1:08:05] -- Isokane MOVED and Shubert-Kwock SECONDED to allow Councilmember Dos Santos-Tam report to be moved up on the agenda. Hearing no objection, the motion was ADOPTED; 8-0-0 (Aye: Armstrong, Fitzsimmons, Isokane, Lye, McDonald, Shubert-Kwock, Sturges, Caravalho; Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [1:08:17]
Hearing no objections, Chair Carvalho took the agenda out of order to hear item VII.D. City Council (District 6) -- Tyler Dos Santos at this time.
City Council (District 6) -- Tyler Dos Santos-Tam -- [1:08:21]: Councilmember Dos Santos-Tam provided the report and introduced his newest team member, Jack Truesdale, who will be replacing Richmond Luzar to provide reports to the Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board. CM Dos-Santos Tam will continue his efforts for adaptive reuse of Downtown buildings. Bill 51(24) (relating to adaptive reuse) is currently in the process and has a task force working on adaptive reuse to make sure the Bill will facilitate the conversion of office buildings. Hawaii Pacific Universityʻs former library was converted (1060 Bishop St. Honolulu, HI 96816) to 52 units for Hawaii residents who make below one hundred percent area medium income (AMI). RES24-203 (requesting the City administration to designate the Department of Transportation Services as the primary governmental authority having jursidiction over Fort Street Mall and Union Mall) passed in City Council. CM Dos-Santos Tam shared about the impacts of the Iwilei homeless kauhale.
Questions, comments and concerns followed -- [1:13:10]
City Council (District 6) -- Tyler Dos Santos-Tam -- Continued -- [1:17:16]: Councilmember Dos Santos-Tam continued his report and shared that Bill 50(24) (relating to parades, street festivals, and other activities) will go through second reading in City Council on Wednesday, October 9, 2024. Bill 50(24) will be revised in the transportation committee when it returns from City Council to address a number of community concerns raised on the bill.
• Newsletter:
Questions, comments and concerns followed -- [1:19:30]
V. BOARD BUSINESS -- [1:34:19]
Resolution 2024-05 Urging additional government reforms recommended by the Commission to improve standards of conduct -- [1:34:19]: Chair Caravalho shared that the resolution is in the Board's Google Drive for the public to view.
Presentation by League of Women Voters Legislative Committee -- [1:34:40]: Sandy Ma (member of League of Women Voters of Hawaii) offered comments on the proposed Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board Resolution 2024-05.
Questions, comments and concerns followed -- [1:40:47]
Shubert-Kwock left at 7:41 p.m.; 7 members present.
Continuation of discussion of Resolution 2024-05 -- [1:47:49]: Chair Caravalho shared that in the Board's Google Drive there are two drafts for the resolution that the Board can review.
Questions, comments and concerns followed -- [1:48:23]
[1:54:15] -- Lye MOVED and Armstrong SECONDED to support Resolution 2024-05 Draft No.1 with the three resolved clauses and the technical amendments as noted verbally by Representative Kim Coco Iwamoto and the two typographic amendments that were mentioned by Kevin Lye. Hearing no objection, the motion was ADOPTED; 7-0-0 (Aye: Armstrong, Fitzsimmons, Isokane, Lye, McDonald, Sturges, Caravalho; Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [1:55:10]
Update on City Council Bill 50 (2024) Relating to Parades, Street Festivals, and Other Activities (specifically as the current bill's language could impact Downtown-Chinatown) -- [1:55:30]: Member Isokane shared that Hallowbaloo will not occur this year. The organizer for Hallowbaloo withdrew his permit. Member Isokane mentioned the Board did pass a resolution this year to support community events in the Downtown-Chinatown district. The district has lost out on various legacy community events that brought people to the community. The draft for Bill 50(24) was introduced in August 2024 and imposed certain rules and restrictions that make it difficult for the district to hold community events.
Questions, comments and concerns followed -- [1:457:30]
[1:58:00] -- McDonald MOVED and Sturges SECONDED the Board to not support Bill 50(24). Discussion followed. McDonald withdrew his original motion. [1:59:04] -- McDonald MOVED and Sturges SECONDED the Board to not support Bill 50(24) as written. Discussion followed. McDonald withdrew his motion. [2:11:50] -- McDonald MOVED and Sturges SECONDED the Board to not support Bill 50(24) for the reasons that it sends funds to Waikiki for events held in the Downtown-Chinatown District and additionally, the bill is too restrictive of events that might want to be held in Chinatown. Hearing no further discussion, the motion was ADOPTED; 7-0-0 (Aye: Armstrong, Fitzsimmons, Isokane, Lye, McDonald, Sturges, Caravalho; Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [2:12:50]
VI. PUBLIC CONCERNS -- [2:13:00]
Autumn Moon Festival Follow-Up -- [2:13:20]: Lee Stack provided a report on the Autumn Moon Festival that occurred in September. It was estimated that about a thousand people came to the event in Smith Beretania Park. There were over a hundred lanterns in Chinatown. Lee Stack expressed her appreciation for Member Shubert-Kwock for her years of service for the Board and for the Chinatown community.
Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort -- [2:14:36]: Bell (Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort employee) shared that the Local 5 Union employees at the resort are on strike due to the unfair pay and work conditions. There are roughly 275 Local 5 Union members that currently live in the Downtown-Chinatown district. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the resort has been raising room rates, resort fees, parting fees, as well as number of other costs while cutting services. The current pay for most employees is not enough to keep up with the rising costs of living in Hawaiʻi. The Local 5 Union workers at the resort are asking for support and understanding.
Request for Bus Lane -- [2:19:05]: Harlen Shephard shared seniors and individuals with accessibility issues have difficulty boarding on and off the public bus on Bishop St. and Alakea St. These bus stops are crowded with motor vehicles, which creates challenges for the public bus to reach the accessibility curb of the bus stop. Harlen Shephard requested the Board to consider supporting the creation of a bus lane along segments of Bishop St. and Alakea St.
Congressman Ed Case's Representative -- [2:20:23]: No representative present.
Governor Josh Green's Representative -- [2:20:32]: Steven Downes provided the report and shared follow-up responses to questions raised at last month's meeting.
• Newsletter:
Questions, comments and concerns followed -- [2:22:35]
Mayor Rick Blangiardi's Representative -- [2:24:14]: Deputy Director Ian Santee (Honolulu Emergency Services Department) provided the report and shared highlights from the monthly newsletter for October 2024 and follow-up responses to questions raised at last month's meeting.
• Newsletter:
Questions, comments and concerns followed -- [2:28:00]
State Senate (District 13) -- Karl Rhoads -- [2:35:00]: Brayden Cheung provided the report and shared covid-19 updates. Capital Improvement Project funds was released to the Hawaii State Library for a building assessment and master plan.
Questions, comments and concerns followed -- [2:36:05]
State House (District 26) -- Scott Saiki -- [2:40:16]: No representative present. A report was submitted.
• Report:
State House (District 28) -- Daniel Holt -- [2:40:20]: No representative present.
Chinatown Business Community Association (CBCA) -- [2:40:31]: No representative present. A report was submitted.
Neighborhood Citizen Patrol -- [2:40:36]: Kevin Lye deferred his report to the next Board meeting.
Thursday, September 5, 2024, Regular Meeting Written Summary for Video Record -- [2:41:05]: [2:41:24] -- Isokane MOVED and Sturges SECONDED to approve the Written Summary for Video Record with the amendments stated by Member Lye. Discussion followed. The board conducted a roll-call vote. The motion was ADOPTED; 5-2-0 (Aye: Armstrong, Fitzsimmons, Lye, Sturges, McDonald; Nay: Isokane Caravalho; Abstain: None) -- [2:47:20]
X. CHAIRS REPORT -- [2:47:30]
Board Member written request(s) to include topics on the next regular meeting's agenda; inclusion for next month to be decided by Board vote per Neighborhood Plan §2-14-111(c) -- [2:47:50]: Due to the lack of time, this item was deferred.
i. Board Member Lye: Proposal to re-implement equitable per-item and per-speaker on-screen timers for NB 13 as per best practices.
ii. Board member Lye: Amendments to Regular Meeting Written Summary for Video Record for the months of July 2024 and August 2024 (previously adopted by the board in September 2024)
[2:53:15] -- McDonald MOVED and Isokane SECONDED to defer the vote and discussion for items under X. Chair's Report to the Board's November 2024 meeting. Hearing no objection, the motion was ADOPTED; 7-0-0 (Aye: Armstrong, Fitzsimmons, Isokane, Lye, McDonald, Sturges, Caravalho; Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [2:54:00]
The next Downtown--Chinatown Neighborhood Board No.13 regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 7, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at Ke'elikolani Middle School and virtually via Webex.
YouTube -- An archive of video recordings of Neighborhood Board meetings can be found at:
Rebroadcasts of Downtown--Chinatown Neighborhood Board No.13 meetings are scheduled on ʻŌlelo channel 49 for every third Thursday at 9:00 p.m., as well as 9:00 a.m. on the fourth Saturday of each month. An archive of past meetings may be found on by searching on <Downtown Chinatown>.
XII. ADJOURNMENT -- [2:54:35]: The meeting was adjourned at 8:54 p.m.
Submitted by: Camilia Epa Gomes, Neighborhood Assistant, NCO
Reviewed by: Dylan Buck, Community Relations Specialist, NCO
Finalized by: Ross Isokane, Secretary, Neighborhood Board No.13
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